Wherever Love Finds You
Right on D
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Wherever Love Finds You
At the bar alone sat like a queen on her throne, in hand she held an ice cold Tuborg Gold.
Longest legs I ever saw on my knuckles I gnaw, rocking a shirt kind of see-through that showed off her bra. Black lace and oh man I wanted a taste, parched from her heat like an all-day desert race. I approached the range of her vision slowly; sinister & sneaky like the basketball player Kobe. Not to phony only a little make-up, far from boney eating Jamaican jerk chicken looking lonely I wondered what the source of her beauty could be and then she guzzled the gold like it was honey sweetened tea. That was enough I finally worked up the courage to speak. She had jerk chicken juice running down her beautiful cheek. I just couldn’t ignore it handed her a napkin, “my name is Kimba what’s yours and what’s happening? She said “thank you for the towel my name is Bridget, I’m new to this town”, I quickly wrote down my digits. Very please to meet you Ms. Bridget and what’s your pleasure? She said “I dive for abalone & search sunken ships for lost treasure”. This explains the superior tuning of her silk smooth legs and begs to ask the question “honey who’s frying your eggs”? She looked at me like I was speaking Chinese and she was German. So I put it another way “who’s the preacher at your sermon”? She said” are you asking me, if I have a man”? I replied “now you get it, who puts the oil in your frying pan”? She chuckled and said “nobody, they all lie and seem so frivolous”. “The men I run into don’t even know the word chivalrous”. So unfortunate for them, Bridget is unquestionably a keeper. Do what I need to keep her happy even be a chimney sweeper. I’d be a lawn mower and leaf blower, rollercoaster operator anything just to show her. My heart is true and I will never do her dirty, won’t have to worry about me out there acting flirty. This assurance is something I’ll etch in stone with a big rock on her finger and a brand new home. So who said you can’t find love in bars? Every night since then together we sit and watch the stars. It can get you at any time when least expected. Wherever love finds you remember to respect it. |
Safe Keeping
My what?(jk)
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Safe Keeping
Thanks aries43, and you know
![]() ![]() PeaceOut ![]() |
Safe Keeping
Thank you bro J and happy holidays Sir
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Safe Keeping
I just can’t say how long I’ll be away, but know while I’m gone my heart’s yours for safe keeping.
Down that road again whether I’m on the right path my friend, not sure but I just have to keep on seeking. It’s been many more days than I thought, as my mind gets back together. I treat time precious, no other way I know to attain my fantasy of living happily forever. Maybe I want more than deserved, momma always said I got nerve. She also said that one day my dreams could come true. Facing those innocent of sin always changes my frown to a grin. Making grey cloudy skies disappear and turn bright, sunny & blue. Have some patience with me please, I hold no foolish pride. I would never do anything to purposely brush your feelings to the side. Sweep my pain under the rug and just bath in our love. Resolve any problem we have before saying goodnight. If we forget how to forgive we’re lost when push comes to shove. Remember when we first met and realized the fit was like hand to glove? You’re the only friend I have that can make me laugh anytime. When I cry you know just what say to make me and my day feel just fine. . Sometimes the race against time seems too hard of a daily grind. When I return, the man you want by your side will be the 1 you’ll find. So remember while I’m away you’re on my mind when the sun wakes as well sleeping. And I’ll thank you for the care you took with my heart while in charge of its safe keeping. |
Miss Kitty
![]() ![]() ![]() I'm really glad you liked it sugar ![]() ![]() |
Miss Kitty
Cute, sounds like you've been collared with one of those lil dangly bells! Can't ya just see a fat old cartoon cat singing this in a bebop style in some big city, talking about his sweetheart ![]() |
Miss Kitty
~Thanks MirrorMirror and Merry Xmas~
Miss Kitty
I stretch my back, lick my paws, wipe my face and scratch off some fleas.
She doesn’t have to do a thing to make me weak in the knees. Run her pretty tail under my chin and the fur on my whole body stands on end. Got my whiskers soaked milky white and she said we’re having tuna casserole tonight. This cat just can’t say no when Miss Kitty treats me this nice. I follow her scent wherever she goes, into traffic against the lights. She’s got me running in circles chasing after my tail just because it makes her laugh. And you know I hate the water but if she wants I’ll even suffer through a bubble bath. Sounds ridiculous, yes I know, but what’s an old alley cat like me to do? I feel so frisky when I hear her purr; I’d pick a fight at the pound if she wanted me to. Break into the local meat market after hours and steal her desired fish. Stand on the fence meowing at the moon and upon shooting stars for her I’d wish. Perfect timing, coats always clean, she likes it when I make my Mouse ala Florentine. This feline is so fine the other lady cats are so jealous. She likes spending her time watching all the boy cats acting over zealous. Like I said for me she doesn’t have to do 1 thing. This one is the cats meow and deserving of a ring. |
Along Loves Path
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PKD1220 I wish you the very best and hope someone spanks you!!! Darn it, my girlfriend just left. I didn't get spanked, so I guess...maybe in my dreams. ![]() Happy Birthday Beautiful and may those dreams be Awesommmmmmmmmme ![]() I'm sure they will. You were in a dream of mine 2 nights ago...cause my mind was thinking of you my friend ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Along Loves Path
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PKD1220 I wish you the very best and hope someone spanks you!!!
