Community > Posts By > eklectek

eklectek's photo
Wed 12/08/10 07:03 PM
xavier thomas

eklectek's photo
Wed 12/08/10 07:02 PM
walking tall

eklectek's photo
Wed 12/08/10 07:00 PM
tries to drown fishies

eklectek's photo
Wed 12/08/10 06:57 PM

Didn't a soldier steal the documents and then provide them to Wikileaks? Aside from your all to common spin on an otherwise true story...why the **** would Obama give a ****?

State secrets are still state secrets regardless of who can read them, Obama can't do much of **** about it...what's done is done, why in all of **** do you lot keep expecting him to click his heels together and make everything perfect?
Maybe you are unaware but he promised to fix all of these things. And people care about this because it directly involves them. It is the leaders job to address these issues.

eklectek's photo
Wed 12/08/10 06:54 PM
Well I think Obamas' down fall begins now. He has no control over the hill or senate. With all of these things that are going against him now, I think it is a slippery slope to tread. He has spent his time in office avoiding the most important issues in the U.S. Now he is making deals with republicans...something i said would happen when he first took over office. He will continue to avoid several pressing matters. I'm not too sure what his exact motive is for not talking about this but i'm sure we can agree tom that his ideals are usually nutts.

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 11:09 AM
gets hit by parked cars

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 11:06 AM
Hmm...Im not too sure...If I met the right woman, I'm sure I'd marry her.

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 11:05 AM
Burning Bright - Shinedown

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 11:02 AM
You Can't see me

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 11:00 AM

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:59 AM

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:58 AM

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:56 AM

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:54 AM

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:50 AM
Merciful Fate

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:45 AM
why do packs of hotdogs come in packs of 12 and buns packs of eight?

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:43 AM
extreme my pants.

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:40 AM
extreme temperatures...between the sheets.

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:39 AM

eklectek's photo
Sun 12/05/10 10:38 AM

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