If I ask you for a scientific explanation for something you say.... you don't need to give one; because, The Bible is an authoritative source, if you use it? If you give no other reason for your statement, than the way you interpret what The Bible says..... we should accept that as proof you're not having delusional thinking? what I'm saying is that your post didn't require a scientific explanation ....well of course unless you believe that those that lived during the times of the old testament had no flesh until Jesus popped out of the womb with enough flesh for everyone.... It's possible for me to believe people had flesh before Jesus "popped out of the womb," without accepting any of the rest of your points. I asked for a scientific explanation on the words you wrote, that weren't in The Bible; your interpretation of what you think the The Bible means, but, what it doesn't say. ok...according to both science and the bible during the times of the old testament and before the times of the new testament humans had flesh ...do you disagree with this? No, I don't disagree with that. According to both science, and The Bible.... one human had flesh before any other humans... do you disagree with that? in the bible adam had flesh before any other human and also didn't pop out of a womb like all the other humans including Jesus ...in science humans are mammals and mammals have flesh....which means those on the evolutionary scale that didn't have flesh wasn't at that point in time considered to be human ... No, God didn't give Adam flesh before any other human. That's not what The Bible says. |
if you have a question about the jewish religion i'm sure there is a rabbi who can answer that for you. If the highest priesthood in The Bible, was held by a Gentile who blessed Abraham; how does that make it the Jewish religion? It says right in Genesis, God made a covenant with Noah, Japheth, Shem, and Ham, and with every living creature... long before there was ever a Jewish person. Gen.9:8-10 And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying, And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth. It was the priest of Midian who Moses was praying to when he said this... Numbers 10:31 And he said, Leave us not, I pray thee; forasmuch as thou knowest how we are to encamp in the wilderness, and thou mayest be to us instead of eyes. Exodus 3:1 Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: It was the priest of Midian who told Moses to teach the Israelites the law! And Moses' father in law said unto him, The thing that thou doest is not good. Thou wilt surely wear away, both thou, and this people that is with thee: for this thing is too heavy for thee; thou art not able to perform it thyself alone. Hearken now unto my voice, I will give thee counsel, and God shall be with thee: Be thou for the people to God-ward, that thou mayest bring the causes unto God: And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do. Exodus 18:17-20 It was Nebuchadnezzar who chastened them, and Cyrus king of Persia, who built the temple. If you look at the genealogy in the Bible, you'll see that even King David, and Solomon had a lot of Gentile blood. God hath made of one blood all nations on men to dwell upon the face of the earth; and, his house shall be a called a house of prayer for all nations. |
If I ask you for a scientific explanation for something you say.... you don't need to give one; because, The Bible is an authoritative source, if you use it? If you give no other reason for your statement, than the way you interpret what The Bible says..... we should accept that as proof you're not having delusional thinking? what I'm saying is that your post didn't require a scientific explanation ....well of course unless you believe that those that lived during the times of the old testament had no flesh until Jesus popped out of the womb with enough flesh for everyone.... It's possible for me to believe people had flesh before Jesus "popped out of the womb," without accepting any of the rest of your points. I asked for a scientific explanation on the words you wrote, that weren't in The Bible; your interpretation of what you think the The Bible means, but, what it doesn't say. ok...according to both science and the bible during the times of the old testament and before the times of the new testament humans had flesh ...do you disagree with this? No, I don't disagree with that. According to both science, and The Bible.... one human had flesh before any other humans... do you disagree with that? |
