Community > Posts By > freeagent934

freeagent934's photo
Wed 10/17/07 05:20 PM
She is thinking is this guy nuts?

freeagent934's photo
Wed 10/17/07 05:19 PM
Yes I am on my way, be there soon!happy

freeagent934's photo
Wed 10/17/07 05:17 PM
Ok I can take the don't like me:cry: :cry:

freeagent934's photo
Wed 10/17/07 05:09 PM
She is thinking....about her date friday night

freeagent934's photo
Sun 10/14/07 10:18 AM

I am hung over

freeagent934's photo
Sat 10/13/07 09:39 AM
on time

freeagent934's photo
Sat 10/13/07 09:37 AM
enjoying this place!

freeagent934's photo
Sat 10/13/07 09:01 AM
morning to you!

freeagent934's photo
Sat 10/13/07 09:00 AM
enjoying my coffee

freeagent934's photo
Fri 10/12/07 07:44 PM
I look at a lot of profiles...when responding to topics its best to know who you are responding to....Gypsy asked a question about marriage and had i not checked the profile I would have never said yes....but then she has not respond to my

The way I see it is look away....its free, e mail people who interested you and have fun!

So type away and enjoy!

freeagent934's photo
Fri 10/12/07 07:29 PM
there are many dishonest men, however the same can be said for women! So the real question should be why cant people be honest!

I will agree with women on one issue here....most men would tell a women nearly anything to get some....

freeagent934's photo
Fri 10/12/07 05:22 PM

I drive a car?

freeagent934's photo
Fri 10/12/07 11:03 AM
money allows dates!

freeagent934's photo
Fri 10/12/07 11:03 AM
work pays bills

freeagent934's photo
Fri 10/12/07 10:54 AM
working right now!

freeagent934's photo
Fri 10/12/07 10:54 AM
fun group ladies!

freeagent934's photo
Fri 10/12/07 10:01 AM
I like boobs!

freeagent934's photo
Fri 10/12/07 09:52 AM
first date since!

freeagent934's photo
Fri 10/12/07 09:51 AM
ready for anotherhappy

freeagent934's photo
Fri 10/12/07 09:50 AM
but no matchohwell