Community > Posts By > tongueartist1

tongueartist1's photo
Thu 06/24/10 09:43 AM

to me and i know not to many.... my thoughts are a separation... is just that. its time to figure out how to be individual again and work in all the quirks for both your futures.. figure out what is best..

to me going to a reunion with her is not doing this.. it is leaving the option open... giving her hopes that it may work out.. its not letting go .

now if neither are ready to let go why is there even a separation?
would that not be still a couple and working on issues? a separation is not needed for that..
well the seperation is by the state if we have kids under 18 divorce is not final for a year r u seperate for a year and then file

tongueartist1's photo
Thu 06/24/10 09:05 AM

I guess it depends on the type of relationship yall still have? If there is tension or either of you is seeing someone else, then I would say it wouldn't be wise to go with her. Also, is she wanting to appear that everything is fine and dandy and yall are still together? Or does she just want you to go so she doesn't have to go alone? Either way it seems kinda awkward considering the circumstances? But if yall are still good friends then who knows?
i feel like she is trying to pertray that everything is ok. she has always been cocerned with what other people think of her

tongueartist1's photo
Thu 06/24/10 09:02 AM

Well your only separated depends on what kind of a relationship you still have .Go as friends and introduce yourselves that way .
well that is the problem we where highschool sweethearts and everyone knows we r married but i dont want to put our business out

tongueartist1's photo
Thu 06/24/10 08:24 AM
i waas married for 17 years and am now seperated for reasons to long to explain, but we still live in the same house for convinace for her to help me with my kids. she want s me to go to her 20 year reunion and i dont know what to do

tongueartist1's photo
Thu 06/24/10 07:25 AM
the democrats are so hypocitcal just 2 yearsa ago they where calling patreus a liar, and now they praise obama for putting him in charge

tongueartist1's photo
Thu 06/24/10 07:16 AM
now i am not claiming this to be true but i read somewhere that obama told a high ranking offical from egypt that he was still muslim. did anyone else hear about this. if it is true it explains alot of his actions over the last year

tongueartist1's photo
Thu 06/24/10 07:09 AM
so is it racism when a police officers pull me over and ask for insurance paper and drivers liscence.

tongueartist1's photo
Thu 06/24/10 07:02 AM
if it was a pofitable, someone in this world would come up with a way to get away from oil. government subsidees will not get the job done

tongueartist1's photo
Tue 06/22/10 09:33 AM
the party rolling over the voters r the problem

tongueartist1's photo
Tue 06/22/10 09:26 AM
dont u have to have limits for a budget anyway

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