Community > Posts By > alwaysjustme

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Mon 11/17/08 04:44 PM
I am neither looking for, nor asking for a gift. I just wanted ANYONE to call me or even send a test to say, hey, happy birhtday. I have never been big on material stuff. But everyone in my life knows that I am big on family and love, loyalty and all the other warm things. I am not the type of person to ask anyone to bowe and kiss the rings. I do not say, hey you owe me or ask for anything. I get hollered at for not asking for help, even when I need it most. What is wrong with wanting the people that I think are are a blessing in my life to say that they love me and are glad that I am here. That is what really irks me. And I know that their are people who have ultierior motives, but I do for my family and friends BECAUSE they are my family and friends. If my motives were that jacked up, I would have been mean and scheming years ago.

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Mon 11/17/08 03:26 PM
Edited by alwaysjustme on Mon 11/17/08 03:48 PM
breathless guy

I dont get your comment, it is like you are saying that I am the bad person, but happy birthday? If I wasn't coming from a good place inside of myself, first I wouldn't be busting my hump all year long without asking for anything and second, I would be on the phone or at the house hounding them. I did post that noone in my life had done anything because I know that if they were even going to say happy birthday, they would have done it by now instead of calling me this morning asking me to watch their daughter tomorrow or going out to dinner. (Yeah, they just left me a message to go by the house and take the barrel to the corner.)

To everyone else, thank you for all of your well wishes and help.

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Mon 11/17/08 02:50 PM
So I am not trying to be all self involved, but it IS my birthday and it seems that the ones who like to throw 'I love you' in my face have COMPLETELY crapped on me. Let's see, all year long I have done everything I could to help you out, I have done almost EVERYTHING I have ever been asked. I have been supportive, I have given space, I have been caring and NOT ONE FRIGGING WELL WISH. And this goes to the current 'interest' and my ENTIRE family. I am so pissed I dont know if I want to break something or cry! Does this mean that none of them even care? I mean they KNOW it is today and not even a phone call or a flippin TEXT! When they want something or they want me to make them feel better, it is all but my battery dying in mid call. I am just so tired of having and letting people into my heart that stomp all over it. I am officially back in my shell and thanks to those who have shown me why I probably shouldn't have come out in the first place.

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Sun 12/16/07 09:04 PM
I think you are a CRANK!!!

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Wed 12/05/07 12:49 PM
Although my skin is not perfect, I am way too comfortable in it...I think I would probably make myself wittier, more apt to drift through social situations.

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Sun 11/26/06 02:48 PM
Does that mean that they are clueless, you are clueless or I am

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Sun 11/26/06 02:23 PM
How come some of the people with the most vile sense of humour, barest
knowledge of compassion, and the loosest interpretation of loyalty and
fidelity are in the longest relationships? Do you have to be a super
con artist in order to get/ maintain interest now?

Man, it has been a while since I have dated!!!

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Sat 10/14/06 10:37 AM
I have met more people from New York than anywhere else. I guess it is
all about the demographics or something.

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Mon 09/25/06 11:32 AM
This is yet another method of human avoidance. This way you don't have
to actually speak to anyone..for only 19.95 a month, you can go into
their personal information behind their back. Never mind that you were
'less than honest' in your methods to secure their social security
number. I prefer the direct method...ASK THEM. That way, no one is
left feeling betrayed nor led astray. If for some reason they do lie
when you ask, then you are justified in leaving the relationship. I
have had this check done on me and now he knows my 2 secrets: 1. I still
own my alma mater money and 2. I will NEVER love a man who feels that he
can riffle throuhg someone's personal property to steal information that
he could have gotten if he just asked...Which reminds me, how do you
know that these B.G. checks don't end in Identity Theft?...Love does not
last forever.