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What turns you on
mean guys who are hot
I once kicked a small child in the face and got sunburn on the same day, does that count? |
Yeah similar thing with the digital boxes here. One bit of bad weather and the picture looks like a very old computer video game from the 70's.
![]() Saying that and despite all the shows I have listed. I do prefer to listen to the radio these days. apart from the shows I like, which I have on dvd anyway, there is nothing else that I really watch on TV. |
New to the online game
![]() ![]() Thank you ![]() ![]() Off topic, but I see you're a New Yorker? I have been through NY state on one of the funniest bus rides I ever had the pleasure to be on. This was on my way to NYC for my frist time there. |
Individuality is a nice trait to have. I personally don't like people to be "normal" looking. What's wrong with that? Maybe you are the one with the retarded outlook?
What's normal though? Is it just being part of the masses, doing things with regularity like going to work 9-5, living for the weekend, etc? Personally, don't like the terms normal and different. There are so many people who claim to be different but if you want to generalise you can usually categorise them in some sort of group that will have the same amount of people that may be classed as normal. I think you hit it by saying that individuality is a good thing to have. |
Beer and Whisky
![]() |
Bigger Ladys/Slim ladys
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Sun 11/29/09 02:54 PM
I myself am bigger young lady. I dont have a problem with not being a size 0 I´m also far from it hahaha.
I feel like all you ever see now a days in the media is exstreamly skinny women. Dont get me wrong theres nothing wrong with being skinny! I often hear guys saying "I love a girl with a bit of meat on her" but my question is when is "a bit of meat" to much. (im just using this as an example and I dont mean this in a mean way) If your a bigger girl you probably shouldnt be wearing exstreamly tight clothing and If your 80 pounds you proabably shouldnt be wearing the shortest shirt you could find where you can see every single rib. I think every women or girl is beautiful no madder what shape or size she is but I also think its what she makes out of her featurs and how she prasents herself. I wanna hear some thoughts on this topic and I just notist that I put this in the wrong duiscusion bord thing hahha. I am not sure how it is in the US, but here in England size zero promotion is a huge problem. It is portrayed by every shop, advertiser and magazine that is only in it for the money as being cool. and the thing to be if you want to get ahead in life. Yet there are nearly as many people suffer from health related issues as those that are classed as 'obese'. This goes for women and men alike. I think like a few have said on here, size and doesn't matter and shouldn't unless it starts to affect your health. I am a large guy, but I still keep active and I have no health problems and I enjoy me life. Those who are not atrracted to me because of my size have their reasons and I do not have anything against them for it, that's their choice. The term 'a bit of meat' is surely just a phrase that should not even be considered seriously when being used. I like a bit of meat on a woman..........I have just eaten some chicken of a lady! So, I certainly hope that this thread isn't for some underlying problem that's bugging you. You certainly seem to be a nice lass ![]() |
We pay £120 per year for a TV licence. You have to have one to watch regular TV. If you do not have one and you are caught with a TV in your property then you are fined and could go to prison (if you don't pay the fine).
We have regular 5 chanels that you get through the antennas. 3 are paid for by advertisers and 2 of them are BBC chanels. If you want more than the 5 chanels you get through the antenna you have to have a SKY dish or cable operator for a monthly fee. There are things called freeview boxes that give you 40 extra chanels for free thorugh your antenna, but you still need to have the TV licence. Most of the chanels have US TV on all the time. |
New to the online game
Suggestions noted, have made a few changes and added a few more photos.
Perhaps this is in a selfish, egotistical way. However, what what do people think? Thanks |
Well, here's hoping that you get to see Mrs Bucket....sorry Bouquet
![]() Glad we don't have telethons to keep our TV chanels going. I notice that shows like The Simpsons take the mickey out of telethons for PBS. We pay a licence fee to have a TV in this country, that basically pays to keep all BBC services running. |
There are loads of great comedies, and some terrible ones too.
Recently we have moved away from that style of comedy. Spaced, Black Books, The Office, Extras, The league of Gentlement and the Mighty Boosh have brought something different. I love all those shows, but I still love the classics. I think i'll be watching Allo Allo tonight with a few beers and a drop of whisky. That combination always makes things funnier. |
And they have the best parties too!
Ronnie James Dio has Cancer
Perhaps it was just rumour as there was the Rob Halford connection with sabbath. He did a couple of gigs for R.J.D in 92 I think and didn't he do something recently for sabbath?
Edited by
Sun 11/29/09 12:30 PM
Well, there's one thing I love to do on a weekend, and that watch some British comedies! Not all of them are about men dressing up in womens clothing and making prude sexual comments (but some are).
Keeping up appearances was a classic, I can't believe how old it is now. Check out the BBC website comedy archive, most of the best British comedies were made by the BBC. My favourite oldies are Dad's Army Allo Allo Fawlty Towers Are you being served Vicar of Dibley Father Ted Rab C Nesbit Blackadder Red Dwarf Last of the summer wine Open all hours (filmed in the next town over from me) There are loads more, all I watch are comedies really. There are some great US shows. My favourite at the minute is Curb your enthusiasm. I love the cold, and I love the snow. I am not a fan of hot weather to be honest! I recon it would be too hot in Texas for me ![]() |
Digging this thread back up.
