Looking for...
Cool, you have hoodlems that look like monkeys. Hi, all.
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I have recieved flirts on that site that seem very out of the ordinary. I don't feel that I'm the greatist catch in the world but I don't think I'm bad one either. The people flirting seem to not be my type or a type that would normally be attracted to me. I was planning on joining anyway for month to try it out so I will tell you if it is ligit or not to save you a dime.
6 Days Without A Post!
HMM! Beer and Lemonade :p LOL
well that doesn't seem that bad the town house that I live in is 750 a month but after we split it it comes out to about 350 a month for everything. Well unfortunately I need to close the store I'll be back though. Thanks all It's been very nice meeting you all. --Redwulfe |
what can i do?
Wow that really sucks, Why is that people have to be such jack asses. The unfortunate part is that I don't know what you can do. The best you can is just tell you had nothing to do with that and try to move on. They are going to probably do it again though. how old are they? is one of them wanting to date her and is out to ruin you? I know that sounds like a sad thing but male pack mentality is a reality, especially in younger men.
Options: violence- Doesn't work you just look like a jerk usually. violence does not solve problems "." Retaliation- Makes you out to be as immature as the jag offs that did this to you. plus this will just perpetuate the situation further. Nothing- Doesn't sound like a great solution but maybe showing her you are above this and apologizing for it happening even though it isn't your fault. Fix the pipe though so she doesn't have to look at it every day. Other than that I'm tapped. Any women on here have some advice to help Husky out. |
6 Days Without A Post!
Sounds like you've got the right idea :) now where's the vodka :)
6 Days Without A Post!
No offense here, my life is pathetic at times :) but I like it. I am currently studying what I want, I work hard and get to see my kids when I can. I just broke up with my GF 2 weeks ago and I'm starting to think my life is actually picking up. I was scared at first and sad to see her go but I made the right decision and I'm feeling pretty good about it now. :)
6 Days Without A Post!
Singing- I royally suck at scrabble. So I play solitaire unfortunately I don't do well at that either. :) I'm glad to here someone is showing that computer guy what's up though. :)
My kids: 13, 12, 7 and 5. Two girls the younger ones and two boys. I hear Chicago and the surrounding area is pretty expensive to live in. I hope when I move up there in a couple of years that I can afford it. I used to go to a local karaoke night, it was allot of fun, I sing on occasion but I don't think I do as well as others. Since I started performing (I'm a magician) semi-professionally though I have allot more respect for those who do. It takes allot of guts to get up there and sing. I usually prefered to go and listen since I like to here different people perform. Lex- Thanks, I had a pretty decent social life before me and my ex got together. I just haven't been able to talk with people since we broke up, do to work and life. This site seems like its got allot of friendly people on it I think I will have fun meeting and talking to people here. Hopefully we can revive a Chicago area presence on these boards. I really appreciate you guys talking to me, I tend to get negative reactions to my pictures and I tend to be a pretty intimidating guy when people meet me at first but I'm just a big ol' southern Illinois corn feed teddy bear when you get to know me. :) |
6 Days Without A Post!
No not pathetic at all, I'm here because I'm a workaholic. I have two jobs one of them is a store that I own, but it doesn't make me enough money to be able to do it full time. I also go to school full time and have my kids that I try to spend my weekends with. All in all it is impossible for me to find social interaction with people a like. I can't stand the bar scene, being that it is dominated in my town with college kids at the university. I hate frat boys and sorority chicks. Well not them personally but their general mentality though.
So since I need to meet people that could potentially be some one I could have a relationship with coupled with the fact that I want to pre-screen them thoroughly before they are introduced into me and my children's lives, online seems like a pretty good option. My last girlfriend hurt my children and me pretty badly, I won't let that happen again. So no, I don't think being on here is pathetic, besides if I thought so, that would make me pathetic and (assumes a British accent) we can't have that now can we. :) What are your children's ages? If I get offensive, or too personal just tell me. I'm just glad that someone is talking to me. I know I'm not a leaper but these dating sites have made me feel so lately. Every one seems so uptight. I'm new to this so maybe I haven't been around long enough for people to warm up. |
How soon would you...?
I'm sorry to hear that things did not work out for you and the military man. It seemed like he really loved you. Making decisions that put what right first is always hard.
