Community > Posts By > Midcoast_Guy

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Tue 08/08/17 09:31 PM
Edited by Midcoast_Guy on Tue 08/08/17 09:41 PM

My buddy and I love to come up with bad pickup lines just to make each other laugh.

For instance...

[my buddy] Excuse me, can I sniff your butt?

(What? It works for dogs, right?)

[myself] Wanna play 'pirates'? 'Cos I'd love to plunder that booty.

(I always imagine how hard I'd get slapped if I ever used that one. LOL)
laugh If you guys ever decide to try some of those, be sure to get it on video. You could have a show like that Impractical Jokers or whatever it is on HLN. (CourtTV morphed into TruTV, then to HLN.) bigsmile

And you reminded me of a joke, but I dunno if I can tell it on the forum. It's more of an "in-person" joke, so I can do a drunk's voice.
Part of it is the line "Typically nasty weather." bigsmile
Edit to add: I just found it online, and apparently it was in a movie in 1980, Up the Academy. "Particularly nasty weather." (Link to the joke available on request.)

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Mon 07/31/17 11:33 AM
Much good advice above.

A special :thumbsup: to MzRosie for the illustrated version. bigsmile

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Mon 07/31/17 11:25 AM
Edited by Midcoast_Guy on Mon 07/31/17 11:26 AM


^^^ This one gets my vote. laugh
I'd vote for that as among the worst, too. It made me think of the Festrunk brothers (Dan Aykroyd and Steve Martin on early Saturday Night Live episodes), except those guys would have had much more to say. bigsmile

There are some pretty good ones on here, like ecorche's contribution above. That might actually get a laugh if I tried it on someone I knew, someone who knows I'm not a Ted Bundy kind of guy. :laughing:

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Tue 07/25/17 12:45 PM
okay sometimes I go to the fire department as well with my questions...
I learned so much by hanging around the fire station when I was a kid; some of it stuff my parents would probably have preferred that I didn't know at that age . . . In the substation in my old town, some erotic novels were in a cabinet next to the fire service magazines. I could sometimes look like I was perusing the magazines when I was actually reading something very different. The publications in that cabinet are probably much restricted these days.

Then I became a firefighter, and I can tell you that some of the guys were still willing to offer free advice. (Much of it worth exactly what the recipient paid for it. tongue2 )
Nowadays there are some women firefighters. I worked with a few (volunteer departments), but we didn't discuss much of anything mentioned in this thread. (Although one time a female paramedic I worked with "shared some information" that I really didn't need to know. whoa )

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Mon 07/24/17 05:15 PM
Edited by Midcoast_Guy on Mon 07/24/17 05:20 PM
Wow talking about resurrection from the dead~~~
This thread was back in 07 when I use to actually post topics lmao~~:thumbsup: bigsmile
Huh; I didn't notice the date of the original post, but didn't think I had seen it before, either. That explains why. This is known as "thread necromancy," and other terms on the Interwebz.

If I read the original question right, I'd say the answer is that men and women may use the same terms when talking to other persons of their gender, but not with members of the opposite gender. Talking about it is a Good Thing, as long as both parties are on the same page.

I recall a brief article in Playboy a number of years ago (okay, maybe I didn't buy it for the articles, but I did read some articles) about how women would go into some vague language about body parts, etc., when talking to their husbands or boyfriends. Some of what I remember from 1990-something (or maybe even 1980-something), quoting it as best I can (paraphrasing where the terms in the article might have been stronger):
Boobs: "these"
Vagina: "here"
Penis: "that"
Colloquialism for sex that begins with 'f': "Dinner and a movie"

In conclusion, I gotta say I was amazed by some of the dialogue on the TV show Better Days. (The episode "Hair of the Dog" in particular. Some of that was mother/daughter--and daughter's friend--conversation, but there was also some dialogue between Sam and some guy--maybe an ex?--that I was surprised to hear on TV.)

Way to come up with a topic that gets everyone talking, anyway. :thumbsup:

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Thu 07/20/17 05:33 PM
Edited by Midcoast_Guy on Thu 07/20/17 05:34 PM
I think there are others on the site (and maybe even on the forums) besides the OP who are "just" looking for sex, but I'll bet at least 95% of those other members have a Y chromosome too. That might not work out so well.

Most of them seem to have English as a "second language" . . . a <i>distant</i> second. They post once (or maybe the same message two or even three times), and then disappear. whoa

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Thu 07/20/17 04:59 AM
Edited by Midcoast_Guy on Thu 07/20/17 05:02 AM
^^^ Yeah, that's a good old pickup line right there. As expected, from somebody making his first or second post here. whoa

Does this Cloth smell like chloroform to you?
laugh Now that was a great place to view this thread for the first time.
"That's funny right there, I don't care who ya are."

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Sun 07/16/17 06:57 PM
the height of extreme pleasure... when sex and love is combined. your thoughts?:angel:
I was pretty sure you weren't referring to MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine). winking

In the course of looking up something else today, I ran across an Amazon listing for a book by Laurie Mintz, PhD. I think if I put the title in here, the Automatic Naughty Word Deleter will have a fit, so I'll just say it has the word "Equality" in its subtitle.
It's mainly addressed to women, but has a chapter for men to read. Guys would be smart to read it, even if they think they already know all the chapter could tell them.
I ordered a copy, and a similar book that was highly recommended by reviewers.

