Community > Posts By > Moodygrl

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Mon 01/14/08 03:44 PM

Not much happening tonight in here...I think I'm going to try and do something productive...(now there's a first)..devil

(((Fresh))) ((((Creastions)))) (((Purple))) hope you still have electric...

Talk at you guys later..smokin flowerforyou

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Mon 01/14/08 03:25 PM

Please don't let Fresh go..Nooooo..sad sad
Who will play with me???..sad

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Mon 01/14/08 03:07 PM
Storm...I hear ya, sometimes just saying NO doesn't cut it!..grumble explode
I hate that when that happens...grumble

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Mon 01/14/08 03:05 PM
Maybe next time you won't miss out?...laugh smokin

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Mon 01/14/08 03:04 PM
<writing this down> it!!....I was too busy reading the thread and gettin' a kick out of it...but 'nough :tongue:

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Mon 01/14/08 03:02 PM
Yikes Purple...that bad huh?...hope you don't lose electric..that would be a bummer..noway

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Mon 01/14/08 03:02 PM
Dear Diary,

Please let me learn from Creations how to keep my cool!..I promise to be good...:tongue: drinker

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Mon 01/14/08 02:59 PM
lol..took long enough...laugh
Poor poor child....(my bad)...ok ok, I'm going to be good from here on out...devil :tongue:

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Mon 01/14/08 02:58 PM
Purple..I like your pic...creative...flowerforyou drinker

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Mon 01/14/08 02:57 PM
Oh's the little things that are entertaining.:tongue: flowerforyou drinker

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Mon 01/14/08 02:50 PM
Tell me about is beyond funny..and to think I keep going back to read it...sheesh, I need a life..grumble embarassed

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Mon 01/14/08 02:48 PM
LOL Fresh..You got that right...laugh laugh
Sheesh, I don't remember it being this dramatic when I went to H.S..noway

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Mon 01/14/08 02:46 PM
Dear Diary,

I think I just went back in time to High School...oooohhhh please let me be nice in the forums..uggghhhhhh!!!!!...smokin explode frown

(ok, feel better now)....bigsmile :tongue:

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Mon 01/14/08 02:03 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your friend...My prayers go out to his family...flowerforyou

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Mon 01/14/08 01:13 PM

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Mon 01/14/08 06:56 AM

I can say, with a degree of certainty, that good men will not advertise they are good men.

Rather, they display a strong, quiet integrity and let others judge them by words and actions. A good man will be seen by others as one... but he sees himself as just being "him".
I'm pretty much suspect of anyone claiming much of anything about themselves. I envision a guy standing on top of a building in tights and cape with his fists on his hips looking off into the sky...and saying 'I'm a hero!'

That only prompts a response of 'Yea right...Whatever' from me...

I agree...When one toots their horn, that leaves me feeling somewhat skeptical...noway :tongue:

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Sun 01/13/08 02:34 PM
oooops French Fries...

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Sun 01/13/08 02:34 PM
french frys...

Morning person or night?...

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Sun 01/13/08 02:27 PM
Sounds damn good...

Damn, I need to be careful, almost said damn a few times in the other posts...sheeesh...DAmn!!..devil sick :tongue:

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Sun 01/13/08 02:24 PM
Damn Lacie...No thanks!! damn blood has thinned out too damn much..drinker
Better you than me..oops I'm damn sorry..drinker :tongue:

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