Community > Posts By > carlos2342

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 10:10 AM
hormones, senses, cognitive factors all play a factor. One thing I know is that I have to force myself to control my hormones because my sex drive is real high. I just use mind to control my drive though. Like the never ending battle between pants and mind lol.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 09:47 AM
Edited by carlos2342 on Mon 12/21/09 09:47 AM
I would take a kiss from you over any Christmas gift! That was for Holly lol.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 09:16 AM

so do tell, what do you think makes America "land of the free"?
Tell me what makes you be proud being an american living in the land of free? do you feel that we americans really have it all that well? How do you think America differs from 25 yrs ago? What do you think that other countries think of America? and does America protray itself as it really is? Note no one is right or wrong here.. just asking your thoughts on it all...
freedom for the rich and powerful. The poor subjucated by the rest.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 09:10 AM
I guess I stumped you?

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 08:14 AM
Yes it happens to everyone usually. When I was younger I fell in love with this girl who was my best friend. I never made any hints that I loved her besides friendship. At party I was drinking and she was sober and she got on me starting dry humping me upstairs I was plastered. I felt weird like it wasnt right. She then told her brother who was my friend that I initiated I said wait no you did you liar. I ended our friendship and her brother knew I was truthful and still is my friend. I did not need a friend like her!

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 08:05 AM
Oh and curious why does reflection go outside the properties of physics, chemistry and momentum. If two objects collide I was told a force from the second object would be exerted on first and vice.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 08:01 AM

if you shoot a beam of light at a surface the photons will either be absorbed or reflected

when the photons are absorbed their is a measurable momentum imparted to the object implying a inertial mass

when they are reflected there is zero inertial mass
thus a large enough concentration of photons absorbed could possibly move the object a little?

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:52 AM
News and articles online. I am not an avid reader especially of fiction. Although they say fiction and reading can stimulate creativity, I find that reading can waste a good chunk of time in life. Just my opinion though.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:48 AM

"A particle like a photon is never at rest and always moves at the speed of light; thus it is massless," says Dr. Michael S. Turner, chair of the Department of Astrophysics at the University of Chicago.

What about experimental evidence? Experiments don't determine exact quantities because of small errors inherent in making measurements. We have, however, put an upper limit on the photon rest mass. In 1994, the Charge Composition Explorer spacecraft measured the Earth's magnetic field and physicists used this data to define an upper limit of 0.0000000000000006 electron volts for the mass of photons, with a high certainty in the results.

This number is close to zero; it is equivalent to 0.00000000000000000000039 times the mass of an electron (the lightest particle), says Turner.

now you say it has mass you need to pick one side lol. So now plug that in your equation for m. I will solve it after my shower. Your number is zero like as it approaches zero from the left in direction of negative infinity.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:41 AM
so if a photon is stopped it miracously has no energy? What happens to it does it break all the rules of physics. You gave equation and if photon stops p=0 and E=0 and the photon does not exist within the bounds of science?

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:40 AM
so if a photon is stopped it miracously has no energy? What happens to it does it break all the rules of physics. You gave equation and if photon stops p=0 and E=0 and the photon does not exist within the bounds of science?

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:28 AM
Has science stopped a photon? I have not heard of this. If we could stop photons we probably would be able to figure out how to accelerate things near light speed.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:26 AM
how can something be massless but have an internal mass? I know massive gravity from blackholes can pull light in. How does gravity act on photons to pull them?

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:21 AM
the shell is what they call a cab and if you wrap it in a tarp with no holes that is water proof and bungie it snug you should not have a problem. Just make sure you package it well so it doesnt damage with peanuts or whatever.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:12 AM
Einstein says photon aka light acts like particle but is not because it does not have mass. Particles at speed of light reach masslessness so photons must just be stretched out so far they exhibit masslessness. Space holds photon whole but the speed stretches photon until poof gone to some other energy.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:02 AM
I love quantum physics and quantum mechanics.

carlos2342's photo
Fri 12/18/09 07:55 AM
1. Buy running shoes and break them in first. 2. stretch well. 3. do not eat too much fatty food or bad food or beverages before running hours or day before best. 4. running on pavement over time causes hairline cracks in your ankles from impact try to run on soft surfaces. 5. drink plenty of water before running but not right before or during as you will cramp up. 6. land on the ball of your feet with each stride landing on ur sole first is bad bad. 7. wear sports bra and men wear underwear. 8. if you stop jogging u will cramp. At traffic lights etc Jog in place. 9. stretch after running. 10. start at lower mileage and work way up over time use hills too. 11. dress weather appropriate. 12. wear clothes that make u visible to drivers. 13. run in pairs or more. im sure i missed some things!

carlos2342's photo
Fri 12/18/09 07:04 AM
bouncy and energetic

carlos2342's photo
Fri 12/18/09 07:02 AM

carlos2342's photo
Fri 12/18/09 06:57 AM
The poem needs work. Not being harsh but giving my opinion.