Wow even JSH is getting to be hot tempered and nasty with each other. I remember Josh asking everyone WHERE he should post his story and before others could respond he had already posted it under general. No one should give him heck about where its posted if you didnt bother to let him know ahead of time. As far as the northern / southern thing goes....well I'm a yank and my best friend is a southerner and now we're both Southwesterners. We tease each other a lot. Its the way its been since the country started. "A box of rocks" is a slang term the same as "Well butter my buns and call me a biscuit" (another slang term). Dang if I want hostility I'll just stay off the computer and stay at work!!
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Yeah I'm in AZ too and same thing. Hey maybe we live in the wrong states.....seems to be a pattern with Jersey and AZ
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Hey lets save all the taxpayers some money here. Lets have prison inmates serve. We support them at 30K a year per inmate so there is a savings. Also any illegals that are caught will have the chance to go back OR serve in our military and if they make it out alive then they are citizens. We could save a BUNDLE of money.
Oh I wished I were a......
I wish I was 25 years younger again and could remember everything I've learned in the last 25 years!!
5 things I like about myself:
2 eyes to see the beautiful things in the world 2 arms to give someone a hug when needed 1 brain (I'm not a stupid person by any means) __ 5 |
Thoughts to Ponder
If rap is a golden oldie I'm glad that I probably wont be around in 40 years!
women and woman
And for Ilikeflipflops: Try to remember it this way... Adjectives describe a person, place or thing and Adverbs describe activity. (yes I watched a lot of School House Rock)
Pretty WOMAN, handsome man, adorable child, all are describing so they are adjectives. Running quickly, slowly walking, moving with caution would be adverbs. Hope this helps a bit. Sorry everyone I dont speak anything but English and most of the time I'm lucky to get through that properly. I do however understand SOME southern. Never understood though "I'm a tryin to catch a cold" Now who on earth TRIES to catch a cold??? |
Anyone know if this is a real survey to help her out for a class or a way to get signed up for a bunch more spam (like I need more of that!)?
How do I give a Testimonial?
Thank you though for letting me know how to do that. It was driving me crazy.
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How do I give a Testimonial?
Ahhhh thanks. That makes sense. Well after our first date I'm not sure if I'm still his friend or not. Guess I'll have to wait and see...
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How do I give a Testimonial?
Hmmm I tried that and it wont let me add anything. I doesnt even give me a space to write anything.
I'm just glad that I never had kids after reading this and seeing that "Knocked Up" movie!!
Trillian Messenger
yeah I use it too (Trillian) but one thing I've found is that I cant picture share or cam while on it. Are my settings set wrong or something?
Decent guy about to give up!
Hey everyone... on a lighter note I think maybe Barbiesbigsister and Tryingagainmike should get together. They already sound like they're married!!
![]() No only kidding guys I think they're both taking each others comments wrong. Come on guys... we're all in the same boat and we should all be friends here. ![]() BUT I do have a comment (not trying to be mean) for Mike. If you yourself are not a skinny little man then dont look down on women of size either. We can be quite wonderful and treat our men better than they ever deserve. And we all deserve to be loved. |
How do I give a Testimonial?
I can send emails and IMs but how do I give a testimonial to a person?
Well they either have a great body and love to show it off (due to the hard work they've done to get it or just to be egotistical) or the ones that dont... well they dont realize that they're just making it worse for themselves!
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I think you also need to read the signals. Sometimes a woman wants it to be more than friends but thinks it'a all HE wants so plays it cool so as to not scare him away. Start as friends though it will last longer. After awhile if she seems really comfortable around you "accidently" touch her hand or something like that to see how she responds. Above all else though take things slowly. Most of us females are so sick of all the Octopi that we've met over the years that rushing anything is a major turn off both as a date and a friend. Good luck!
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Southwestern AZ/CA
I'm in Phoenix.
One sided Love...
Ok here is another approach. Does the guy KNOW you won't ever feel love for him more than a friend? Is the weekend trip something that you both like to do? Then I say to go. Separate rooms, you pay for yours and he for his and just "hang out" (hey you'd do that with one of your female friends wouldnt you?)But be very very clear to him first that its just as friends. I have some male friends that we hang out together and go places and its strictly platonic. As long as the cards are on the table you are doing nothing wrong. If he insists on paying for the trip (ie: hotels etc) and maybe you cant financially afford it, then at least offer to pay half the gas or for the meals or something. Most of all though, make it clear that its just as friends because its something you both like to, or want to do.
Osama's Valentine
Loved It!! Thanks for the laugh today.