Community > Posts By > sk8mafia

sk8mafia's photo
Tue 10/13/09 10:06 AM
own a skateboard company and hell yeah i love my job!

sk8mafia's photo
Tue 10/13/09 07:35 AM
i am none of those either but, im sure you will find him. welcome and good luck!

sk8mafia's photo
Mon 10/12/09 10:20 PM

sk8mafia's photo
Mon 10/12/09 10:01 PM
word to your moms
i came to drop bombs
i got more ryhms
than a bottles got songs
cuz i burn up these cats
like they was grill cheese
cuz evert time i open up my mouth
i kill mc's

sk8mafia's photo
Mon 10/12/09 09:53 PM
edward 40 hands, tape 40ozs to your hands and you can't piss or smoke till you finish them

sk8mafia's photo
Mon 10/12/09 09:47 PM

sk8mafia's photo
Mon 10/12/09 09:37 PM

i have to actually find one to tap first i'm losing my styleindifferent
word i'm celibate but not by choice!

sk8mafia's photo
Mon 10/12/09 03:08 PM

damn i fell for it grumble
me too i thought homie was givin a phones!

sk8mafia's photo
Sat 10/10/09 08:28 PM

I confess I still sleep with someone's pillow...he died over two years ago...I've moved on in life pretty well..

but the pillow...

Not ready to put that away just yet...

makes me feel he can at least still somehow be near me in my dreams.

that is the most beautiful thing i have ever heard

sk8mafia's photo
Sat 10/10/09 08:01 PM

sk8mafia's photo
Sat 10/10/09 07:54 PM
or would that be broke dance, it is past tense?

sk8mafia's photo
Sat 10/10/09 07:52 PM
i can still break dance like it was 1984!

sk8mafia's photo
Sat 10/10/09 07:45 PM


Its nice to see romance aint deadlaugh laugh laugh Anna x
it's like punk music it's not dead it just sucks now.

sk8mafia's photo
Sat 10/10/09 07:39 PM


sk8mafia's photo
Sat 10/10/09 07:35 PM
i need that 5 pound box of money katez was talking about

sk8mafia's photo
Sat 10/10/09 03:11 PM
then im the heir apperant!

sk8mafia's photo
Sat 10/10/09 02:19 PM
lol word!

sk8mafia's photo
Fri 10/09/09 08:17 PM
word, scooby doo type mystery style stealth!

sk8mafia's photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:47 PM
yo i peeped you too! don't sweat it you'll be gettin mad dates before long!!!happy

sk8mafia's photo
Thu 10/08/09 09:28 PM
yea good luck money, you are going to have to do that scooby doo type mystery search!