Why can't he bring the child to his home? first thing I thought about the situation second thing is ... weekends is not equal visitation has it been through the courts? if court cases are still pending .... run like hell. |
There Is No Spoon
cold soup is just stuff soaked in water
Wrong Era
I would love to have been an adult in the 70's and seen Dawn of the Dead and Texas Chainsaw Massacre on the big screen when they were originally released. I was ... and those movies were flops at the theatre .. a blip that nobody really noticed while watching Exorcist and Solient Green. Not to mention Deer Hunter and Joe [real horror] I kind'a like the time I lived in ... was 6 feet away from Tina Turner in 67 while she sang with Ike and the Ikettes. experienced the original Dark Side of the Moon Concert, Thick as a Brick concert and Lamb Lies Down On Broadway concert. Hitched around Europe for half a year when Canadians were loved and hadn't become war mongers and third world exploiters yet. twas a good time. |
Anyone else think that we should just use the Earth for its Agricultural benefits and beauty and take to the sky in which we should of done years ago, or least be close to it by now? Food for thought. that's kinda what this whole topic is .... food for thought . just off hand though taking the header and answering it directly ... an acronym comes to mind .... SFA |
too sedintary sitting here with my laptop
Kingston, Belleville ex Fish
Wondering if there are other local ex PoF members here ... seeing if this place works better... though we must all know the internet dating thing is weak ... its still better than Friends reruns.
Never went to any of the events but I liked the idea... And I actually did have some dates and nothing huge grew from them but it sure beat no dates. It is hard to find someone to fit into an established life but with a little compromise we can at least keep involved with real people instead of computers. I have not given up ... and hope you haven't either. |
Dating after 50
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Thu 07/29/10 04:07 PM
Whats the biggest challege. I find its hard to merge. ![]() merging with established families is always a problem ... at any age. I find that old sense of now being where its at ... just doesn't come the way it did when I was younger and ... as for 19 year olds ... ![]() [dang ... just clicke on her profile and its deactivated ... guess once again I'm just taling to myself] |
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Thu 07/29/10 03:57 PM
Ahhhh! If the law says it's ok, age is just a number.. ![]() I think ya look gorgeous Ladylove, ![]() Can't say i've dated an 18 year old but certainly have been with 20-24 year olds since i turned 40,,i think they're young & vibrant with alot of energy to keep up..lol My only question would be if your from Burlington, why including the GTA? could be because if Mississauga is considered part of the GTA ... and by most people it is ... then Burlington is next door. |
Intoxicating aromas
gasoline can be quite intoxicating
so can shellac or laquer ... even laquer thinnner [nail polish remover] |
As time has passed you by
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Sun 07/25/10 09:31 AM
what is the most important thing you have learned? to think for myself ... and opinions are like azzholes everybody has one |
That's why I still use film. Computers crash, cds get scratched, memory sticks only work when you use them. I don't want to leave my happy moments to the whims of a computer. ![]() Hard Disks fail... Houses burn down... E-media or film, you're at risk of loosing them either way. But think of it this way: You can copy e-media inexpensively and give to your relatives or friends in case your copies go bad. Paper pictures are more expensive to copy and there's only one set of negatives. Bottom line is .. in a fire it's all gone anyway, film or disk. ![]() Unless you have a fire proof safe! ![]() it don't matter if your dead. but still that old Tripod website is out there in cyberspace with all kinds of sht on it. |
thinking about nipples
Where's Them Jobs At ... ?
I don't know how ... in one post someone can say all Government are worthless ... and then expect someone else to take their quote of a government representative as having any authority ...
it just makes no sense. as for the stupid stats going from when the bill passed and thinking that gives them authority is ... just that ... stupid. it takes at least 1 year for anything that is passed to actually start to show its real effect on the economy. Most of the time it takes 2-3 years. We may want immediate results ... but anything that looks like them is total b.s. coincidental hype. |
the forced purchase through insurance companies is extortion and should be changed.
But mandatory car insurance is not extortion? Is that because it promotes capitalism? No ... you just made that up as an implication of what I said to create a strawman argument. Actually health insurance and whatever cost will come out of tax revenue IS representative taxation – why? See below. No ... strawman argument spreads its fertalizer. the basic needs of the people should be met my a non profit organization possibly guided by the Medical Universities. ...
not by a for profit insurance company middle man From a recent report from the Commonwealth's Joing Committee on Public Health, Medicare will now provide an annual wellness visit that includes a risk assessment and a 5-10 year personalized prevention plan with no co-payment or deductible.
