Community > Posts By > misty4ran

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Sat 03/28/09 11:24 PM
laugh laugh
we4ll i'm hanging with the nuts tonoc ,, sadly to say they even know it laugh laugh laugh drinker

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Sat 03/28/09 11:23 PM
laugh laugh laugh me too star i was ready for the spring after all that nice weather ,, its cold windy and down rite nasty out there tonite frown

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Sat 03/28/09 11:19 PM
howdy star drinks wheres the other children ?laugh laugh

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Sat 03/28/09 11:18 PM
noway hey i thought we were in the spring ,, man were getting a blizzard right now noway

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Sat 03/28/09 11:17 PM
howdy allman loverslaugh laugh laugh laugh drinker

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Sun 03/22/09 11:44 PM
sad sad sad sad i miss you all

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Tue 03/17/09 02:29 PM

Love the winters..definately more than Summers!

maybe i got enough tann

yummy ,, that summer tan would melt all my snow away drool

looking good there ,, have a great day flowers

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Tue 03/17/09 02:07 PM
:banana: drinker drinks waving hi ya catch ,, how the heck are you ??????

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Tue 03/17/09 02:05 PM
aint this a pretty site,,, this was the last snow storm i came home to in the morning after work ,,,,love the winter

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Tue 03/17/09 02:01 PM
drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks oops oops oops oops oops rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl waving waving waving waving waving :angel:

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Sat 03/14/09 09:45 PM
i 'm on and i'm of hi everybody drinker drinker drinker

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Fri 02/27/09 11:06 PM
nity nite poison ,, i gotta get back to work to ,, see you soon ,,drinker drinker

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Fri 02/27/09 10:53 PM
thanks etrain ,,, how ya been any ways ... say the prayer for me in hopes that i mitwe get a match this time drinks

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Fri 02/27/09 10:48 PM

hey ya chevy ,, i want to rattle your cage laugh laugh
you can rattle my cage ....winking

laugh laugh laugh go on over to match maker and request to be my match laugh laugh

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Fri 02/27/09 10:47 PM

dont ya just love moving poison ? i 'm still not completly unpacked and i moved in sept ... lets drink to moving laugh drinks drinks drinks

I am not sure if they make a drink that strong.

well we will have to invent one then drinks drinks drinks

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Fri 02/27/09 10:43 PM
hey ya got a match for me ????????drinks drinks

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Fri 02/27/09 10:42 PM
hey ya chevy ,, i want to rattle your cage laugh laugh

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Fri 02/27/09 10:40 PM
dont ya just love moving poison ? i 'm still not completly unpacked and i moved in sept ... lets drink to moving laugh drinks drinks drinks

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Fri 02/27/09 10:26 PM
aww my good buddy poison .. glad to see you ,, lets have a quick one together laugh laugh laugh drinks drinks drinks how the heck have you been ??

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Fri 02/27/09 10:15 PM
boo hoo ,, no one is here quess i 'll have a happy hour by myself drinker drinker ..hope your all doing ok ,,, dont forget me .. later gators drinks drinks

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