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Thu 01/25/07 03:50 PM
I want cherry coke flaot and dizzydean want rum coke LOL

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Tue 01/23/07 02:00 PM
Doing well need to go to class my man want to know my every move LOL I
need another round to go see ya!! in a couple hours may be :)

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Tue 01/23/07 01:54 PM
I'v dated two guys 7years younger then me the jury is still out on
wheather I perfer them or guys more my age:)

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Tue 01/23/07 01:47 PM
I love an blue berry kool-aid mix with spirit please how is eveyone

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Mon 01/22/07 11:25 AM
Hey BP welcome to JSH and have fun:)

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Sun 01/21/07 07:30 PM
D tour baby going to take my bath then call it the night:)So I need one
more cherry float to go:)

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Sun 01/21/07 07:26 PM
down home country soul foods :) My specialty LOL

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Sun 01/21/07 07:13 PM
Hey Fanta I'm truly happy for you:) In the morning I'm serving donuts
and coffee feel free to drop by:)

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Sun 01/21/07 07:04 PM
Are you following me Jerbear lol for need the protection rolling back to
class LOL

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Sun 01/21/07 06:59 PM
I have a cherry coke float please pulling an all nighter LOL

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Sun 01/21/07 06:46 PM
Hey Jerbear love you too:)Hope things are well your way too hope to chat
with u soon:)

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Sun 01/21/07 06:38 PM
good question when u find out let me know been trying to tell my ex's to
get the heck on lol but he still come back with his lies might need to
get a restainning order out on him LOL Or get a guard dog:)

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Fri 01/19/07 03:20 PM
Hey herewego thanks for sticking up for me:) Hey CCP and lion, What's
new Terreance got to run guys be good if you can LOL

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Fri 01/19/07 03:17 PM
Sign off for 2 night so I need another green Kool-aid ice cream float
see everyone 2 morrow have a good one:)

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Fri 01/19/07 03:11 PM
I'm back I see I had some problem with my last drink but glad I got it
LOL I guess I'll have green Kool-aid mix with icecream in the mood for a
float before Bible study:)

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Fri 01/19/07 02:22 PM
Hey everyone what's going on in here are there any more free jelly
donuts LOL I'm kind of hungry at the bar I can't get anything to eat
only drinks :)

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Fri 01/19/07 02:14 PM
I would like an Lemon aid mix with cherry coke please:)

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Fri 01/19/07 10:37 AM
That were a good drink I need another one but I see that zero isn't at
the bar I'll be back though LOL

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Fri 01/19/07 10:23 AM
Not sure what I just rolled into but I would have to say no it would not
be fair to her for they planned a future together til death due them
part I feel he should stay true to his vows since he is still taking
care of her he less should go out all the way showing her that he meant
his vows. This is my take on this issue:)

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Fri 01/19/07 10:11 AM
Hey everyone hope that ya! doing well today for I'm doing so so right
now LOL But give me an Grape cool aid mix with coke and not the drug