Community > Posts By > christian34tn

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Sun 07/15/07 07:59 PM

I wote this poem last week after church. I was eating lunch and it just
came to me. It's weird how that happens. I can sit down to try to
write a poem and nothing comes out,
But I can be doing something totally not related and it just comes to
me and I have to stop and write it down. I feel so blessed by what
the Lord has done for me, and I am
amazed sometimes at just how he does it. A few months ago I was
praying different...I ws praying for what I wanted and for help to fix some
things....then one day I let it go
and i prayed that God would just give me whatever it was that i need
and let Him fix my life...and it has been so wonderful since then. I
truly feel free and happy. I don't have
time to share all the details, and some of you already know this, but
about a month ago I was praying about something, and it is still blowing
my mind how god has answerwed
that prayer!!!!! i read something the other day that said God only has
three answers to prayer...1-yes, 2-not right now, and 3- I have
something even beter in store for you.
I believe that with all my with all that being said, here is
the poem.....

God always answers my every prayer
So I take to Him my every care
It may not always be exactly what I want
But He sees the things that I sometimes don't
I don't try to fx my own life anymore
I just pray and hang on for what God has in store

Peggy Crisp

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Sat 07/14/07 05:53 PM
Thanks for your comments and your concern. These are poems I have written in the past year and wanted to share some of them. I need to write a new one I guess to reflect my life today, because I am doing okay these days.

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Sat 07/14/07 05:33 PM
You colored my world with such beauty
With such beautiful shades and hues
You made my sky seem much brighter
With flufy white clouds on blues
My heart was laid out as a canvas
Like a beautiful lawn of lush green
You painted it with love and accpetance
Gave it a beauty it never had seen
My smile was even brighter with you
Like the glorious orange-yellow sun
My heart was like silver with trimings of gold
Because I felt like you wee the one
Your heart was as pure as a rose
In beautiful crimson red
And my heart lept with delight
With every single word that you said
You made my life a living rainbow
More beautiful than I can say
But now you are gone, you said goodbye
And the colors have faded to gray.

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Sat 07/14/07 05:24 PM
My heart is crying; can you hear?
It's letting out a lonely tear.
It's crying for all the love we shared
I miss the days of when you cared
I long for the love that is now lost
We made bad choices and paid the cost
I miss you so much and remember those years
And now my heart only cries these lonely tears.

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Sat 07/14/07 05:20 PM
I told you I would give you time, that I would wait forever
I said I'd always love you and that I'd leave you never
Time keeps marching on as the hours turn to days
I keep wondering if you'll ever be able to change your ways
As the days keep passing by and again it's one more week
I wonder where you are now;the man I loved I do seek
Every day and every week is turning into years
I think of all the love we shared and my eyes fill up with tears
I always thought I'd hang on tight and never would let go
Because all the things that we've ben through only made our love grow
But so much time has come to pass and I find I'm not that strong
The time has come to let you go..forever is just too long

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Sat 07/14/07 05:09 PM
This is a poem about my son, who died March 18, 1999 in a drinking and driving accident. (his dad was the driver, in a one care wreck)

He was my first born son, this little blonde haired boy
This precious little baby, a mothers pride and joy
As he grew, he became Mommy's litle man
I gave to him all the love that a mother can
He used to go with Pappy and they would catch some fishes
And he loved to help his Meme wash the dinner dishes
He would climb up in a tree and pretend to hunt a deer
Oh how I only wish this precious child were still here
But he has gone on to be with the Father up above
Nothing can take away this thing called mother's love
I loved and took care of him till he was only three
And now he's up in heaven watching over me.

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Sat 07/14/07 05:08 PM
When I was a little girl, he was a strong and gentle man
I thought that if anyone can do it, my daddy can
He always had a kind word, he never met a stranger
He did the best he could to keep his family form danger
He was always helping someone, I don't think he could say no
Everyone says he's a grwat man, and I agree that it is so
He taught us good from bad and to always do what's right
And many times I've failed him and I couldn't see the light
We have grown apart in recent years, I have a different life
I know it really hurts him and it causes him much strife
There are many times I sit around and then I go to wishing
That I could just go sit with him or maybe we'd go fishing
He's the greates man I've ever known, and he has been since my birth
I couldn't find a better dad if I searched the entire earth
I miss things done with my dad and the places we would go
I love him more than any man and I wrote this so he'd know.

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Sat 07/14/07 05:06 PM
I was lost but didn't know it; searching but not sure what for
It was like I was locked in a room and couln't find the door
It was dark and sometimes scary like the middle of the night
My eyes were open and searching but I couldn't find the light
I had a need inside of me that just could never be fulfilled
I was told that I was wrong and that I was just selfwilled
My life got so messed up till I was face down on the ground
I felt like giving up and I knew that I was hell bound
I needed to start over but I didn't know what to do
Could I ever turn around and just start my life anew?
One day I was invited to go to church with a good friend
I thought that maybe this was where my old life could end
I sat and I listened but I wasn't sure that it was right
It felt so good to be there but it gave me such a fright
Then as they played "Just As I Am" my heart began to pound
I went crying to the alter and there my Lord I found!!
Now the door that was locked is open and the dark has turned to light
I know that I found the real truth and I know that it is right
The Lord and all the answers and to that door he was the key
I finally found some peace and joy, and yes even found me
He gave me a life that no one on earth can take away
I will always cleave unto him and never want to stray
Sometimes I still get worried and at times I get stressed
But I know my Lord is always there and I know I'm truly blessed...