I have 4 beautiful children I love them dearly. My oldest child is not really my child his father didn't want anything to do with him so I have raised him since he was 3 months old. He's just a kid and he needs a father. My ex- did not like kids when I first meet her 3 years ago. When I found out she didn't like children I was going to break it off right then and there but she begged my to give it a try and let her try to learn to love my children. I said yes, It was a horrible mistake. I'm just glad that I do not live with my children so they were not exposed to her, much. This is hindsight talking, I know that sound's like I'm a bad person but she broke my little girls heart when she would not visit. That was what broke us up. I tried to make it work but in the end she can't be with me because she's no good for them. I can't have someone in my life that hurts or disrupts my children's life, no matter how much I love them. Children come first, you knew that and you made the right choice. I hope you find someone that is great for you and your children, I think you deserve that. |
6 Days Without A Post!
Completely true at least you have a life. I have good memories if life was rough I might not have had those times that showed me what I was worth or what I could accomplish when my back was against the wall.
I like T-shirts with sayings on them that match my mood for the day. My favorite is "Never knock on death's door. Ring the doorbell and run, he hates that." My newest shirt is going to say, which is relevant to this conversation, "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming WOW! ...What a ride!" Although I like this I'm a bit more cautious with myself but I do believe that you should live your life by living and not by dieing. I've got more memories to make. Love the quote. Lol. and your right tomorrow is always a new day. You seem to be a very nice girl, I hope you find what your looking for on here. If you don't mind me asking why are you here on this site? If you do, just tell me so, I don't take offense to many things. |
Man! I thought I would have it locked with a coke can but you get my vote LOL. :) j/k
What does a guy have to do?
5000! Man! I just started. :(
What does a guy have to do?
Not just any ice cream, but Cold Stone ice cream. For those of you that don't have a Cold Stone near by, I would mail you some but I don't think it would make it to ya. :(
For guys
SS- I think the guy is a jerk and not worth your time. If he can't accept you and everything you are, you are selling yourself short.
As far as telling him something, I am a firm believer that you should always say something. It doesn't help you or him by not doing so. It gives you closure on the situation and you can just move on with your life, for him, if he cares, it gives him a reason and maybe next time he will wisen up and not treat someone like that. I doubt it but I am an eternal optimist. Keep your chin up! You are the one in the right not the other way around. Some people don't know how lucky they are, so find some one that will. |
6 Days Without A Post!
My spelling and grammar sucks, but it would be nice to be able to edit my posts after I catch the mistakes. :)
"no" should be "know", in the post above :) --Redwulfe |
6 Days Without A Post!
In the end knowing who you are and what you want is what will get you through the rough times. I am going into a rough field that may have severe ups and downs, but in the end I no I will survive. I just want to find someone to share the good times with. :)
--Redwulfe |
6 Days Without A Post!
Country music is good. I grew up in a small town (pop. 3200 and we wer the largest town for n hours drive in any direction) but found that I wanted something more to do than play video games at walmart (at least we had that), drive around and get hammered, or just get into trouble. I moved to Champaign and to me it's a big city but not too big. I don't know if I could handle Chicago. It's got lots to do, so I wouldn't be bored, but it seems you could get lost there easily. A lose of self, I mean, not directions. :) I do plan on moving when I graduate from school and I know that I will have to move to a big city but I'm not sure if will like it. I gues the grass is always greener but I'm not sure I'm lookig forward to True-Turf. :)
--Redwulfe |
6 Days Without A Post!
Lex- Thanks,
Singing- Not much, Just trying to get a conversation going. Taking yor screen name in to account. What's your favorite song to sing? I'm partial to musicals myself, memories from Cats, Seasons of Love and Le vi Bohem from Rent. As far as getting people to talk on here it may be a lost cause but I am willing to talk about nearly anything so start up a thread and I will be there. --Redwulfe |
6 Days Without A Post!
Hey Lex, you said you've been on lots of sites where people from the illinois area actualy talk with you. Are they dating sites? And if so wich ones?
Thanks in advance, --Redwulfe |
6 Days Without A Post!
Hey all I'm new to the site but not Illinois. I notice there seems to be a lack of replies to mails and forum post in here. It seems very typical of the Illinois crowd, that sucks, hopefully it will change sooner or later.