If I ask you for a scientific explanation for something you say.... you don't need to give one; because, The Bible is an authoritative source, if you use it? If you give no other reason for your statement, than the way you interpret what The Bible says..... we should accept that as proof you're not having delusional thinking? what I'm saying is that your post didn't require a scientific explanation ....well of course unless you believe that those that lived during the times of the old testament had no flesh until Jesus popped out of the womb with enough flesh for everyone.... It's possible for me to believe people had flesh before Jesus "popped out of the womb," without accepting any of the rest of your points. I asked for a scientific explanation on the words you wrote, that weren't in The Bible; your interpretation of what you think the The Bible means, but, what it doesn't say. |
Mass and energy are both but different manifestation of the same thing." Albert Einstein E=mc²: Einstein explains his famous formula http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC7Sg41Bp-U which is why when The Word turn to flesh..it is describing the human race Is it possible... it can also apply to one member of the human race? sure..if none of the other members of the human race has flesh According to science, there was a first human. The First Human The Race to Discover Our Earliest Ancestors By K. Kris Hirst, Wasn't there was a time in history when none of the other members of the human race had flesh besides one? If you believe there wasn't such a time, can you please give a scientific source to show you're not fantasizing? Jeez why do the religious run to science when they get in trouble...but anyway science is not needed ...perhaps you should check the biblical timeline... according to the biblical timeline those in The Old Testament already had flesh before Jesus popped out of the womb as Flesh ...so you may want to re-think your theory The only reason I brought up science, was because of your OP. what in the bible displays why it's either a book of fables, fact, fakery,forklore or fantasy when presenting a passage or whatever to present your point of view as being "fact"..please include an explanation that doesn't sound delusional along with proof that it is fact...if not then that places it into the category of fantasy So, let me get the rules straight here? If I ask you for a scientific explanation for something you say.... you don't need to give one; because, The Bible is an authoritative source, if you use it? If you give no other reason for your statement, than the way you interpret what The Bible says..... we should accept that as proof you're not having delusional thinking? |
Mass and energy are both but different manifestation of the same thing." Albert Einstein E=mc²: Einstein explains his famous formula http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC7Sg41Bp-U which is why when The Word turn to flesh..it is describing the human race Is it possible... it can also apply to one member of the human race? sure..if none of the other members of the human race has flesh According to science, there was a first human. The First Human The Race to Discover Our Earliest Ancestors By K. Kris Hirst, Wasn't there was a time in history when none of the other members of the human race had flesh besides one? If you believe there wasn't such a time, can you please give a scientific source to show you're not fantasizing? |
No, cause again genesis is the beginning of the EARTH. Not the beginning of the heavens and everything that ever has or will exist. Just purely the coming into existence of the world. Cowboy...the thread ask for proof not your fantasy synopsis...so go to Genesis "In The Beginning" and see if you can find anything about the word...if not..then The Word is not "always was" "Mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing." Albert Einstein E=mc²: Einstein explains his famous formula http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC7Sg41Bp-U which is why when The Word turn to flesh..it is describing the human race Is it possible... it can also apply to one member of the human race? |
No, cause again genesis is the beginning of the EARTH. Not the beginning of the heavens and everything that ever has or will exist. Just purely the coming into existence of the world. Cowboy...the thread ask for proof not your fantasy synopsis...so go to Genesis "In The Beginning" and see if you can find anything about the word...if not..then The Word is not "always was" "Mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing." Albert Einstein E=mc²: Einstein explains his famous formula http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC7Sg41Bp-U |
how to change log in name
How do you change your log in name? Don't feel bad, I was just checkin' it out without thinking I'd be interested, and ended up with the worst screen name ever! |
did you know.
that I like you. I just won't ever have the balls to tell you. it wouldn't ever work out anyways. but I just thought I should let you know; you're amazing. and I'm not saying who you are. cuz you'd ignore me. still. (: but it's alrighttt. Open rebuke is better than secret love. Proverbs 27:5 |
first "weed" commercial?
