Community > Posts By > caiternoodle
Books about vampires
The Silver Kiss: by Annette Curtis Klause
my only favorite vampire book :3 |
ahh i'd wait on vista for awhile. it's sooooo slow..
sooooo horrible i crashed the vista at walmart on display just by using windows explorer. I will never own a vista computer. ever. XD Id rather.. have windows ME. |
Dear Diary....
Today.... i did nothing
i played on comp.. played runescape a bit.. and existed woo~ ![]() |
I dont ever watch TV.. its boring
I watch my computer... almost every minute i'm awake... because it > tv :P |
am i wrong for not crying
My mom died when she was 40... August 10th, 2005..
She died right here... which was scary.. so i cried then.. but afterwards i didnt.. and i still dont. I cry more for my dead cat.. sometimes parents just..... are different.. |
I Want A Gay Friend
Oh boy
on my profile, click the name "Gaymer" in friends. he's my friend.. and gay he's amazzzinng :3 |
Fat americans
Im glad there's no fat bashing posts here.. just curious people.
I.. am fat and.. well, not too worried about it.... at the moment. More important things.. like finding a job.. college.. Dont wanna add up the stressors! but anyway.. I also come from a large family.. Most of the people around here are super skinny though. Makes me wonder about this "obesity epidemic" when ALL of the people here are so tiny! *shrug* it's just the older people who are bigger.. Maybe it's a bigger city thing, i dont know. I have talked to my psychologist about the weight thing though.. she says "exercise, and eat right" yeah well that aint so easy.. i feel stupid 'exercising' by MYSELF much less in a GYM or something.. (there are no gyms around here though..) I'd rather do something constructive at least.. like play DDR.. That's a video game that helps you loose weight! lol. Also.. to eat right.. well. when you dont buy the food in the household, that's extremely hard to do.. My dad buys things we can AFFORD.. and that's it. We dont have the money to buy.. healthy/low fat things.. We buy the cheap 33 cent macaroni.. 2.00 pack of 30 ramen.. you know.. 1$ hamburger helper from big lots.. In addition to.. being picked on.. self esteem issues.. etc.. my brother telling me i should go die and im worthless.. my dad not doing anything about it.. my brother even beating up on me.. It's not exactly a happy friendly world out there.. and weight loss is the last thing on some peoples minds >.< It does have a plus though.. If you get a relationship, it will be because of YOU.. your personality not your body. hahaha Those advice columns make me laugh "help! im 64 and my wife is all wrinkly and no longer a size 4! im not attracted to her anymore! what do i do!!" fat people's lovers wont do that.. if they are genuine.. heh. ~Cait |
A little lonely
My friend did go away to college too..
If they arent too far, you can visit them :3 you can make friends with people on the 'net too.. I find net friends are better than RL friends a lot of the time >_> lol.. ![]() |
Videogames VS Girls
ahahha but the cheat code for women is
up up down down left right left right B A SELECT start everyone knows that :( lol Yeah, ive been lookin for an amazing guy gamer to hook up with.. someone whos not morbidly obsessed with them anyway >.< no luck :o good luck guys lookin for virtual women, lol! |
Cait, 18, Geek from MI! :3!
Thankies ^^
CATBW56 - i <3 your avatar! kitty silhouettes I have kitty silhouettes as a logo for a mock business i have.. (potentially going to be real someday XP) |
Nooo idea about this one.. but.. If WOW doesnt die.. press alt + tab to switch to a different window... in some online games, this makes the game die.. I've never played WOW before though so... |
Two teams used virtual reality goggles to con the brain into thinking the body was located elsewhere. The visual illusion plus the feel of their real bodies being touched made volunteers sense that they had moved outside of their physical bodies. The researchers say their findings could have practical applications, such as helping take video games to the next level of virtuality so the players feel as if they are actually inside the game. Clinically, surgeons might also be able to perform operations on patients thousands of miles away by controlling a robotic virtual self. more.. Ugh this is sooo cool.. I love psychological stuff :3 |
Ugh. I agree..
Ive been telling people this for ages.. People keep just getting more aggressive.. more stupid. more into drugs and alchohol.. destroying their bodies and minds.. they'll end up like reavers!!! [/firefly-fan-moment] but yeah.. there's not many good people left >.< That's why i'm here. I'm looking for them :) |
Cait, 18, Geek from MI! :3!
Hiiiiiiiiiii!! ^^
My names Cait *insert whole JSH profile here* In a nutshell, I'm super shy IRL, not on the net.. I <3 video games, anime, computers, and animals. I have very few friends.... because i have high standards :( (i wont settle for the druggies and alchoholics! LOL!) um.. I've never had a relationship before.... >.< so i suck in that department for now.. SO i thought i'd join just to see..... things *shrug* ^^ SO HI! ^^ |
White.. ick. i wish i were purple.. >_> or black hehe
Yes I know I,m Ugly!
heheh look at MEH! I'm a crazed geeky fat girl with bananas on her head :(
Ive been on JSH for over a week now, and have 7 profile views.. my friend who joined 3 days after I did, has over 700.. HAH! :p (no this is not a "look at cait's profile" plea. im just sayin >_> :P) (It is also weird that the majority of those 7 who looked at my profile were ones i gave 'maybes' too.. and i rated hundered of people and gave out few maybes... hmmm) |
ok who is on?
:p |