I was in the Gambia and Senegal in April and I have never met a friendlier bunch of people. I stayed with Peace Corps volunteers up country villages. The people may be poor financially, but they are a happy people and are rich living from the land. I laughed so much when I was told by nearly everyone that I would either: A) be chased by a lion in the wild (there are no lions in Gambia) B) be stabbed for not being muslim C) be kidnapped for ransom and/or married off for my possessions and a whole host of other things that would come my way. I had the best time away as it opened my eyes to a lot living in the country. I lived the way they did and respected their way of life and religion. In return they were vary gracious hosts and made me feel welcome. yes there are those few that want to scam you for money as there is in any country. If you have your wits about you, they will not bother you. It helped to know some of the language, I wasn't considered a naive tourist then. |
Romania is quite a nice country. I love to travel to Eastern Europe as there is more variety than you think there. I have been to Bulgaria and Poland for holidas and have passed through Romania and Hungary. The landscape is beautiful in places, either by the Black sea or in the mountainous areas.
Romania has various holidays available from Sking holidays to beach resort breaks. There are of course your traditional European cities with medievil squares and villages. There is transylvania and the dracula tours. bucharest is most peoples destination as the capital, but you don't really get to see the real Romania there. Post communist Romania is still a poor country but has one of the fastest growing economies in Europe. they joined the EU recently and have made changes to their political system. The country is now driving towards a tourism economy and you will find that the people, like most eastern European countries are friendly, but still seem tucked up in their own way of life. I reccommend that you go ![]() |
The DC area, as in Washington DC. Sorry, missed a word.
No worries. I like the list that neptune gave. That's pretty much what I did there. Stayed in SoHo and it was fantastic. I think you said in an earlier post that you would not be doing any shows, but the Winter Garden is a pretty nice building inside if you get chance to pop in. |
Edited by
Sun 11/29/09 11:48 AM
Oh, Yes so very different! I'm sooo sorry about the name Gerard! Please forgive me. ![]() ![]() I was just reading more of them. The meaning is so different. Like on your one post you said you were gonna TEEM some ale..Well that means Pour? Correct..I would never remember to say that. There are soo many different ones. But, like you were raised with them like we are raised in our country but Tx has it own pronunction of different words too. We do have our own language but just no dictionary for it... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Haha, like i said, don't worry about the name. My dad's side of the family are from Belgium so I am named after one of them. Depiste being a small country we're an island and over the centuries have had so many different invaders to the shores. I think that is why we have such a rich language in terms of local dialect. Many people also have close relations to Europe. My dad and his family are from Belgium and have Russian heritage, my mothers side of the family have Danish heritage. The two American accents that I like are the ones from Tx (not being bias here) and NYC. By the way it's a lovely temperature of 1c (33f) here. It snowed yesterday ![]() |
Very badly I play the bass and I have a few harmonica's that I play. I'm pretty bad with them and not that musically talented.
Ronnie James Dio has Cancer
Edited by
Sun 11/29/09 11:35 AM
![]() Ronny is the lead singer of
1. Elf (early 70`s) 2. Black Sabbath.(replaced Ozzy) 3. Blackmores Rainbow (early 80`s) 4. Dio (His band now) I'm sorry, Ed, but I have to make a few corrections. R.J. Dio has been the vocalist for many bands before even his Elf years. The Vegas Kings [bass] (1957–1958) Changed their name to Ronnie & The Rumblers [bass/vocals] (1958) Changed their name to Ronnie and the Red Caps [bass/vocals] (1958–1961) Changed their name to Ronnie Dio and the Prophets [lead vocals for all projects from this point on] (1961–1967) Changed their name to The Electric Elves (1967–1969) Name shortened to The Elves (1969–1970) Name shortened again to Elf (1970–1975). Opened for Deep Purple. When Deep Purple disbanded, founder/guitarist Richie Blackmore enlisted Dio to be lead vocalist for his new band, Rainbow (1975–1979) Left Rainbow, joined Black Sabbath [replaced Ozzy Osbourne] (1979–1982) Left Black Sabbath, formed his own solo band, Dio (1982–1991) Briefly returned to record one more album with Black Sabbath (1991–1992) Went back to his solo band, Dio (1993-present) Also toured with Heaven And Hell, a combination band featuring members of Black Sabbath and Dio for the combined version of both bands. Dio was also the voice of Dr. X on Queensryche's Operation: Mindcrime II, was the lead voice of the charity project Hear'N' Aid, and appeared in the beginning of the movie Tenacious D in The Pick Of Destiny. Not sure on the truth behind this rumour, but after Rob Halford left Judas Priest in 1993 there was talk of R.J.D joining the band in the 1996 reform until Tim Owens did. I wish that he had joined up, I love listening tio R.J.D! My favourite DIO song is Rainbow in the dark. |