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Sat 07/14/07 05:03 PM
Thank you all for the comments. Sometimes I wonder if others feel what I feel in my poems, and I can see that some do here.

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Sat 07/14/07 05:02 PM
I have days when I long for you
and find you are not there
It's like trying to catch my breath
and finding I have no air
More and more every day
I'm missing you it seems
I lay down to sleep at night
and I see you in my dreams
I keep thinking there will come a day
when I'll find someone new
But I dont think that anyone
could ever compare to you
I dont know what to do
and it's tearing me apart
For when you said goodbye
you took a piece of my heart
But don't tell me I can't love you
after all, you made me do it
You gave me hope for my life
and strength to go through it
remember no matter where you go
no matter what you do
You are very special to me
and I'll lways remember you.

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Sat 07/14/07 03:59 PM
I wrote this poem about two hours before my ex husband and I went to sign our papers to get divorced........

The time has come to let you go
How much it hurts, you'll never know
The love we've shared is so special to me
But our lifetime of happiness just can't be
You've chosen a life that I no longer fit in
I've fought the fight but I just can't win
I tried to love you the best that I could
If I could do more you know I wuold
You have been the true love of my life
I once was so proud just to be your wife
This pain I feel now is ripping me apart
It is burning my suul and breaking my heart
I can't believe that our life together is through
I'd rather die than say goodbye to you
I know someday I'll be happy again
And maybe find love but I don't know when
I don't want to lose you, but I feel that I must
We have grown apart and lost each others trust
I know I'll remember you for the rest of my days
And I'll love you truly, forever and always.

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Sat 07/14/07 03:55 PM
I love the way you touch me
with your gentle finger tips
And I love the way you kiss me
with your soft and gentle lips
I love it when your tongue meets mine
and I like the way you taste
And I love when I get to wrap
my legs around your waist
I love how your scent lingers
in the warm and steamy air
And how sometimes I feel you
even when you are not there
I love how you thrust yourself
with a hard but gentle motion
And how my body rocks with yours
like a boat out on the ocean
You cause my skin to tingle
and you make my body tremble
It's a strange and wonderful feeling
like no other can resemble
You make me feel like a woman
and not a little girl
You give me goose bumps all over
and you make my toes curl
I like how you make me feel
I hope it lasts a while
And forver when I think of you
it will always make me smile.

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Sat 07/14/07 03:50 PM

At the dawning of a new day, i hear the singing of the birds
What a lovely gift from God, His love spoken not in words
Then as the sun begins to shine on the start of a new day
The glory of it all it seems is more than words can say
As day moves on Go'd love is seen in the flowers, grass and trees
And if you listen close enough, you hear his love sung by the bees
God's love comes out in all the things he chose to us to give
He gave them so we'd be happy, but without them we'd still live
As day winds down, I hear crickets chirp and here comes a firefly
Oh, how could any ever doubt or the love of God deny?
For His love is everywhere, in every nook and cranny
Blesings from him can't be counted because there are so many
As night draws ever closer the whipporwhile sings his tune
And now comes another gift, that sweet majestic moon
Now as I go through my evening and prepare for a night of rest
I have to bow my head and pray, "Thank you Father for I am blessed"

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Sat 07/14/07 03:47 PM
It used to be that when I walked my head was always down
I never really smiled or laughed, but always had a frown
I was an epmty broken vessel always hiding from the light
My heart was in the shadows like it was always night
I felt worthless and inwanted no matter what I tried
I only wanted to be loved, but I mostly slept and cried
Then one day with God's help and some wonderful people too
I found the strength to change it all and bein my life anew
I found out I was strong and that I had some worth
There arew things I nevert thought before, it's like a brand new birth
So next time that your'e out and you see me walking by
Notice that I'm smiling and I walk with head held high.

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Sat 07/14/07 03:45 PM
I wrote this poem a long time ago, but I wanted to start sharing my pome son here...hope you enjoy.

I would give you the sun
so you would have light.
I'd give you the moon
to guide you at night.
I'd give you the stars
so you could see
All of the beauty
that is heavenly.

I'd give you a river
with waters running deep.
I would give you the
fruits of the trees I reap.
I'd give you the oceans
and all of their treasures.
I would give you all
of this world's pleasures.

I would give you my home
for a place to live.
Anything I have,
to you I would give.
I would give you my
heart, my soul and mind.
I'd give you these things
because you're so kind.

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