Community > Posts By > Cambolaya65

Cambolaya65's photo
Thu 11/12/09 09:08 PM

Blindly follow what people tell them to do.
Like what a clique does huh?

You got it.
surprised slaphead surprised
(ignore troublemakers and they will go away)

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Cambolaya65's photo
Thu 11/12/09 05:27 PM
ok...i miss 107 degrees now.I saw a slug with a tiny umbrella today...

Cambolaya65's photo
Thu 11/12/09 05:00 PM
Shepherds frustrated

Cambolaya65's photo
Thu 11/12/09 01:31 PM

I thought it was funny that they thought no one would notice them using footage from a couple months ago.
so awesome,and the fact that hannity admitted the error and said it was unintentional.....classic.
It is beyond me that people chose one media outlet for their information.I watch MSNBC and Fox and attempt to find the true reality in all of it.Everything is divide and conquer.

Cambolaya65's photo
Thu 11/12/09 12:55 PM
Massages and vicodin

Cambolaya65's photo
Wed 11/11/09 05:35 PM
That top pic makes me....drool

Cambolaya65's photo
Wed 11/11/09 05:14 PM
I watched "Hard Candy" last night.surprised

Cambolaya65's photo
Wed 11/11/09 05:12 PM
He wants to get his wife on....drinker

Cambolaya65's photo
Wed 11/11/09 10:30 AM
what dementiawhat

Cambolaya65's photo
Tue 11/10/09 10:19 PM
If you see Mel Gibson and Danny Glover, RUN!!!!noway

Cambolaya65's photo
Tue 11/10/09 10:16 PM
They put me in the Old Oregonian pile.sad

Cambolaya65's photo
Tue 11/10/09 09:54 PM
Oh pleeeeeeze....slaphead I only have 6 more months of rain to suffer.

Cambolaya65's photo
Tue 11/10/09 09:45 PM
Dang rebels....pitchfork shades

Cambolaya65's photo
Tue 11/10/09 09:37 PM

vulnerable women? Yuk....I prefer to be groped by herds of bbws.slaphead

I have a few friends I could hook ya up with cambo :tongue:
Yesterday ya tricked me into dating the elderly,now it's large lovely ladies.When does it end?!?:tongue:

Cambolaya65's photo
Tue 11/10/09 09:33 PM
vulnerable women? Yuk....I prefer to be groped by herds of bbws.slaphead

Cambolaya65's photo
Tue 11/10/09 09:20 PM
I would elect term limits.PBR for all

drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks

Cambolaya65's photo
Tue 11/10/09 09:54 AM

Cambolaya65's photo
Tue 11/10/09 09:46 AM

Im a Buddhist-Christian omnivore selfish for me.drinker

Oregon is closedtongue2

selfish A-hole...hummm guess we all are to some degree aye?

and you are if you close Oregon.. tears you can't do that..!!!

C'mon, it will be fine, I'll fit right in..
you have to be able to smoke weed and drink coffee while bicycling through traffic.:wink:

Cambolaya65's photo
Tue 11/10/09 09:38 AM
Im a Buddhist-Christian omnivore selfish for me.drinker

Oregon is closedtongue2

Cambolaya65's photo
Tue 11/10/09 09:09 AM

1.Proximity to Mexico(food,migrant workers,vacation spots,weed)
2.a huge military(keeps us safe and blows sh_t up)
3.birthplace of fast food(nobody does it better)
4.God can be anything here(church of Elvis)
5.gazillions of beautiful women!

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