take a wild guess what state this is in...cali does seem to be the first in things like this...but, like all politics, it has a hidden adgenda. The lady that runs the "pharmacy" that sells the weed says it's not to get people high, it's get people well. i didn't know weed got people well, it just helps them cope. then she says shes against proposition 19, to legalize weed in cali. well duh, she's outa business if they do... If y' think back to an earlier 'moment in time', you'll recall ads that said four out of five doctors chose Camels or Chesterfields or Lucky Strike or Pall Malls - said they were a 'healthy smoke' ... Weed's just more 'smoke', and they're lying by making a false extended analogy. I don't think I ever heard or read an ad with any of those 'actor doctors' trying to sell the message that cigarettes 'get people well' - even actors knew they couldn't lie their way around that one any more than they could sell the fiction that cigarettes 'freshen your breath'. The difference is, in over 5,000 years of recorded use marijuana, as medicine, there has never been a fatality from an overdose of marijuana. There is a known lethal dosage for almost everything on the planet, except marijuana. Peanuts kill more people every year, than marijuana has in the history of the world. |
Military law over-rides the Constitution? That's right. Read it. You switch from civilian law to military justice when you go into the military. No freedom of speech unless they allow it. No trial by a jury of your peers. No civilian court action under most all circumstances. The death penalty applies to releasing top secret documents. The Rosenbergs got the death penalty under civilian law for giving atomic bomb secrets to the Russians because they felt the secret should not be kept from the communist party (they were secretly members). If they were exercising their "freedom of speech", they died for it. The release of "top secret" documents is a crime punishable by death. Anybody who is defined as property, is not free; they are a slave. There is a conflict of interest between the U.S. Military, and the free citizens of the United State of America; who the Constitution applies to. Anybody who swears an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States, and then fights against the principals in it is a traitor. Claiming you were following orders when you kill to overthrow free people, and deprive them of the rights it is self evident their creator endowed them with, is a war crime against the citizens of the U.S. and was not an adequate defense during the Nuremberg war crimes trials. |
Anyone remember the Iran-Contra hearings? Ollie North ( who i used to like) was being basically tried on TV for suppying arms to Iran. He did not report to any commander he never revealed who he really worked for but our military and congress and the white house tried to make him an enemy. It was so cool how he turned it around on them and made them look like fools on National Tv but u know what he did his job still.. To protect the president at any cost which he did because thats the only one who really could give his approval to supply Iran arms.. Why did we do that? They were fighting Iraq whgo at the time had the strongest military in the middle east.. Well we know the rest of the story. Then what did we do... we supplied Bin Laden the training and Arms to fight soviet helecopters in Aphganistan. Wow when we want we give our enemies anything they need.. In the background of cource and then its.. DENY DENY DENY.. Remember Bush in the early 2000'w after 911. I saw a post about Clinton did nothing.... You shouold read up on what Clinton did and how congress stopped him. But a big denial was the Dr. Rice he turned over to them intel and a plan that was already in motion to kill Bin Laden and where to do it. What did they do ..they scrapped oit said it was failed intel.. would not even look at it. It had in it that thier intel said he was getting ready for a major attack against the US on our soil and it was imminent to kill him and wipe out his Al Queda. No good we will make our own plan and details. Remember how pissed Clinton got when ABC asked him about Dr Rice saying she got nothiong from his administration? That was no put on he was totally pissed because he knew they could of possibly prevented 911 and they lied about what was given to them. Anyone who does have our nations highest secrets have been screened so deep for months if not years before they were given that clearance.. I almost wonder if this young man they knew had problems and used him as a scapegoat being so young and nieve. It would not be hard to do as a stunt to get us away from something in the background that was going on under our own knows but all we heard was about this. I wonder what it was anyone have any idea? I think he should go to prison for several years but i really have never seen anything thats deserves a young mans life ruined forever it is now anywazes. but u know our people blowing away people who clearly were not shooting at us is murder and that was being covered up. So his name is Mudd now huh.. I like your post, and the point you made about using a scapegoat as a diversion to keep us from noticing something in the background. |
