Community > Posts By > texastigress
What do you believe??
You took the words right out of my mouth. I'm with you, sister! My last boyfriend's father is a Methodist minister and one of the biggest hypocrites/liars around along with his wife. The ex was aware of the fact that his father bald-faced LIED to me and wasn't happy about it. Did he do anything about it? Nope. All the ex told me was "If you don't want to have anything to do with my parents, I understand." What's even worse, the ex flat out told me that his father doesn't even BELIEVE anything that he preaches about...being a minister is just a JOB. Can you believe it? Being exposed to people like that in the last 9 years has made me more LEARY about people who say they're good Christians because they go to church and I'm going straight to hell. I don't understand why these people think this way - sin all week, go to church, get absolved of all sin they committed all week, then do it all over again. It's okay because God forgave them the last time. This does not compute...this does not compute...totally illogical...
drove 9 hours for nada
CBG, if you can't say anything nice, don't say it at all. All I did was GENERALIZE and I can EMPATHIZE with Sugar without saying I would do this and that to the guy who stood her up after she drove all that way. I don't recall specifically pointing you out in my original post. She deserved better as do I, you and the rest of us on here. I specifically put in my profile that I didn't have or want to play games and some guys took that as being "open season" on jerking me around. All I want (as well as Sugar and lots of other women and men on this and other sites) is for someone who is as serious as I/we am/are about finding someone nice to spend time with and possibly even out lives together. Is that so wrong? So, do you do you feel better by calling me hypocritical and negative and that I write BS? I only write the truth, as did Sugar and the other women on here.
drove 9 hours for nada
CBD, thanks for showing all of us women on here what type of guy you really are...the type that likes to call women names. Classy!
drove 9 hours for nada
CBD also said "dont get carried away tigress just as many scandolous girls for sure".
In my experience, I've only broken a meeting ONCE - this was several years ago when my mother wasn't doing well (she has since passed) and I emailed the guy 5 hours before the appointed time to meet to let him know that I couldn't make it because of the aforementioned. I didn't even have a phone number to call him at, so I was hoping for the best. I got a nasty-gram email from him later a few days later when he said that he waited for me for 2 hours and I never showed up. Then he mentioned that he didn't have his own personal computer and was using the one at work to communicate. How was I supposed to know that since he never bothered to mention that before. Needless to say, I told him that if he bothered to look at the time stamp, then he could see that I tried to be COURTEOUS and to let him know that I couldn't make it. I've NEVER stood anyone up no matter what, but there have been times where I WISH I had. |
drove 9 hours for nada
CBD said "what a coward i would have found his place f***up his car, apartment and takin my chances of going to jail what an asshole".
Look at the pot calling the kettle black here. Talk about being carried away! At least I wouldn't resort to violence and destruction of personal property! |
drove 9 hours for nada
I agree with everyone's their loss. That goes the same for all the guys who has done this to all the women on this site. Women, WE'RE JUST TOO GOOD FOR THEM!!!
drove 9 hours for nada
Sorry that this happened to you. I had something similar happen to me earlier this year except I drove for about an hour (this was the half-way point between me and this guy) and the guy never showed up or called, much less email me to me know that he had an emergency. I'm going through the same thing with 1 man on here and one one another site except they live here in Austin. They say that they're available on the weekend and for me to give them a call, so I do a couple of times, leave messages and NADA. I just couldn't get these guys to commit to a day and time to meet when we did talk on the phone. THEN they call during the week wanting to meet that weekend and it's a vicious cycle all over again. I try to give these guys the benefit of a doubt, but this is the 2nd weekend they've both done this to me and I'm at the point to where I'm not going to answer their calls or acknowledge their emails. I have way too much to do than worry about them getting their jollies by jerking me and maybe some other women around. What's really bad about the whole thing is that they claim that they aren't like the other guys out there, but I'm beginning to believe that the ones who claim to be sincere are really players. :-(
I love the Moody Blues - Justin Hayward is dreamy. *sigh*
What would you do???????
Forget him. He's probably some kind of scam artist. Don't waste your time with him.