WEll that sucks doesnt it !
So are there ANy cute girls under 30 that live in Jersey that would like to chat
britney spears
Since when is she british ? she from the south not London damn she is messed up!
Looking for the girl i can romance and spend my time. So someone tell me what I am doing wrong. Cause I havent foudn anyone yet. well no one has gotten back to me so there must be somthign wrong with me? okok... official translator.. imhere.. translation.. "Im looking for the girl that i can romance and spend my time with, as i have yet to find her, could someone please tell me what i am doing wrong? noone has gotten back to me yet, so there HAS to be something wrong with me right??"" NIce thats what I meant. Thanks I was typing kind of fast |
Looking for the girl i can romance and spend my time. So someone tell me what I am doing wrong. Cause I havent foudn anyone yet. well no one has gotten back to me so there must be somthign wrong with me?
Nj Milfs
Hey ladies I know Iam 24 but I lke ladies that a rea bit older then me :) so if any of youout there are looking for friendship or more with someone a litle younger then yourself let me know
Milfs of Nj
Hey ladies I know Iam 24 but I lke ladies that a rea bit older then me :) so if any of youout there are looking for friendship or more with someone a litle younger then yourself let me know
yea but i have been in pain and short of breath and i passed out twice today so there is somthign wrong with my lungs or chest.... Iam just freaking out really
I have been pains in my chest and trouble walking and getting lite headed so i went to the er today and there is some kind of growth on my lung the one doctor said that its most likely cancer. I then over heard him talking t my mom that if it is i might not have that long i have to go back tomorrow for more tests
not to sound creepy i just foudn out i have cancer and got like 6 months
I am goign to die alone
NJ skiers?
u have a son or daughter
NJ skiers?
NJ skiers?
I ski or board i can do both
NJ skiers?
aw not cool just want to ski
NJ skiers?
Iam to young to ski?
NJ skiers?
I go out to camelback in Pa jersey mountains are to small
Fake Profiles
WoW I didnt think a post of mine would take off like this one has ! not bad for like my 4th post. well i looking to meet new people so anyone feel free to email me
Fake Profiles
WOw you guys dont waste anytime on posting back do you
Fake Profiles
Ok why are they so many fake profiles on like every freaking dating site. I get all excited that these cute girls are talking to me then oh if you want to chat more hit me up here and its a website not her email or cell then you got to pay to view a cam its so messed up they should be banned somehow