Ah, the over-reactionary pseudo-patriotic zealots are at it again! ![]() ![]() As propublica writes, "What's crucially different from the Pentagon Papers In terms of important disclosures, it's not even close, with the historical importance of today's documents likely to be relatively minor, and that of the Pentagon Papers enormous. The most significant revelations today include the Taliban's limited use of heat-seeking missiles (which had been previously reported, though little-noticed), and the Pakistani intelligence service's constant double-dealing and occasional cooperation with the Taliban (long the subject of news stories, and even of some official complaints). In 1971, in contrast, the Pentagon Papers revealed a host of important discrepancies between the public posture of the U.S. government with respect to Vietnam and the truth -- from the Truman administration, through the times of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson. These included Johnson's dissembling during the 1964 presidential campaign and in the run-up to the key decision in 1965 to send large numbers of combat troops, as well as confirmation of U.S. involvement in the 1963 coup against South Vietnamese premier Ngo Dinh Diem. And perhaps most famously, was the evidence that the administration had decided to escalate the war before the 1964 Tonkin Gulf Resolution gave it the authority to do so. There are many reasons for the differences between these two troves of documents, but perhaps the most important is that today's documents provide a "ground-level" view of the war, while the Pentagon Papers offered a classic "top-down" perspective. Wars are fought on the ground, and the perspective such a view provides can be invaluable. But many of a war's key secrets, especially in political terms, are generated at the top." P.S. in case you didn't know, wikileaks also has another bundle of secret documents-which it has threatened to release if anything happens to Assange. Hooray for Assange! End the Military-Industrial complex! ![]() Nice post! The First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. It is un-American to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the press. For hundreds of years Americans fought for those rights. Any citizen of The United States of America fighting against the First Amendment, is a traitor; and deserves the punishment the say traitors should have. Hmmmmmm. So it is OK for a soldier to yell "Hey enemy! We are over here. Come shoot my hidden buddies!... because he has the freedom of speech? Duh. So it's okay to tell the world that we are being lied to, And.... as the post I complimented pointed out, the lies are bad, and they've been going on, for a long time. The rules of military justice are what counts. 904. ART. 104. AIDING THE ENEMY Any person who-- (1) aids, or attempts to aid, the enemy with arms, ammunition, supplies, money, or other things; or (2) without proper authority, knowingly harbors or [protects or gives intelligence to or communicates or corresponds with or holds any intercourse with the enemy, either directly or indirectly; shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial or military commission may direct. end quote The soldier does not get to decide what top secret documents his "freedom of speech" can release. The method of release does not have to be to the enemy directly, it can be made public and becomes an indirect release of information to aid the enemy. If it is proven that an informant was killed because of information that was leaked in this matter the court of military justice can give him the death penalty. He could get it anyway. It's the law and "freedom of speech" has nothing to do with it. Military law over-rides the Constitution? Who was it that armed Iraq? Iran? and the Taliban? It wasn't that poor soldier, remember Oliver North? The Iran/Contra scandal? Bush giving aid to Saddam Hussein? And.... Bush aiding the Taliban? Where's the WMD's? Where's Bin Laden? Isn't that why we went there? Lets worry about bringing the people who armed our enemies, and lied about WMDS, and where Bin Laden was to justice. Lets do that before we shoot the people who complain about the policies of the double dealing liars, who harbored the Bin Laden family, and gave them safe passage out of the U.S, when U.S. citizens were not allowed to fly! |
