Your Sports ..
Fishing, fishing and more fishing Marry me Stu! You bring the tackle box and I'll bring the booze. Then after we eat well we will hit the casino for some real sport and chase a few chickens around. ![]() |
Your Sports ..
My Sport iS Taekwondo :) Wanna Try ? ![]() ![]() Yeah,,I'll try. I took Ishun Rue and Hopkiedo. In dojo I was against woman with higher belts that kicked my arse. But you better know a bit of street fight because I will scratch your eyes out honey. Lets brawl! I like a tough chick! My ex is not only smart and looks innocent but she will beat anyone who messes with her. She told me one day to flip her...Go ahead! She said it will never happen and give it my best shot. I could not do it. She kicked me in the nuts and said never touch me again or I will be the last of your worries,,,,I have 8 brothers that are worse than me. I respected that woman from that day fully for doing that. What woman would tell a guy to give her your best shot? None! Thats one tough cookie if you ask me. |
Have you ever - part 21
Never had to but I chose to... Have you had to hit/punch someone at a bar for getting a little too close for comfort... *innocent look* Yes. I dated a model who liked to just go out dancing...I go to the bathroom, or turn my head for 2 minutes and 20 a$$clowns are trying to hit on her. Have you ever experienced True Love? |
woman's mind
How amazing it would be to get inside a woman's mind I dont have to get in my ex's mind. There is not a person I know that is smarter than her. I know what she thinks after all the years we was together. Lemme tell you...Smart is super smexy and the money is even better. Never date a dummy or a poor Welfare Queen. Date a smart independent woman who is strong! |
Jamaican Lottery Scam
Thats not a scam. The best scam going today is that Puerto Rico borrowed a crapload of money to rebuild the infrustructure and never did. Then the hurricane came and they are begging for more. I can care less about those ppl. They are not americans to me. Its a territory and is not on my flag i served for!
Just like Trump said in a nutshell::: Stop begging and help yourselves! PR bonds are worthless and are crashing faster then heck. To the loaded dingbats who bought them I say...TOO BAD! Take the hit and move on like the rest of us do! Now the bond holders want a little relief. Really? When does the insanity of system loop holes end in this country? |
overtime yes or no
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Wed 10/04/17 12:34 AM
Who would to choose to work nightshifts or weekend duty if overtime was not paid .. don't know too many of my colleagues that would say yes to that ! "NightShifts"? i would say blondey's little island works like austailia. fed mandated overtime pay for all off shifts I would say its horrible personally. Us Americans get better pay if you put your mind to it. Educate yourself and live in a country where Capitalism is King! Sorry - - - - - Buzzer ring!... If I was even an MD in Canada and said I was happy with a lousy million a year I would be lying to myself. Thats why we have all the top Dr's. Coders, Engineers, and business start ups. We make money not to be selfish. We make money to make our family as secure as we can because we love them and thats what we do. We work and sacrifice.....Ive said it 20 times on this site and there is NO way in heck im gonna date some girl in Bavaria or Japan just because she sees I am self employed. Go look at anothers guy profile and nudge him,,not me. Sorry. Misconception. I keep my money. I dont give it away to a woman who lives in poverty and want to come to America... Bye-Bye,,back to work.. HA! |
overtime yes or no
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Wed 10/04/17 12:18 AM
ALWAYS overtime. If your on salary then you have no choice and have to do what you have to do.
I work all the time. My phone is always on for work. At my age all i want is more money. Sorry if this disgusts you, but it is what it is. Im working right now. Im based on what my sales are, and I will do anything for a sell. I will chase a stupid "digital dollar" all night. Thats one dollar more for me,,,and ZERO for you. LOL |
I scored a HUGE batch of comics of the web. Im hitting them up real hard!
i confess that i am scared of heights so no tall trees for me lol Guess tall guys are outta the question. LOL |
say goodnight . Gracie.
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dear soulmate : a missive
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What hobbies are you into?
I like to play checkers with bullion. Dont like checkers I'll play bullion Tidly Winks. Dont like that I have enough of an assortment to play chess since that requires more diversity of the game pieces.
Im a bad chess player but I can make any game more fun with bullion. Pick your metal, and if you like bars or rounds. ![]() |
looking for a honest man
Some woman makes a thread 2 years ago with a total of 2 posts on the site, and dudes are still replying to it.
....and I thought I was a dingbat! Some guys have nothing but rocks in the head. LOL Very funny indeed. ![]() |
dear soulmate : a missive
Right now I would say "I worked 45 minutes today and Im pooped. Im taking a nap. Wake me up in a few hours". Forget about it. I have Alexa, so I just tell her to wake me up. And I can holler at her and she wont get mad. haha i wonder if i can get alexa to be an alex with a good husky male voice to match? every morning he would tell me wake up love, breakfast is ready then at night he would say ill sing to you till you fall to sleep then in between he will remind me to move my behind and work lol Try setting your phone alarm to an annoying ringtone or song and just throw it across the room....Then go back to sleep ![]() |
Your Sports ..
Cheap booze and gambling! When I win drinks are on me and we can all play!
This is US Law across the country so I hope it comes out properly.
-if a child is 16 he/she can choose to live with any family member providing there is no conflict with the childs parents and he/she wants to move. The child can choose at age 16. -if there is any parental conflict the parent does not have to let that child go. -if there is any abuse that puts the child to harm you go to CPS and it will speed things up a bit. -your son will have to prove that he can care for the child and provide a healthy environment to care for him. Either way your going to most likely end up in Family Court for the paperwork to be done properly. A child cannot just pack up and leave a household without the Court System getting involved. It is illegal and the same as kidnapping. Everything I mentioned about school enrollment applies but if you have to go through the proper channels. Thats easy. This is not my field, nor is it what I studied in college and is the best I can do for you as a stranger on the internet. I cannot answer any further questions and I am sorry. I gave you the basics and I cannot get involved. Ask the child what he/she wants to do. Its up to him actually, and then you can follow up with what I posted. ok All the best to you. |
what you think of me?
gay or straight,,it just gets tougher when we get older.
You look fine. If I was gay Id scoop you up. |
Edited by
Tue 10/03/17 11:19 AM
a bagel for lunch. Im saving my hungry for a small treat later. Pizza!
When you only eat pizza about every 2-3 months its a big deal, Trust me. I have to watch my figure at my age. To much pizza makes a guy turn into a fat slob! ![]() |
hairy men ?
I shave and am smoother then a babys bottom baby! If a gal needs to be nice and trim whats wrong with a guy being well groomed. Hairy is nasty and Im not hairy overall.
Lemme tell ya...I love the way it feels putting on a pair of jeans right after a leg shave. Man that feels nice. Im not gay, I used to be a cyclist and we shave our legs for a reason. I been doing it ever since even though I dont ride anymore. It feel creepy clean. ..Gals..You with me? You know what Im talking about! LOL |
Why would anyone not watch football? or baseball?
Must be that kneeling thing? People need to give that up. Nobody cares,,,at least I dont. Ratings this years are actually higher than last year. Plus I play Fantasy Football and Im in the lead. Not giving up my ball at all. its the only 17 weeks of peace I get....Then again, Im a baseball guy also ![]() |