Community > Posts By > DemonicaAngel

DemonicaAngel's photo
Fri 09/21/07 04:18 AM
I've been playing everquest lately, but I also play WoW and I've been playing animal crossing on the DS before I go to bed almost every night. I need friend codes.

DemonicaAngel's photo
Thu 09/20/07 03:24 PM
that's it I have to add something else to this.

DemonicaAngel's photo
Thu 09/20/07 03:13 PM
what about the white students who threatened the black students, as well as one of the black students that was one of the Jena 6 getting jumped at a party all before the one white student got beat up? do you think that is enough? before we judge the black students, shouldn't we look at the WHOLE story?

DemonicaAngel's photo
Fri 09/14/07 04:47 PM
BWAHAHA! Bush JR always makes me laugh, here's some other gems

"And so, in my State of the - my State of the Union - or state - my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation - I asked Americans to give 4,000 years - 4,000 hours over the next - the rest of your life - of service to America. That's what I asked - 4,000 hours. "

"It would be a mistake for the United States Senate to allow any kind of human cloning to come out of that chamber."

"There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again."

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 06:13 PM
Stanne, Yeah I think that's pert of what I was thinking was going on....imagine my surprise finding out my daughters friend was real.

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 06:11 PM
superstar, it's hard saying, I am one if those people if I'm starting to date someone, and things look like they MIGHT get serious I sit the other person down and tell them things about myself. for instance with my daughters father, when things were getting closer to serious I sat him down and said I'm going to tell you my weird quirks, things that could change your mind about who I am. and then spilled my guts.

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 06:05 PM
I think I would act alot different Superstar. in my mind that's like lying about who you are.

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 06:02 PM
it probably would have freaked me out too Cloudy if I had never seen something like it before. unfortunately I seem to be a magnet for that kind of stuff. it started when I was a kid and continues now as an adult. it's weird, but hardly scary anymore.

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 05:58 PM
Bored, yes it would. I tried looking into the past of the house, but no kids died here, so I don't know. maybe a gaurdian angel? she did start appearing after my daughter's collar bone was broken in daycare.

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 05:54 PM
My daughter was telling me that there is a little girl in her room, I passed it off as just a 3 year old pretending, then one night I was sitting in the living room and there was a translucent little girl standing next to my daughters room glowing blue, it dissappeared after about 30 seconds...but it's definately weird

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 05:48 PM
I was convince I was going to Johnny Depp's future wife when I was younger, but I'm better now

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 05:40 PM
Hawaiigurl, only with my M&M's I think it's a habit I picked up as a kid

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 05:39 PM
I can't eat M&M's if the colors are touching

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 05:35 PM
winnie fried bolgna <3

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 05:33 PM
I am a computer geek, sometimes I like my computer more than people.

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 05:30 PM
Dayv, me too :(

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 05:30 PM
I was in voice training from the time I was in kindergarten till I was 23 years old and used to compete doing female barbershop.

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 04:45 PM
I'm sorry pepper I think you are both naive, and have a VERY narrow veiw on what the world is really like. I have to say I feel most of what I've seen you say is pure drivel

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 04:36 PM
my dad is a truck driver, so I would have to say I don't hate them. truck drivers have a hard job. whenther it's day runs or long haul. I've spent alot time with dad in his truck and though there are a select few bad apples, most are kind souls, clean, and all around fun people to be around.

DemonicaAngel's photo
Tue 07/17/07 04:32 PM
considering my wild past yes, I can deal with someone who also has a wild past. just because you made stupid choices as a younger person doesn't make you a bad person now. I am living proof that people change.

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