Ah, the over-reactionary pseudo-patriotic zealots are at it again! ![]() ![]() As propublica writes, "What's crucially different from the Pentagon Papers In terms of important disclosures, it's not even close, with the historical importance of today's documents likely to be relatively minor, and that of the Pentagon Papers enormous. The most significant revelations today include the Taliban's limited use of heat-seeking missiles (which had been previously reported, though little-noticed), and the Pakistani intelligence service's constant double-dealing and occasional cooperation with the Taliban (long the subject of news stories, and even of some official complaints). In 1971, in contrast, the Pentagon Papers revealed a host of important discrepancies between the public posture of the U.S. government with respect to Vietnam and the truth -- from the Truman administration, through the times of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson. These included Johnson's dissembling during the 1964 presidential campaign and in the run-up to the key decision in 1965 to send large numbers of combat troops, as well as confirmation of U.S. involvement in the 1963 coup against South Vietnamese premier Ngo Dinh Diem. And perhaps most famously, was the evidence that the administration had decided to escalate the war before the 1964 Tonkin Gulf Resolution gave it the authority to do so. There are many reasons for the differences between these two troves of documents, but perhaps the most important is that today's documents provide a "ground-level" view of the war, while the Pentagon Papers offered a classic "top-down" perspective. Wars are fought on the ground, and the perspective such a view provides can be invaluable. But many of a war's key secrets, especially in political terms, are generated at the top." P.S. in case you didn't know, wikileaks also has another bundle of secret documents-which it has threatened to release if anything happens to Assange. Hooray for Assange! End the Military-Industrial complex! ![]() Nice post! The First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. It is un-American to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the press. For hundreds of years Americans fought for those rights. Any citizen of The United States of America fighting against the First Amendment, is a traitor; and deserves the punishment the say traitors should have. Hmmmmmm. So it is OK for a soldier to yell "Hey enemy! We are over here. Come shoot my hidden buddies!... because he has the freedom of speech? Duh. So it's okay to tell the world that we are being lied to, And.... as the post I complimented pointed out, the lies are bad, and they've been going on, for a long time. |
and blur....it's a song lol ![]() Ooops, The Doobie Brothers, Black Water. That went right over my head. |
well, I built me a raft and she's ready for floatin' ol' mississippi, she's callin' my name.... ![]() Are you serious?!?!?!? I canoed it! The winds that come from the south, are often stronger than the current going south; I hope you're not planning on floating south, without some oars, or paddles, or something. Some days it was hard to paddle the canoe south; your raft will probably catch more wind, than my canoe did. |
what mood ya going for d24?? \m/ ![]() ![]() It's always 4:20 somewhere! |
well, I built me a raft and she's ready for floatin' ol' mississippi, she's callin' my name.... ![]() Are you serious?!?!?!? I canoed it! |
Ah, the over-reactionary pseudo-patriotic zealots are at it again! ![]() ![]() As propublica writes, "What's crucially different from the Pentagon Papers In terms of important disclosures, it's not even close, with the historical importance of today's documents likely to be relatively minor, and that of the Pentagon Papers enormous. The most significant revelations today include the Taliban's limited use of heat-seeking missiles (which had been previously reported, though little-noticed), and the Pakistani intelligence service's constant double-dealing and occasional cooperation with the Taliban (long the subject of news stories, and even of some official complaints). In 1971, in contrast, the Pentagon Papers revealed a host of important discrepancies between the public posture of the U.S. government with respect to Vietnam and the truth -- from the Truman administration, through the times of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson. These included Johnson's dissembling during the 1964 presidential campaign and in the run-up to the key decision in 1965 to send large numbers of combat troops, as well as confirmation of U.S. involvement in the 1963 coup against South Vietnamese premier Ngo Dinh Diem. And perhaps most famously, was the evidence that the administration had decided to escalate the war before the 1964 Tonkin Gulf Resolution gave it the authority to do so. There are many reasons for the differences between these two troves of documents, but perhaps the most important is that today's documents provide a "ground-level" view of the war, while the Pentagon Papers offered a classic "top-down" perspective. Wars are fought on the ground, and the perspective such a view provides can be invaluable. But many of a war's key secrets, especially in political terms, are generated at the top." P.S. in case you didn't know, wikileaks also has another bundle of secret documents-which it has threatened to release if anything happens to Assange. Hooray for Assange! End the Military-Industrial complex! ![]() Nice post! The First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. It is un-American to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the press. For hundreds of years Americans fought for those rights. Any citizen of The United States of America fighting against the First Amendment, is a traitor; and deserves the punishment the say traitors should have. |