Truly,a sad word but so many. Why is it so hard to understand.Nobody should be put through that. Empty is like never full your always alone. I know what it is to feel emptyness,because we all go through it, in some way or some how. By Prlog 9-26-09
short story
The ending might not be too good. I like to write storys when I'm in the mood. Anyway here it goes. It was a calm and quite night.I was having trouble sleeping.For the pass several nights. My dreams where getting the best of me. It started when I was a child.I would have these dreams that the world was coming to a end.And I was the ownly one left.Now my dreams seem,like they are getting more realistic. One late night, I woke up.I started to see many lights flashing outside my window,and there was a strange voice coming from the flashing lights.The words didn't sound like no human. I grabbed my flash light to see what what was gonna. By the time I went outside,everything was gone.There I was standing in the dark with no answer,to what the hell happen.As I was walking back towards my house,I shined my flash light on the door.There were several markings.It appears to be some foreing words and numbers.I couldn't make out the words,but the numbers looked like a pattern of some sort.I just went back inside. The next day,I got a better look.I tried to read the words again,I couldn't.The numbers said 9,14,2020.I didn't think much about.I went back inside,I was reading the newspaper when I noticed the date said 9-11-2020.I freak out.I started to laugh nervously.I realized that the words on the door must had read The world is coming to and end. Why or who was doing this. I turned the T.V. on.There were no signs of the world coming to a end.As the day turned into night I was walking back and forth,nervously.I couldn't sleep at all. Hours went by and all I was thinking,that the world was coming to a end.And nobody knew of this but me.I must had falling asleep for moment.When I opened my eye's there was a piece of paper.It had more foreign words.I couldn't make no since of it.As I looked at my watch.I realized as of right now,the world is coming to a end.And I couldn't stop it. As the day went on.I just figured that my dreams were playing tricks,but there were no explaination of the letters and numbers I saw. Once again it was dark.I was laying down, as I was closing my eye's,there was the flashing lights and voice like sound.They were coming outside of my room this time.I got up very slowly.I cracked the door.I couldn't believe what I was seeing.There some kind weird looking creatures,but I tell you this they eren't from here.They were destorying my home.I closed the door slowly.I opened the window and jumped outand started to run. I looked up.It appeared to be some kind of flying craft.It flew over me really fast.I looked once more around me.Eveything was beening destoryed right before my eye's.I started too run again.It seems I ran for miles,everything was gone.All my dreams was coming true.I was yelling and screaming,there was no answer nor any sign of life. The worst was happening.It seems like I'm truly alonely.I dropped to my knees crying,all I could say,"This is not happening." So now what.Where do I go? Why am I'm not dead? There was no answer for me.As I gathered my thoughts,I stood.I started to run back home.My house was destoryed.I started to gather what was left of my home and rebuild.As months went by,I still remember the worst.And now I guess I'm really alone.Or am I? Maybe one day I will have a answer to what happen.Unitl then, it remains a mystery. By Prlog 9-26-09
hey again
Thanks for the input. I've been out of school for 8 years. I went to vo-tech for machine shop in 2004. I've done alot of physical labor jobs,roofing,reparing homes,warehouse work,etc... I don't like to wear fancy cloths or fancy suits. I like to wear bluegears and t-shirts. I've let a woman try to dress me,but i don't like that.I'm my own person.I rather not smile either. I get along with most people who can get along with me. Thank you again prlog
I'm a great cook,also i like to grill alot.
don't take this the wrong way anyone that reads this. roses are violets are blue, how about you and me go screw. lol just joking.
is there anybody around me i live in rector,ark.
if only people knew have my life story. i've been dirty by women, and that is no lie. i too big of heart, i put people before me. i try to give people want they want, i'm just to old fashion. i give,give and keep giving and get stabed in the heart,its seems like no one has any morals anymore. well better stop boring everybody. prlog
if only people knew have my life story. i've been dirty by women, and that is no lie. i too big of heart, i put people before me. i try to give people want they want, i'm just to old fashion. i give,give and keep giving and get stabed in the heart,its seems like no one has any morals anymore. well better stop boring everybody. prlog
i guess my proflie sucks
what about, that my life sucks, and my profile does too.
how are you sure that you will ever meet them? and how many people really find someone on here? and if you find someone on here how do you know if they could be faithful?, i'm sure they think the same thing. and is this for real?
i guess my proflie sucks
nobody in to nice guys. i'm begining to wonder myself. i guess its true nice guys finish last.
Thanks for for having me on here. I'm new to the internet world, but i'm learning,thanks again. prlog