thank you all
Rapunzel sweetheart it is glr3404 and Daleray......, |
First Shrek found his Fiona(which is me)then she found the true meaning of love in his heart , Fiona was the only one that could unlock his heart as it was only meant for her. Since coming to coming to JSH I have seen what the support of good friends means, There are so many wonderful people here and so many that I am honored to call my friends. I was never sure if I would find what my heart was looking for, little did I know he would find me.
I have been blessed enough to find the one that god has chosen for me(thank you my daleray!)and with(that customary lump in mythroat) I asked my love to be my life partner, to spend our days on earth together as husband and wife! HE SAID YES, and with that I leave you with this prayer. *Jesus as the morning brings new happiness to our lives together, I ask that you bless our marriage and keep us in your love always. Jesus I ask that you watch over my love and keep him safe always. Jesus I ask that you always provide and show us a way. I thank you for showing me the rest of my life, everything there is for me is because of you. I will always do my best to follow as you wish and I will always hold your love in my heart. Jesus I ask that you provide for us, as you will always know better what we need. Jesus I ask that you take the worry from His heart and show him the light that will always guide him. Assure him that you will always provide and help him to see that. Jesus I ask that you always let him feel me right there next to him, even when I am not. Assure him that life is as you have chosen for us and that you love will shelter us always. In jesus name AMEN! |
Shrek has found Fiona
After being so blessed and touched by someone like you
Life is changed...forever seen through a different set of eyes. Eyes that see from the heart with your wisdom and kindness. Your heart is so trusting, your love is patient and kind. You seem to anticipate each new day with innocence and hope. Your very presence speaks of kindness, goodness and truth. You trust in what is good and you hold fast and true to your faith You are steadfast and confident with an unwavering trust in your tomorrows You always see the good and help others to find the good in themselves. Because of you, others have a renewed desire to share the kindness that They have received from you. You give hope and cause others to find hope that had long been forgotten Each and every day you are a blessing Your daily walk displays pure and unselfish love to others You are faithful and true, to yourself and to all you meet I want you to know how very special you are to me And how blessed I feel to have you in my life You are a precious and rare treasure. |
Shrek has found Fiona
Every once in a while
Something really great happens That makes the day a little sunnier And the flowers smell just a bit sweeter Like When I Met You Nothing has been the same since Everything is new with sweet anticipation The days are full of hopes and dreams And the nights are timeless treasures Nothing can take your place in my life Nothing is as wonderful as you |
Shrek has found Fiona
HE SAID YES!!!!!!!!!
DOING MY HAPPY DANCE........ Jesus I ask that you bless us with your love and guide us down the path that you have chosen for us, Jesus I thank you and bless your mighty name. I thank you for choosing this man for me, thank you for showing him my true heart. Jesus I thank you for providing for my love, he is thrilled with all that you have provided for us. Jesus I ask that you watch over Kevin and keep him safe, Jesus please enhance the joy and love that he feels everday. Jesus thank you for blessing us with your love and each other...I look forward to the morning and the day with you in my heart I ask that you watch over all of my family. Please allow me to have many days of happiness with the one of my heart. Please watch over him and keep him safe from harm and Jesus I ask that you hold him in your light and continue to show him your way as his own. We love and cherish your love and know that your love will bless ours. Jesus I thank you, for the love you have always intended for me. Kevin is a true blessing and I know that he loves me with his true heart. Jesus I ask that you watch over him and keep him safe. Jesus I ask that you give him back the smile that lights the whole world. In Jesus name AMEN!.. |
Shrek has found Fiona
that would be me
Shrek has found Fiona
Baby I love you....Will you marry me ?
She is leaving tomorrow.
Jesus I ask that you watch over their families and keep them safe in your arms, I ask that you see that she makes her trip safely and is able to safely return to her love as when all is said and done and you have called your children home she will need your love and his love to see her through. AMEN!
Shrek has found Fiona
First of all I just really want to say thankyou to every one! You all have been so nice to me and I definitely can see why he consders everyone his friend. You all are the best, and I am priveledged to consider you all friends.
Kevin Each day that passes I am more blessed and thankful than the one before. I realized something today. I have waited all my life to find you. And you know what is the funniest part, I don't really remember much about life without you. I am truly blessed and have never been happier. I cannot imagine my life without you and look foward to the future together. How do you know you love someone? Like a card I read once. The reasons I love you are never the same. Baby you are my world and i love you...... |
sounds like scrambled eggs and fried chicken to me...
Last one to the waffle house is a rotten egg |
Shrek has found Fiona
someone2hold said it best.....THANKS GIRLFRIEND!!!!
If someone makes you happy ~ don't hold back ~ make it happen Love ~ ~ Respect ~ ~ Commuicate DON'T HOLD BACK. NEVER EVER BE SCARED TO TELL SOMEONE YOU LOVE THEM. TAKE THAT CHANCE AND LET THEM KNOW HOW YOU FEEL, BECAUSE YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE TOMORROW.... I have spent many years wandering around through life living through heartache after heartache. Wondering if I would ever be blessed with the man that God has meant for me. I remember one night, stressing over a really bad day... I sat up in bed and prayed to GOD.. "God I know I am not supposed to ask for things I want. As you always proivde for me and make sure that my life has what I need , but things have been pretty rough lately and I am having a hard time dealing with it all. Now God I know that you never put me through any more than I can handle,it may not be in your plan right now, I understand if my life is not ready for the one you have intended for me. But could you at least help me out and make things a little easier to deal with?" Ladies and Gentlemen I am living proof that GOD hears all and answers your prayers. Because not only did he show me an easier way, He nudged that man in my direction and put spirit in his fingers and convinced him to write me here at JSH...... People always used to ask me what are you looking for, and my answer for that was always"The rest of my life" Kevin Baby; In you I know I have found the rest of my life, I thought I had lived a lifetime until we found each other. Now I know I have just been surviving in life until it was time for us to find each other. The first time you told me you loved me it took my breath away, and the tears of joy filled my eyes. The door opened and I let everything from the past go and I let myself love you. You are the smile on my face, and the love in my heart. I love you Kevin and I am blessed and priveledged that you love me. I Love you with all my heart and am proud to tell everyone that YOU ARE MY LOVE....! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR WELL WISHES AND THANK YOU GOD FOR MY DALERAY! I AM TRULY BLESSED!!!! |
Shrek has found Fiona
Thank you every body.....!!!!!! It took a long time, and they do say that good things are worth waiting for right? I love this man like I have never loved before, like everyday is brand new. He is the one that God intended to take my heart and make it his own. My love is yours baby!!!!!!
Shrek has found Fiona
Thank you Shrek! I love you sweetheart!!!!!!!!