Community > Posts By > funguymd

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:07 PM
Edited by funguymd on Mon 12/21/09 07:09 PM
I also think it matters less when the woman is younger. cause, if there is a big age diff lets say more than 20 years, the guy will die much earlier than the woman anyways. Then the the woman will still be young enough to go out and meet a new guy!!

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:04 PM

age doesn't matter, size still does

naw, size doesn't matter either, it's the motion of the ocean:wink:

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:02 PM
OH, ok, that makes more sense. But a match I would think would be more valuable if it was based on interests instead.

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/21/09 03:13 PM
Yeah, to some extent, but what extent? who determines that? I guess I was just trying to get at why should I listen to others who have already judged I'm too old, or she is too young? I feel like they are in their own unhappy relationships and wish to spoil any chances of 2 people having a great one. They do this by making up the rule "she's too young", or "you're too old for her."

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/21/09 03:11 PM

im not a shallow person so i dont judge on looks...they do help though. i dont need a pic to judge a person,just some good conversation

This also have been my rule of thumb also.

If we are handing out advice.

A good one to follow post pictures doing stuff you enjoy.

too bad I don't like the cold, cause you're a cutie!:wink:

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/21/09 03:08 PM
Sorry, rose, I disagree. No, it doesn't, most of the mutual matches have only to do with being close by, not any interests. In fact, sometimes the interests are so far apart, there is no way it isn't random. (just like on singlesnet!)
Now, maybe it is supposed to be that way, but I haven't seen it to be so. Maybe it is only me?

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/21/09 03:05 PM
Edited by funguymd on Mon 12/21/09 03:06 PM
Does age really matter, I mean if two people are consenting adults, what is the matter with being too old or too young? Why does it matter?
The only thing that should matter is if 2 people share the same outlook on life, have the same interests and really click, physically and mentally. Age just doesn't matter. it only matters if you make it matter!:smile: I think the people who limit themselves to those closest to their own age are limiting their possibilities of finding a soul mate, or at least a near soul mate.
what do you all think?

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/21/09 03:02 PM

We set this account up for our freind and shes too cute to be single but we can't seem to find one good guy. The pic and profile get nudges and they get responded to almost immediately but they turn out to be too young or too old. What in the world is this world coming too? Blind dates? She wont even agree to those no matter how much we force her. Where in the world do you meet someone? She doesnt do nightclubs and bars.? Please we need the help!

Well, I am 44, probably too old for her. That's the problem, the guys her age are all getting it, cause they're young!!:wink: So, the only ones who are still single are either the total rejects, or the older guys, like me! oh well? But in the end, does age really matter??

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/21/09 02:59 PM
Edited by funguymd on Mon 12/21/09 03:00 PM

Well, it is a question that really doesn't have a 'fit' answer in the first place. With so many different people gathered in one place there isn't one person that can say 'this' or 'that' about the issue. There are multitudes of reasons someone doesn't answer back or responds oddly to a flirt attempt, and of course you have to take into account that possibly the way you are flirting just doesn't tick right for someone else.

Keep doing whatever it is that you are comfortable doing, and sooner or later (more than likely later, but this is the internet) it will hit. Like I said, there has to be at least 100 million women out there that aren't bothered by it...or it could be a million, but even then there is still somebody, somewhere, that it will hit right with. Probably in India, but you might get lucky and hit one near you.smokin

I hope I don't have to go all the way to India to meet someonelaugh

funguymd's photo
Mon 12/21/09 02:57 PM

ummmm hello? dont u think men dont do that as well.... and i am not one of those women u speak of lol!

yes, but I think most men, if they actually reply to a flirt, would probably email or IM. If a man sees a woman he doesn't want, he wouldn't flirt back (normally, why bother?). So, as long as you flirt back, you might as well be interested? This assumes people are actually serious about meeting someone, though.

funguymd's photo
Sun 12/20/09 12:31 PM
I don't know what space is. But there does seem to be some sort of fabric of space, possibly strings (like in string theory) and branes. so if there is something in there, it is a medium which could slow down light. However, at the edges of the universe, where there is truly nothing, perhaps the speed of light is infinite?

funguymd's photo
Sun 12/20/09 12:26 PM
Yes, I think it is always a good idea to take advice from others. That's how we learn.

funguymd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 11:43 AM
i think that the people will actually have to band together to speak out. If people form a coalition that will only vote for congressmen who vote for meaningful healthcare legislation (and there are enough people in this coalition to make a difference, let's say 40 million voters), we would get a good healthcare system passed. but now the moneyed interests are in control, there is no way they are going to lose out on trillions of dollars.

the nra votes on a single issue, some groups vote on just antiabortion, so shy shouldn't there be a one issue coalition on healthcare??

who's with me??

funguymd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 11:35 AM
don't worry, it ain't over yet. they still haven't voted on any final bill. also,the attack ads have yet to really get into the full swing.In addition, the dems are not doing a good enough job with their own ads countering the repubs ads and not explaining things. I saw a 20 sec. commercial on the importance of allowing the US to re-import drugs from other countries. It just said we should stop the repubs from stopping the legislation. nowhere did it explain the importance of it, nor even what it is about.

until they start getting the info out, it won't matter. one of the 60 will balk and run.

I think if the dems just held out for a single-payer option or lowering the Medicare eligibility age, they may have gotten a plan that will work. as it is, premiums will go up next year with or without the legislation and nothing good will come of it. the dems will be blamed for this increase and may lose in the mid-term elections, thus ending meaningful health-care reform
that's my take anyway

funguymd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 11:24 AM
I wasn't. what was the difference? is mingle2 better or worse than justsayhi? also, when and why did it change?

funguymd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 11:21 AM
i would live almost anywhere in the Caribbean. The weather is great year round, there are beaches and the women are always hot and horny. the only downside is hurricanes. but then I would have the money to get away before the hurricane hits.

But, I would also see all of the sights I could see around the world, the great museums, the ancient buildings, the landscapes. though, it is always good to have someone to share the experiences with. that is something money just really can't buy

funguymd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 11:15 AM
oops, forgot to say one thing I would do today is ...shovel snow. tears i'll also reach out to some babes online.. and that is really reaching:wink:

funguymd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 11:12 AM

Give someone a hug

hey, i could use a huglaugh

funguymd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 10:58 AM
i checked out your profile to see what other guys write in theirs. it seems good, and while my profile is by no means comprehensive, I think you should leave out a few things. Leave out the honesty part and the recent divorce part. Other than that, it seems well written and fine. I don't know if there is anything that immediately would grab the woman's attention though? i doubt my profile has that either.

funguymd's photo
Sat 12/19/09 10:46 AM

just keep on keeping on drinker

thanks rose, I will