Community > Posts By > itsnolongeri
Yup, repent and believe, repent and believe, repent=realizing and turning from and apologizing for my sin that deserve's the punishment of hell, and believeing that Jesus Christ took that punishment for me on the Cross, showing me the righteousness and love of a mighty God, as Jesus credited His righteousness to my account, by pure grace to a helpless sinner.
I wouldnt teach my children (if i had any) that santa was real, i may teach them what you have written or take the time myself to study into it, but why would i lie to my children? if i am dishonest about santa why should they believe me about Jesus? Also why would i take the focus of Jesus Christ, though teaching them the historical saint Nic would be something worth considering imo.
I have a question
Hey, i wouldnt date someone who wasnt a Christian myself, for 2 reason's the first being that Biblically it is clear we are not to marry outside the faith, second, actually i'll stick with the first, that should be enough imo, where you dating him before you got saved?
Hey bud, I think for most Christian's are opposed to the harvesting of stem cell's from embryo's, I am pro-life thus the idea of embryo's being farmed is horrific, if stem cell's are taken from waste material (such as umbilical cord's) I think very few would be against it.
homestudy fallout
I guess it come's down to weather or not you would enjoy their company knowing how they feel? Or if you are prepared to confront them about it? Myself personally would probably confront them, then depending on their reaction consider weather fellowship would be at all benefical.
Verse of the Week
Great verse, remind's me of a moravian saying,
"He is no fool, who lose's what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." |
Blind Faith
Well said, and so true, it's such a joy to search out the treasure's of God in His Word and to have the intellect satisfied rather than turned off, Ive found apologetic's a very rewarding field of study for those with hungry mind's.