I can post a link if it won't make the Naughty Filter catch fire or anything. tongue2

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Sat 07/15/17 09:09 PM
Then looks down at his shoes and realizes he still has his clown shoes on..ops...
Could be worse; as long as it's not brown shoes with a blue suit . . .

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Sat 07/15/17 12:03 PM
Keep in mind that men and women are often looking for very different things, in life and in online dating.

can someone tell me if there are real women on this site, not just spammers?
Yeah, there are some real women on M2. I find myself wondering sometimes, too, but there are some. It may be like that thing about real estate: "Location, location, location."
The ladies who post on the forums seem to be "really real," but they also seem to all be in states far away from me, or even in other countries.

Then there are the ones in my state who show up on a search or "Mutual Match." I'm pretty sure all or at least most of them are real, but some of them haven't been on the site in a month or more. (I will say Mutual Match has gotten better lately, not showing so many members who haven't been around for awhile, but it's still pretty flaky as far as distance. Vermont is not "near" me.)

My premium membership is good into August, so I'm going to try and stick with it that long.

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Thu 07/13/17 01:29 PM
I think Soufie's got the "Can You Top This?" award once again. So far, anyway. laugh

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Mon 07/03/17 04:05 PM
Once again, TMommy "tells it like it is." :thumbsup:

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Fri 06/30/17 07:18 PM

Do you mean quoting a previous post in replies here on the forum, or are you talking about private messages to other members?

Private messages! I don't keep up with these forums!!!shocked
Oh. okay. Then my guess would be they're just "casting a wide net," probably sending the same message to a number of recipients.

Actually, "casting a wide net" is too nice a term for it, since I think it's kinda lazy. If somebody can't take the time to individualize a message to someone, based on something the person that they're addressing said in their profile, or something in the other member's photo(s), then they're just spraying Cheez Whiz into the wind*.

*I think that's a legal term. I once heard a lawyer use the expression on Law and Order. ("Atonement," Season 6, Episode 18 Quote at the bottom.)

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Fri 06/30/17 02:35 PM

Why do guys copy and paste messages on this site so much?
Do you mean quoting a previous post in replies here on the forum, or are you talking about private messages to other members?

If it's the latter, I have no idea why they'd copy and paste something. But in here, quoting a particular part of a previous post helps mark what (if not who) the person replying is responding to.

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Mon 06/26/17 08:06 AM


Midcoast_Guy's photo
Sun 06/25/17 08:53 PM
Technically, ramen is old boot stew (it even tasted like it sometimes).
Yeah, and you have to break up the laces (that bundle of dried noodles) when preparing it. laugh

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Sun 06/25/17 09:08 AM
I was trying to find that joke about how women can not only raise children, but can be doctors, astronauts, etc., etc., etc. (A very long list.)
Then it says men are good at fixing stuff, lifting heavy objects, and killing icky bugs. (And maybe taking out the trash.)

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Sun 06/25/17 08:41 AM
Hello I've stepped in a bed of fire ants. You don't know there on you till the qween Ants says Charge pitchfork
That takes no planning, no conversation, no invitation for me to strip off my pants!
scared Yikes!
The only way that could have been worse would be if somebody was nearby making a video of it instead of helping you get the ants off of you.
I hope there was a garden hose or something handy to help remove them, and maybe chill the bites a little. shocked

Welcome to the forum, BTW.

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Sun 06/25/17 08:32 AM
The steak episode comes under the heading of "culinary arts." NOT. laugh

Microwave ovens are probably more useful--and maybe safer--for dorm use than the old hot plates that once were common in low-budget lodging, but . . .

It just occurred to me that I learned about ramen during my Air Force days. Some of the guys I worked with at my first duty station in upstate NY had previously been stationed in Thailand, and at least two of them had Thai wives. The wives often got together to chat and cook, and boy could they cook.
They could make much better dishes out of a simple package of ramen, which I think they called "yumyum." I think it's like the old stories about the stranger who comes into a village and shows the locals how to make "stone soup." If you toss enough other ingredients in, and maybe save the seasoning packet for another project, it's not just nasty old ramen anymore. :smile:

Midcoast_Guy's photo
Sat 06/24/17 07:51 PM

Remember those dorm days when you practically lived on ramen?
Ha. Earlier tonight I got an email from Pinterest about "boards you might like," and one of them was "Office Humor." I was browsing through it and saw one that said something about "I went to check my balance at the ATM, and it gave me a coupon for free ramen noodles." laugh

I haven't eaten the stuff in years, but decades ago, I probably consumed more ramen than was healthy. I had some freeze-dried scrambled eggs and other "survival" foods (sausage crumbles, etc.) and any of that stuff would go into the ramen.
I don't know if you can call it a "recipe" if you're just throwing stuff into the container like some crazed alchemist. (This would be a good place for one of those "stirring the pot" smilies.)

Had an extreme raman fail trying to put malt beer in shrimp ramen but we really don't need to bring that up again now, do we?
noway One of those great ideas that didn't work out as well as was originally thought, eh?
That kinda reminds me of Revenge of the Nerds, where the Nerds are watching the CCTV feed from the girls' dorm, and one of them is pouring beer on cereal. ill