Community > Posts By > JMellish

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Sun 01/06/08 05:28 PM
Hatebreed...and even some Maiden.

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Sun 01/06/08 04:55 PM

Hey I didnt know you were in the business of selling hotdaigs.

bigsmile laugh laugh

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Sun 01/06/08 04:39 PM
Surely your not serious..

I am serious, and my name is not Shirly.

Ha ha I made a funny.

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Sun 01/06/08 04:28 PM shizzle

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Sun 01/06/08 04:24 PM
Yes...see I knew he would go over well.

All hail Master Shake!!

....and Meat Wad for V.P.

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Sun 01/06/08 04:20 PM
Ok, last one, I swear. My final vote goes to Master Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

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Sun 01/06/08 04:18 PM
I vote for Robin....Batman is so last year.

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Sun 01/06/08 04:15 PM
I vote for SPIDER PIG!!

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Sun 01/06/08 03:26 PM
Supposedly one of them females on there is a former man. But thats just a rumor Ive heard.

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Sun 01/06/08 03:25 PM
Man...that seems more of a reason to vote for them.bigsmile

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Sun 01/06/08 11:49 AM
Had to stick up for the guys who actually spend less then 20$ at the store and have their own oil changed in 15 minutes.

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Sun 01/06/08 11:25 AM
And while at Jiffy lube...

...the "oil" mechanic realizes its a women driving the car. He then proceeds to convince her that she needs a coolant flush, a transmission flush, a new serpintine belt, and windshield wiper fluid.

30 minutes and 200$ bucks later the woman doesnt seem so smart anymore.

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Sun 01/06/08 08:05 AM
Lol...and why is that?

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Sun 01/06/08 08:00 AM
Another in Va here.

...and im working. So according to cartain people, thats even worse than just laying out. Watch out, I may be the devil himself, lol.

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Sat 01/05/08 04:41 PM
Switched pictures so you dont feel left

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Sat 01/05/08 03:20 PM
People are easily offended. And I do have to agree with you. As long as you arent being right out rude or mean, then they should just take it as is. Just because your not pretty,, hansome, or smart enough for someone's liking, doesnt mean everybody thinks that.

Thats the point in this site. To find someone who you are attracted to and you like for your own personal reasons. Not theirs.

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Sat 01/05/08 10:56 AM
Well I dont have to work every saturday. Im covering a 12 hour shift today because someone called out sick.

Im not really complaing....but for the last 3 nights ive only gotten roughly 2 hours of sleep because I also work at a bar part-time at night. sad

Im just trying to hold my head

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Sat 01/05/08 10:39 AM
Yeah...boredom is a major factor in that observation of yours.

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Sat 01/05/08 10:36 AM
Welcome...heres to having some fundrinker


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Sat 01/05/08 09:01 AM

dude - you'll feel alot worse when she's in the arms of another guy- so the best thing you can do to save your sanity is to make gotta have some degree of love , otherwise you to wouldnt be dating for so long.....besides- ex'es can get pretty vengeful when with another person.....and making up is alot better than planting 5 knuckles in his forehead because of what she might say about you....

Not such a good idea. You shouldnt keep a woman around just because you dont want to see her with antoher guy. Again, that makes everyone miserable. And as long as your not a jealous freak, you should do just fine. If both parties arent happy, then its doom to fail eventually. And the longer you wait, the harder it will become.

And if she finds out your just dragging her along because you dont want to see her with another man then you are in for some trouble.