Community > Posts By > Scott3895

Scott3895's photo
Sat 12/12/09 01:51 AM
Fine, until I got this phone call and now a lil pissed!

Scott3895's photo
Fri 12/11/09 09:17 PM

I am 56 and very serious:

I need advise on a couple of things. I would like it from a person that's very knowledgable, hopefully a personal trainer if there is one on here. Bring unemployed now I can no longer afford one.

First if all, I use to be 315# 2 years ago. I'm on a mission towards healthier life style, and a more physically fit person as a whole. I'm doing this for me. I am now 150#. My goal is 135#. I'm almost there. I've lost a whole entire person. That's the good thing. :-)

My problem is not losting weight at the moment, but more about how to get the excess skin back where it should be, firm and toned with a slight defintion (not bodybuilding physique). For instance: Underneath the upper arms, the swinging effect, when I wave or hold them up in movement. I have dimples all over my body, and my tummy just will not firm up regardless how many crunches (3 different kinds) I do. I know this is just goss and I am so self conscience about it. So I dress accordingly, to hide. I look good in my clothes. But.... I wouldn't dare wear a bathing suite at this point. This is probably too much info. lol But I'm seriously deseperate in getting the kind of body I want and maintain it.

I workout 3 to 4 times a week, cardio, weight training, walking, cycling, swimming in the summer months, follow Slim 6 and even Pro 90. I pay close attention to form and alternate muscle groups. I also eat clean, paying close attention to everything I put in my mouth. I log everything I eat so I will stay on track. I also drink lots of water to flush the impurities and to maintain hydration.

What else can I do? I'm at a loss.... Please can anyone help?

I'm in Houston, Texas and would like to have a workout buddy(s), maybe that will help as well.

Thank you in advance for your productive positive advise.

PS: I've had spinal surgery - cervical fusions at three levels (1994), and bad knees, so I can not run. Doctors only want me cycling and swimming. That just isn't getting it.... Due to medications taken in the past, in addition to recovery time from surgery, I have lost a great deal of muscle tissue.

Disclaimer: I will not hold anyone responsible for the advise freely given. I am an adult responsible for my own actions.

I won't really be on here until Monday, Saturday Sunday very briefly if I have time I'll adjust something for the mean time what is your exact diet??

Stomach crunches WILL NOT GIVE YOU ABS, ABS ARE THE RESULT OF DIET AND AND LOW BODYFAT. (not yelling but trying to get it to imprint i your heads) No Those people you see on TV didn't get abs from doing 5000 situps a day, they got abs because they did situps and stuck to a low calorie diet which caused their stomach muscles to be displayed over little adipose (fat) tissue! (not yelling but trying to imprint it in your mind)

If your skin is excessively lose at your age, surgery is the only cure. No if's, ands, or butts about it.

What kind of meds are you taking?? I didn't read your whole post, cause if I did I wouldn't have time to respond, just looked over it briefly so I may have missed it. Are you diabetic? Do you need insulin? You can get to 135 by diet alone, cardio will make it happen faster, but if you can't run, learn to WALK!, Walking is more effective for fat loss anyways! Running is more effective for weight loss, big difference!

Scott3895's photo
Thu 12/10/09 09:51 PM

Not having to be inside the gym... I do a weights at home to keep from being a stick (which i assure you looks goofy as all hell because I have very broad shoulders) but my workout is mostly jumping on the bike and taking off for a couple hours... very therapeutic and relaxing. Unfortunately, riding that long starts to burn muscle mass very quickly.

hmmm...I'm pretty sure it's not normal for cardio or aerobic exercise to burn muscle mass. noway Ya might want to see someone about that.

Heavenlyboy you are wrong. Fast paced aerobics will in fact burn muscle for people with non-elite genetics.

Scott3895's photo
Thu 12/10/09 09:48 PM

i can't go to the gym without eating. I'm there for 2-3 hours. too long without eating is not good

I didn't say go to the gym without eating did I ???? Nope! Pay attention please! Wake up, fasted stomach get on a treadmill with no food in your body. Why??? Ok, let me explain how your body uses energy and it's preference for energy. Your body runs on calories like a car runs on gas, your bodies preference for fuel is carbohydrate (Glucose). In the morning when you have not ate NOTHING, you are most carb depleted cause you have woke up on an empty stomach. Ok, now our body has no carbs, the second source of energy now will be what??? Fat! You guessed it! So let's take advantage of the fat burning process and get on a treadmill and start walking at a pace where we can still talk to the person next to us without gasping for air (Heart Rate 120-128 per minute) If you don't have a treadmill do a power walk outside, start with 35 minutes four times aw week andd gradually work your way up to 5-6 days 45 minute sessions, only increase cardio when weigh loss gets very slow. If you are still not losing, then your diet is not on track, plain and simple, nothing beats a good diet not even cardio. When you go to the gym someone your size should get about 25-30 grams of low glycemic carbs with 25-30 grams of protein, this will ensure proper energy for a great workout. When you lift weights it's an anaerobic excercise your body uses carbs for fuel, if no carbs in body, your body will break down muscle and turn it into sugar via neucleogenesis. So do your cardio in the morning if possible, wait an hour or two then hit the weights. You will be on a fast track to fat loss, sorry no paragraphs, free advice so deal with it. :)

Scott3895's photo
Thu 12/10/09 08:55 PM

do you really think that?