Along Loves Path
My dear sweet DKOW I bow before your feet as you enlighten me with your words filled with inspiration and desire.
Thank the day you were born and thank you again too beautiful Ms.lilwick86! ![]() |
New Found Freedom
Thank you both kindly
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New Found Freedom
She held happiness in the palms of her hands as love was found at a premium Blinded by the desire of passionate woes relenting to this new found freedom! Easy come easy go is how they would get treated. “He’s so just a click away from being permanently deleted”. They say a picture’s worth a thousand words and can actually capture time. We need precious air to breathe just like good Napa Valley red wine. Drink in the troubled past and hold on to what you need. You never know how it can help in the future if you’re blessed to proceed. People are who they say until we see them a different way. Judgments are very plentiful, we all make them whether serious or at play. Have the openness to share what gifts you may have to display. With our unique individualities we can promise this Earth a better day. We’re not so eager to fail as we seek out Heaven here taking baby steps because of pride. If it snowed everywhere we’d of all learned to ski instead of that 1st scary bike ride. Differences in the way we were raised should be celebrated like the weekend. And we should always treat people the same way that we would enjoy being treated. It’s so nice to hold joy in your pocket of those favorite pair of blue jeans. Nicer still the way you keep the peace when the one you trusted spills the beans. Some secrets are made for keeping and others blow away in still winds. Those who kiss and tell were obviously lovers before they were friends. |
Along Loves Path
In many gifted carefully chosen words you have brought me to tears from joy to sadness and had me filled with laughter and wonder.
I cherish this bond we've formed and wish you all the best this holiday season as well the Blessings of a happy healthy New Year my friend. Love Ya LAMom ![]() |
Along Loves Path
Thank you for the Latin Lesson and May your every step be more Blessed than the last.
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Along Loves Path
Edited by
Thu 12/18/08 02:32 PM
The truth can hurt but not so much as the lies.
I’ve tried a thousand times and always met my demise. Every step dishonestly you take, deeper into the storyline of deceit you go. Having some sense of moral stability changes this daily ebb & flow. Some may never know the real passion they could have had. To many move so fast missing their opportunity along loves path. Sex is not the answer to happiness as a lot of us tend to believe. So complex the true nature of this joining and yes something to achieve. Bringing mental stimulation is just as exciting if not more. As we make love with our minds linking souls like sea is with shore. Assert the truth and discover life altering gifts of powerful pleasure. Persist on the trail toward deception and receive more misery than can be measured. Having someone to hold is a privilege we’re in no way guaranteed. Irresponsibly caretaking somebody’s emotions can make you forget what you need. If trading hearts falls short of the goal, fear not as the day will shine anew. With this fresh beginning a clean slate is always granted, this time will you be true? If the same game is played eventually you’ll have the same sad ending. After the love is gone you’re left alone and receiving another prospect is always pending. Very astute the one who commits and holds on like life depends on how tight the grip. Spineless describes those who flee from little bumps on the road like rats onboard a sinking ship. Realizing we as individuals are different puts an emphasis on how and who we bond with. Fantasies can grow to be realities if the feelings you present are destined to give her spirit a lift. |
Little Black Girl
A little black girl
A stranger was seated next to a little black girl on the airplane when the stranger turned to her and said, “Let's talk. I've heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.” The little girl, who had just opened her coloring book, closed it slowly and said to the stranger, “What would you like to talk about?” “Oh, I don't know,” said the stranger. “Since you are a Negro, do you think that So-called President Elect Barak Obama is qualified for the job?” and he smiles. “OK”, she said. 'That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass -. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?” The stranger, visibly surprised by the little girl's intelligence, thinks about it and says, “Hmmm, I have no idea.” To which the little girl replies, “Do you really feel qualified to discuss President Barak Obama.. When you don't know ****?” |
Kissing Frogs
![]() Play on Playa!! |