New Government Agencies o Establishes seven new offices of minority health within Health and Human Services agencies.(Effective upon enactment) o Creates a non-profit patient centered outcome research institute to advance comparative effectiveness research. (Effective upon enactment) o Create the State Balancing Incentive Program to provide enhanced federal matching payments to eligible states to increase the proportion of non-institutionally-based long-term care services. (Effective October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2015) Provides competitive grants to community based organizations and state and local agencies for community-based preventive and wellness activities. (Funds appropriated for 5 years beginning in 2010) Grants available for: o increasing healthy food options, physical activity opportunities and wellness curricula in schools; o creating the infrastructure to increase access to nutritious foods and healthy living; o increasing access to physical activity; o increasing access to smoking cessation; o improving social and emotional wellness; o enhancing safety in a community; o addressing chronic disease priority area identified by the grantee; o worksite wellness programming and incentives; o working to highlight healthy options at restaurants and other food venues; o prioritizing strategies to reduce racial and ethnic disparities, including social, economic, and geographic determinants of health; and o addressing special populations needs in both urban and rural areas That’s on top of each State’s setting up their own insurance exchange. And many hospitals are already non-profit. The need for more urgent care clinics will see a great increase in these kind nonprofit agencies. All of these agencies are primarily supported through Federal and State grants (entitlements). bytchin about funding is easy with total free speculation with no actual facts or figures. Totally meaningless in the strawman you are trying to build. Because these agencies are nonprofit they are public administrations and as such, how they are run is directed by Federal guidelines – which makes them a “representative” affiliate of government – public administration is often called the “fourth branch of government”. HENSE - Representative taxation. No ... again ... you just made that up as an implication of what I said to create a strawman argument. This causes a BIG problem for the tens of thousands of small nonprofits who provide millions of people with charitable services – because with all the money being re-directed into the new nonprofit agencies supporting health care – many thousands of those small business will fold – more unemployed. total speculation with no facts to back it up meaningless strawman argument Failure is in the eye of the beholder.
it will need fixes in the future just like every other legislation It will never be fixed because it will never be equal because our Constitution is focused on human ethics and because our civil rights laws extend to every individual in this country whether citizen, legal alien or illegal. So it will always be unjust – biased in favor of the non-tax payer. But so has every nonprofit agency and most of the medical field been so biased – and so have most Americans and so they will remain – it’s about human ethics. So I agree, failure is in the eye of the beholder – but just how much can our taxes be raised before we no longer see justice is supporting that ethical position? |
I am thinking ... Readers Digest should change its name to Readers Digress
Failure is in the eye of the beholder.
it will need fixes in the future just like every other legislation the forced purchase through insurance companies is extortion and should be changed. the basic needs of the people should be met my a non profit organization possibly guided by the Medical Universities. ... not by a for profit insurance company middle man |
I have a question....
most of those people are not looking down on us ...
they are looking in a puddle of mud at their own reflections. |
Where's Them Jobs At ... ?
Why am I not suprised by this reaction ... ? I'm not suRprised by yours ... just disappointed with the ignorant outbursts. and attempted strawman arguments relating to Socialism. Actually, unions need to disappear - they're just another Alinskyite mechanism for the advancement of Socialism ... the term 'collective bargaining' is a tip-off ... 'Collectivist' = 'Socialist' ... hint hint hint ... Unions have outlived any legitimate purpose can you see the attempted building of that strawman
they may have ever had you either know no history or just like to run at the mouth with implications to try and build your strawman argument … if you even know what that is
- they are strictly a collectivist enterprise designed to advance a political agenda and have NOTHING to do with making the life of the workers they 'represent' better ... All they want from the workers are the DUES ... nothing else matters to them so long as the money keeps coming in so they can support their DemoCom candidates ... It's time for unions to be abolished.
bitter outsiders just don't know ... they scream ... With false authority Want tariffs and protectionism but when faced with union protectionism ... they scream unfair they don’t even see how their own statement nullifies a previous statement in their strawman world. anyone know how to say ... double standard. If you don't understand about presidents or business agents or how CEO's actually do work. you sure couldn't understand about senators or representatives of government either ... and just bytch bytch bytch using FOX rhetoric with authority. … but no spell check |
chinese oil spill
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Wed 07/21/10 10:58 PM
I want more oil. All the alternative energy whacko's are living in a dreamland. And I want you and your buds to use oil more wisely for you are living in a whacko dreamland of unlimited excess. [or at least dreaming of it] |
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Wed 07/21/10 10:55 PM
Localized boom bust cycles of recessions go back past my lifetime.
recessions are not a super biggie its three in a row making a depression that the governments work to avoid. all growth bubbles set back ... the so called dot com bubble was very localized in the economy and didn't effect things like construction ... a leading indicator ... the way the recent one or the one in 1991 did in my region. other regions kept growing. this one is more global than the last few. It concerns a bigger picture than your little town or industry. [not that localized don't hurt ... but they don't bring down the beast ... like fears were rising about in the fall of 08] now our recovery has been stalled by Europe's crisis . you cannot expect to not be effected in some way ... investments wise. you neglect to remember the Japaneese stock crisis because it was more localized and has never been recovered from. China will be next with its own crisis. and India is just plugging along ... gwowing a huge middle class of educated people. [the real sleeper] not enough (I) senators .. party politics is a big part of the problems faced with running a government. |