Community > Posts By > funanexcited18

funanexcited18's photo
Mon 02/15/10 09:04 PM
? have some more fun lol

funanexcited18's photo
Mon 02/15/10 09:03 PM
i think its a huge turn on seeing a hot girl play video games i like call of duty modern warfare it has great graphics i only play it online though

funanexcited18's photo
Mon 02/15/10 08:56 PM
have some fun with this one

funanexcited18's photo
Sat 02/13/10 09:17 PM

Why do women cheat? This one is sooo simple. They cheat for one reason and one reason only.....cause man refuses to put the toilet seat down after he pees.laugh

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee if that was the case hell all men would still be virgins :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: tongue2

nope for one men mainly cheat because they get bored with relationship so they go see wats better on the field now woman normaly cheat for probably the same reason i think either one that cheats is stupid thats just me though

now here is another theory woman cheat because they get bored and want to see if theirs anything better out their and mean are just plain horny lol cause men are simple minded so thats why i came up with this onelol

and before my fellow guys tlk shi@ its not a bad thing at all i think its a good thing woman can be way to complicated and if their is a guy on this world that thinks he totaly gets a woman he is wrong no one gets them and woman dnt get us they just dnt need to think as hard to get us and us men need to get smarter to get them lol

funanexcited18's photo
Fri 02/12/10 02:13 PM

It's hard to understand you because you don't use punctuation.
I disagree...
It can take years of training to be even a decent swordsman,
while anyone can point a gun and shoot.

but technically speaking...I was talking about in a game.
I'm not violent in any way shape or form,
so while I may (and will, if I get my way...)
own a sword, I'd never use it.

im not a violent persone either.. lol in realy life thats wat i think . in a game even on call of duty i like using the knife and the throwing knife . but in real life id rather sword fight than gun fight lol. cause its easier although getting shot at and shooting someone nevermind lol. lets agree to disagree lol although we both state good points. we both just have our opinions

funanexcited18's photo
Fri 02/12/10 01:51 AM

I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about...
I can;t understand you, really...


a sword beats a gun always.
okay. so maybe not in real life.
but, I still prefer swords.

lol u dnt understand wat im saying yet you totaly contradict yourself lol sword are cool but wat im saying is its harder to shoot at someone when ur being shot at yet with a sword its realy easy to block and stuff but u cant block a bullet theirfore its alot harder with a gun then a sword if u realy think about it pluss if u have used both it kinda helps u understand why we dnt use them anymore in war .. but i do have to agree swords are the s@#$# if u dnt understand that i dnt no how else to tell u besides im agreeing with you on the concept of swords being cool but their not harder to use than a gun

funanexcited18's photo
Fri 02/12/10 01:47 AM

thanxxxxx guys also im on here and im 18 doesnt mean im a virgin to tell ya the trueth i dnt care wat ya think and im 18 and on here cause i have a life and dnt have time besides you guys u dnt have lives u are stuck in ur little sc. and u get on here for fun im in the army so makes since but yeah tlk your s!@@#%#$% i dnt care i realy dnt care wat ya think keep on hatin its makin me famouse peace out lol also i like the dancing bannanas how do i do that?

funanexcited18's photo
Fri 02/12/10 01:40 AM

I don't like FPS games...
(yeah I said it again ohwell :laughing: )

Maybe if I got into them...
but I don't care enough about them.
Give me a sword...and now your talkin'


Agreed :thumbsup: a sword would take more skill to wield in the real world. Not that real guns are ever easy. It's just that a sword maybe requires some honor?

well u should never bring a sword to a gun fight also if the other person has a gun too it make shooting a gun alot harder i used to fence if u no wat that is its kinda like sword fighting it was fairly easy i am in the army and have been shot at and shot at peaple and id say it was alot harder imagine a sword coming at u whe u have a sword now imagine a bullet when u have a gun also alot more difficult than u think although swords and such are realy realy cool

funanexcited18's photo
Thu 02/11/10 10:12 PM

At times i hate being single.. but other other times i like it.. I don't date dudes anymore though it's all about the ladies!

thats to bad u havnt had the best lol jk glad u joined the dark side lol

funanexcited18's photo
Tue 02/09/10 11:05 PM
kiss hand

funanexcited18's photo
Tue 02/09/10 07:27 PM

%@#$ all games except call of duty the newest one all other games dnt have graphics or anything like it on x box 360

wow i just sounded like a big gamer freak i havnt played in forever my mom kicked me out and i sold my x box for the money

funanexcited18's photo
Tue 02/09/10 07:15 PM
ay ay ay just a little more lol i except ur cheek kiss and one rite back to ya

funanexcited18's photo
Tue 02/09/10 07:04 PM
just the cheek lol ur inner thigh:-**************

funanexcited18's photo
Tue 02/09/10 07:00 PM
if u tried to kiss me id kick u in the shin and make u run not saying u look funny or anything id say that to any guy lol

funanexcited18's photo
Tue 02/09/10 04:03 PM
ur guna be lonly

funanexcited18's photo
Mon 02/08/10 09:10 PM
%@#$ all games except call of duty the newest one all other games dnt have graphics or anything like it on x box 360

funanexcited18's photo
Mon 02/08/10 08:32 PM

Weman? Oh you mean that guy from the jack-*** movies.

someone got it

funanexcited18's photo
Mon 02/08/10 05:24 PM
ok so im tired of getting on a forum and it being weman and guys lol so woman rate me :-)

funanexcited18's photo
Mon 02/08/10 05:10 PM

funanexcited18's photo
Sat 02/06/10 10:16 PM
kiss inner thigh :-)