Never understand why so many females stick there tongue out when they have a photo taken ! Do they think it looks cute or sexy ! Most men I know think not ! (Men of a wide age group) ![]() Not trying to be rude here ............ but ....... duh!! Because it turns guys on!! Come on guys........when you see a woman sticking her tongue out what's the first thing that comes to your mind??? hmmmmmm??? If you say it isn't sexual then your lying...........yes I'm being general here, and my comment does not include the WHOLE of the male species!! BUT isn't that how women attract men? It's the animal instinct in us all!! Men like sex, so women appeal to mens sex drive. Pretty simple!! |
Proof that girls are evil!
Proof that girls are evil! First we establish that Girls require Time and Money Girls = Time X Money and as we all know Time is money Time = Money thus, Girls = Money X Money = (Money) ^2 And "because money is the root of all evil" Money = Root (Evil) then, Girls = ( root(evil)) ^2 And we are force to conclude that Girls = Evil Right? any questions...? Can any woman disprove this proof.... ![]() ![]() Ok lets prove that boys are evil boys require sex and then more sex boys= time x sex then if they don't get sex 24/7 boys = cheating x sex ^2 time = sex sex the ^2 of all evil boys = evil prove me wrong ![]() |
switch to a laser mouse...don't have to worry about cleaning your mouse ball, and most times it's more precise. best of all, it works on most anything except solid color surfaces(like glossy white paper or something like that) Silly me, I thought we were talking about laser mice!! ![]() you mean someone still uses the old ball and chain!! |
what do you use for a mouse pad?? my mouse doesnt like anything , magazine works for about a week , it hates this book I'm using.......I NEVER see mouse pads in I out of the loop ?? I shall return later in hopes of enlightenment...this mouse is going to drive me INSANE!!!! ( not like I wasnt already crazy enough) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mouse pad?? Why? I've not used a mouse pad in??? Gosh I don't remember when ![]() ![]() |
What turns a woman on?
Im after the one thing that gets a woman all fired up. Any women out there dare to share what gets there juices flowing? My point exactly!!!!!!!! |
I just received a letter from my ex, telling me he is still in love with me and has never been out of love with me. I say thank you for the compliment but where was all that love when we were arguing and ended the relationship. He is not the first to do it and it confuses me. ![]() I am really asking for honest answers here. Is it because the grass wasn't greener and they realize this now or what???? I always put it down to the fact that they are having problems with the other ladies and are just throwing out lines to see how the reception is......but I just do not know??? Any ideas????? He is just lonely and hasn't found someone else to fill his bed yet. Cold but true!! Break ups are just that break ups! I'm sure your a beautiful, valuable woman and there is a new love for you right around the corner. A guy that will love you and cherish you. Hang in there baby.......stick to your guns!! ![]() That's my advice for what it's worth ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 12/13/07 01:52 PM
I have found someone I am really fond of. However he lives FAR away. I want to talk to him get to know him and see where it goes. Iam a huge fan of a Travis Tritt song (drift off to dreams)that says "you might be hundreds or more miles away." and I feel like that has been the song of my life. I have never been 1 to settle for a relationship just becasue the man is there. I want happiness. Do you have any advice and has anyone had luck with a LDR? [unquote] Here is another glutton for punishment! I too have a crush on someone that lives hundreds of miles away. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Great and wonderful luck to you!! I hope it works out for you, and you'll end up in each others arms in the same town in the same house!! ![]() |
ok there's no naked chicks, but i did save a ton by switching my insurance to gieco...... ok no i didn't, but i did just update my profile and you all should check it out, it's an interesting read if i do say so myself.... I checked out your new and improved profile!! Very sorry to say old chap, but blah blah blah.........way to long...... I made it through the 1st 2 paragraphs then I got bored and had to leave!! If I wanted to read a book about someone, I'd check out Ghandi Simple and to the point would be lovely!! I know I know, everyones a critic ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Please Help me What Do I Do?
Well just to let you all know I am finished with her even if she calls me I will give her the advangtage to do this again Just left now with some good memories thats all and lessons learned thanks to all who replied to this posting all of your consideration is appreciated NEXT! Your so welcome, and good luck with your search for that special someone!! I know she's out there for you!! ![]() |
Please Help me What Do I Do?
