Community > Posts By > thatplayer89
i mean you have to be good enough for me
flirting is when you are charming a woman or a man with the goal of dating or having sex. complements are used to make people feel good and show you care
i wont step up to the plate. i dont have to fit your needs you gotta be good also
Ok ladies and gents
pua is a pick up artist welcome my fellow player
Would you say i'm shallow?
when i decide to have kids thats when looks are important i want my child to have good looks like his dad. so i want my woman to have good looks its NATURAL SELECTION.
Would you say i'm shallow?
maja. are you flirting...
well im honest with my women. like i date three women right now. and i told them that im dating other women. i put it like this if she dont like it she can leave.
Would you say i'm shallow?
ha ha very funny maja. my personality is to much for you to want me..
Would you say i'm shallow?
i feel that even if you are so called hot you are still human. when im with a ten i dont lust over her body. i find that not thinking about a womans looks attracts them more. most guys will think a hot woman is good in bed but she might be bad..
Would you say i'm shallow?
ok. now let me explain show my pics to people i want to. i dont have to show nothing. i have alot of pics of me. but still i may be all talk but i can have any woman my age on here wanting me.
..have fun.
Would you say i'm shallow?
well seeing as i can get any woman i want. i go for the hotter women cuz i know i can get them. i find it hard for a guy to be on a dating site and be shallow.
well its not flirting. you just attracted to the guy. but he does not know how to take charge. he will take forever to ask you out. you should do it.
Phone numbers?
once more YOU CAN NOT BE A PLAYER WANNA BE. if so that means you trying to get many chicks and just fail. thats just lack of game. aint nothing worng with givin ya number but i prefer real life givin. email is a bad way to know people thats how i feel
Phone numbers?
i would ask for the number on the second email because i dont have time to wait for a email other chicks i could talk to not you. why guys get mad. who knows i wouldnt care. and you dont have to answer the phone if the guy calls.
shy n quiet
SHY WOMEN TURN ME OFF I cant do it if she dont open up i just stop talking to her. learn to have fun
Nice Guys are Exciting Too
im a nice guy but i also have a crazy and wild side ![]() |
Why Is It So Hard...
women are hooked to guys that seem like they fun and not looking for a woman. when women see this man in thier mind they thinking i wanna have fun with him too. thats all it is im not sure if this goes with being popular
Why Is It So Hard...
its not true. its no contest im not popular but i have social circles i will not explain this but women love to see that you are known. i wear the top fashion clothes so when im at a place women notice me its has nothing to do with society or being popular
Nice Guys are Exciting Too
here are the main problems of a nice guy he is to nice he over qualifies a woman he doesnt have confidence and he is a beta male not alpha. thats the main keys nice guys are fun and exciting