If you are talking to me, no, you beat me to the post! on that one, I just noticed that! I was talking to BL!

Scott3895's photo
Thu 12/10/09 07:51 PM

Scott3895's photo
Wed 12/09/09 09:12 PM
Edited by Scott3895 on Wed 12/09/09 09:12 PM

gosh everything i have read says i should eat within a half hour of rising. I always have oatmeal in the morning before i work out.

They are not assuming you are going to do morning cardio, lol! Morning cardio on an empty stomach at a slow pace keeping your heart rate between 120-130 will cause a dramatic decrease in bodyfat. Trust me on this, my word is gold when it comes to training and dieting!

Scott3895's photo
Wed 12/09/09 10:35 AM
Calvin_Klein Model boy...... lol

Scott3895's photo
Tue 12/08/09 10:31 PM

I do diets for a living, and hobby, give me your stats, and goals, I'll write up something for you!

Can u do one for me too.

Hit me up Monday, I'm too busy this week. And I'll help you out.

Scott3895's photo
Tue 12/08/09 10:28 PM

Is it better to do cardio first and warm up and then go do weight training or vice versa or doesn't matter?

Depends on your goals, but 99% of the time I would recommend weights first then cardio, weights first will help deplete glycogen levels in your blood, that way when doing cardio your body will shift to fat burning mode quicker. Weights are very important for over all looks, that way you don't become skinny fat, and those extra muscles will help you burn more calories. Don't worry about getting too muscular 99% of women don't have the genetics for that, anyways.

Best way to do cardio is on an empty stomach in the morning, you will be the "MOST" carb depleted at this point and will also help set your metabolism run faster for the rest of the day.

Scott3895's photo
Tue 12/08/09 05:31 PM
DC training AKA Dogcrapp, I do the advanced three way split.

Scott3895's photo
Tue 12/08/09 02:57 PM
Edited by Scott3895 on Tue 12/08/09 02:57 PM
bigsmile Sugarmamma!

Seriously, Hmmm, Apt. manager

Scott3895's photo
Tue 12/08/09 02:34 PM

Scott3895's photo
Tue 12/08/09 10:08 AM

What is a keto diet ?.

It is a very extreame very closely measured diet that has had some success in treating epilepsy. It is controvertial and should only be used under the strict constant support of a primary care physician.

You have no idea what you are talking about, keto diet done under the support of a physician?? hahahahah!!! Yeah, maybe if you are hypoglycemic or an extreme diabetic.

A keto diet is a diet made up of very little to no carbs, protein and fats are the majority of your food intake. Many benefits, you are not eating carbs so you are not fighting a fat storing hormone insulin, since your body is getting very little (trace) amounts of carbs your body will focus on burning more fat as energy, instead of depleting glycogen levels like in a standard diet. Another benefit is lack of hunger and more energy do to the fact that blood sugar stays more level.

Any questions?

Scott3895's photo
Tue 12/08/09 08:59 AM
It's body dysmorphia. I'm 5-8" 220lbs with very low body fat. People always tell me I'm huge, yet I always feel small. I have complimented a lot of bbers in my gym on their body and the first thing most of them tell me is "Bro, you are twice my size". I KNOW EXACTLY how you feel! The mirror, the camera, and our minds all play games on us!

Scott3895's photo
Tue 12/08/09 08:05 AM
Witty smile ;)

Scott3895's photo
Mon 12/07/09 06:35 PM
Sexy eyes!

Scott3895's photo
Mon 12/07/09 01:37 PM

What I learned about diet is the fact the more I put my focus on it the less hungry I feel . I do not feel hungry or thirsty but If I do not eat properly I feel weak and sometimes dizzy . I think it is all controlled by the brain and if say enough is enough diet becomes easy for you .

A good diet for a person like you might be a keto diet, for most people it takes the ease of dieting as your brain starts utilizing fat for energy.

Scott3895's photo
Mon 12/07/09 01:19 PM

I think the reason to get married is to commit yourself completely to someone and vow before God your wedding vows!

what if you don't believe in god, should you still get married?

If its important to you,,just leave out the line 'what god has joined together' so as not to be a hypocrite. I think there are a few different vows which can be taken and people can even write their own.

People can do what they want it's their freedom of choice but i am at loss about your statement of what God has joined together. I don't know what you mean?

When we were married, the pastor said the line 'What God has joined together let no man put asunder". I was stating that for someone not believing in God, that sentence would not be appropriate.

I see... I think wedding vows have completely lost their conviction!
I vows have lost their conviction. People these days don't take those vows seriously enough...I didn't when I said them many years ago but the next time around things are going to be different.

I like your honesty, I too have been in relationships I knew better than to be, but hey the sex was great! ha! I'm 30 now and have smartened up. The power of the vows only have meaning if you give those words meaning, and it takes two people to do that. This generation, this state of California, everything is a joke. If I find the right person we can be happily together, no marriage, no paperwork, and no contracts need to be involved!

Scott3895's photo
Mon 12/07/09 01:13 PM
Cool crazy mom!

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