I would fight for her, but in a dignified manner. She is the one who is confused, and she needs to work out things on her own. You should give her space to do that, but send her friendly reminders that you do care a great deal. Maybe in a couple of days you could send her some flowers saying, "I was thinking about you". Then next week you could send her a nice card telling her you will be there for her when she is ready. You can still be in her life this way without shutting the door. In a couple of weeks, hopefully she will come around. Good luck to you Bobby! What a nice guy......if that doesn't get her attention and put mud in her shoes, I don't know if anything would ![]() I like your advice!! |
Please Help me What Do I Do?
Hi, Let me pen a few thoughts. I would recommend that you do some soul searching. Emotional independance is a vital ingredient in a happy relationship. If one is so emotionally dependant on someone, the other can feel it. This creates feeling of being "trapped" will make a person run. If I can say, a women want a strong man or an equal. A normal women want a strong emotional arm around her. A successful relationship needs to stand on 4 feet - not two. Find out what are the roots of your emotional dependance. Lack of attention and love in childhood? etc. If you don't settle first your past and mend it first, you will carry that in to your future relationship - won't give you a successful marriage neither. Even if you find someone who can play that role of caring, one day you might grow up and her role of being the caring partner will annoy you rather that help you. You would then complain of not being " Free" Her role gone, she won't be able to swim anymore. The end of your relationship arrives and you have another headache. Applause!!! |
Please Help me What Do I Do?
I agree that she sounds scared or she has some secret she doesn't want you to know about. Have you thought about talking to a third party, some type of couples counseling, either a pastor (I don't know if you go to church) or a counselor, to see if you can uncover the issues?? Just a thought, otherwise sounds like you will need to give her time and see if she changes her mind. If she is going to back out, then I guess you are lucky it is in the beginning of the relationship and not a lot farther down the road and after you have invested a lot more time and heart. I am sorry you are going through this hurt. Good advice Marie........especially about giving her time!! Being friends is a great start!! ![]() |
Please Help me What Do I Do?
I'm really sorry to tell you this, but she doesn't want to hurt your feelings or cause an argument, so she's telling you it's not you, and of course, it isn't totally you there is just something about you or even her that has brought up the red flag for her and she doesn't want to come out and say what it is that's bothering her. There is something that IS bothering her about the start of this relationship that she doesn't feel right about. How do I know? Been there done that!!
I'm not going into details, and I didn't meet the guy in person that I'm telling you about now. There were a few things he said or showed me about him that nagged at me, and my intuition told me I shouldn't go any further with that relationship. For one, he was really pushy about wanting to meet me, and I wasn't ready yet. So I ended it!! I felt really bad for him because he seemed to be really into me, and he was very lonely and wanted someone in his life NOW. I didn't want to move that fast. I couldn't go any further with the relationship, but I did miss his e-mails and our phone conversations when we stopped conversing(I could of remained friends with him) but I think he wanted more. We had many great phone and e-mail conversations. I know what I want in a man and he wasn't it....sad as it is. I even went so far as to tell him things that made it sound like I was a crazy person. I didn't want him to keep the easiest thing was to have him feel as if he was lucky to be rid of me. I hope you can understand what I'm trying to tell you. Just let her go!!!! There are many many many great women out there and yes sometimes it takes a while to find them. I bet the wait will be worth it. A LITTLE WORD OF ADVICE TO THE GUYS!! Try to be understanding to women that have been alone for a long time and hurt really bad in their lives. GO SLOW!!!!!! I can't stress that enough. If your pushy or try to make things move along faster than she can handle, I guarantee she is going to run and as fast as she can in the opposite direction as you!!! Try being her friend FIRST!! If it takes months, then so be it......if you really like her I bet the wait will be worth it!! I hope I've helped you understand a little anyway. Some of you out there might not agree with me. This is only my opinion and experience. So please, I don't want to hear how terrible I am or what I should of done different. I did what I did and feel the way I feel. Thank you!! |
if you had 3 wishes
Wish one would be to find my true love.
Wish two would be to live on a ranch with horses and lots of animals of all kinds and my true love likes riding horses as much as me. Wish three would be for everyone in the world to be happy and wanting for nothing. I know far fetched but that's what I'd wish. |
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I Simply Am...
That was lovely! |
Today's Riddle
ohhhh, duh
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Today's Riddle
The Dictionary doesn't show "New Door" as one word?
Today's Riddle
Are you saying the word is "newdoor?"
Today's Riddle
Is the word a common every day word?