Community > Posts By > A_Midsummers_Dream
I'd like to learn........
Thank you Jess and abra. Many times I find myself at a loss when trying
to explain what I feel is "God". I try to be respectful of others religion and I always seem to offend them. Perhaps I need to word myself differently. I try to explain that God to me is not that which they believe in but something more. It later ends up turned around that I am athiest and have no beliefs. This, might I add is not true. I do believe in many things. Thank you for giving me some insight to your beliefs and your faith. I hope to here from you both agian. truly MSD |
I'd like to learn........
I'm sure I will have to re-read your post to completely understand it. One question that I have right now is do you believe that "God" exsists in everything, such as, a tree, a person, light, dark, water, rain. Do you feel the presence of your beliefs in everything around you? |
On a lighter side
I'd like to learn........
WOW Thank you so much. Those are the knids of things that teach in a positive manner. You have given me much to think about, and I do thank you. Very much! I hope to hear your voice agian. enjoying your mind and others, MSD |
I'm a newbie!
Have fun, I know I do.
I believe that has been left up to us to create. We have in this world
so much that has already been created. love, happiness,joy. My heaven on earth comes in all varieties, depending on the day and how I look at that day. Agian heaven on earth is created inside ones self based on actions and how life is taken. To one person, heaven may alrady be here for them. To another heaven is worth waiting for. |
On a lighter side
Thank you sctter. That was definanetly on the lighter side.
I'd like to learn........
Thank you TLW, hopefuly more people give me some insight.
I'd like to learn........
about the good things ivolving your beliefs. I do not judge, and I do
not hold my beliefs above those of others. I would appreciate it if we could listen to eachother and understand the good things that simply come from just believing in anything. I do not have a specific religion, so I enjoy learning about others. Please give me some insight into why you're religion is important to you. I would really enjoy learning about it. |
Turn the other cheek
Thank you for the understanding spider. Your post are lively and
interesting. A mind like yours is a hard one to find, and not one to be underestimated. I tip my hat to you and yours and hope for more lively conversation in the future. truly, MSD |
Turn the other cheek
p.s. many christian holidays were formed,by Constantinople, from pagen
rituals such as; the worship of the evergreen, the easter bunny spreading fertility to mother earth, and so on. All because the word of God was spread and causing destruction, because everybody wanted everybody else to make their god the only god. |
Turn the other cheek
Everybody has their own heaven. My heaven is not yours and yours is not mine. Christians, Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, Wickens, homosexuals, bi-sexuals, non-believers and many others all have the same right as you to go to their haven, because they BELIEVE. A belief is a powerful thing. Without having had a belief at all religion would not have been started. Then man would have had to find something else to place the responsibility of creation on. Whether you or I believe things to be wrong doesn't make them wrong in anybodies eyes but our own. I want to beable to practice my beliefs, whatever they may be, reagardless of what those around me believe in. |
Turn the other cheek
with minds like yours,ABs, and many more, this world might began to understand that the boundries they place on things like religion and race are placed there by themselves. Perhaps with more like you they'll began to remove these boundries that have been there for generations and we will form a more unified world. truly MSD |
Turn the other cheek
Through this thread I am some what confused. I don't know what TLW's
religion is and I do not know what Spider's religion is, but what I am hearing from both men is that they believe in a God who understands that mistakes can be made. Very rarely do people truely live their life to the T of what we are taught God wants. Any God who is suppossed to be all forgiving and aawwwwww inspiring should understand in the end that the belief in anything is what matters, regardless of the name one chooses to worship it bye. |
Jesus was a man who ispired many. I do not doubt that a man such as
him self spread a beatiful idea around the world and created the belief of a god that would make life after death a beautiful experience. Myths are things that can become exagerated that are not completely true, therefor, I also believe he has been turned, by man into the myth we shall forever know as God. It is not the belief in him or any others like him who spoke the word of God that will get a person to heaven. It is the beief in anything, that will make life after death gloriuos. People shall always be rembered, in this life and the next for how they lived their life. Your heaven is an extension of your soul, therefor, no one persons heaven is alike. Jesus is rembered for the knowledge and wisdom he spread. I thank him for helping us understand that there was more out there. I do not, however, believe he would respect what we have turned his teachings into. |
Having had two parents that were divorced since before I can remeber,
growing up I didn't agree with it. That was when I was christian and I believed that in the eyes of god it was wrong, and I thought they would go to hell. I also thought it was wrong because I wanted to feel like I always had a whole family. Since growing up and seeing my parents interact I know it was for the best. Growing up with them together I would have had a big old broken family. I believe that divorce is a descision, same as making the descision to marry. Things happen, people change. Sometimes it can be fixed, other times the situation calls for a split. I don't believe marriage or any relationship is taken seriously anymore, divorece is just an escape plan to many because they've found somebody else they want to sleep with or other ridiculous reasons. When thought of like that I don't agree with it, but if the situation is abusive, mentaly hurting a child or children, or other serios problems then I agree with it. |
Hey I'm new here.
Thanks guys, you've really made me feel welcome.
Ignorance is the hardest thing for me to tolerate. Ignorance being when
you no better and do it anyways. Those of you who have a religion I admire you for being able to put your trust and beliefs to that purpose you believe in. Those of you who preach a religion with out full comprehension and understanding, shame on you! Religion was made, if by God, to teach that there was something more, it was however, NOT taught so we would destroy eachother trying to create an absolution that will probably never exsist. People, no matter what there taught, will form their own opinion. This is how so many religions have been formed. Language differences have caused yet more problems. I guess ignorance comes into play when you have people who tell you what to believe in without fully comprehending that just because people don't believe in that religion doesn't mean that their wrong. I would rather have a God for every single day of the year, and for all types of people as long as everybody had something to believe in. Until we can learn to except differences, religous or otherwise, we will never be the people to make a prospurious world, but will always be the ones to destroy the work we've alrady done. |
How bright your light...
I don't know how bright my light would be or what it would take to
really make it shine in those last moments, but according to most faiths you shine brighter than the light of millions when you've been excepted into God's arms. Any friend or sister of yours would surely have been brought to there haven shining unbelievably bright. Have faith and trust she's safe and happy in his arms now shining with your light, the light of those who loved her, and His light. Sorry for your loss |