Whats the deal?
well, since there was only 1 person who was willing to have an attempt
at a debate, i am off, for a bit at least. |
Whats the deal?
Logical, but in all actuality, wouldn't someone who knows the song title
and artist fit better? example: The Flame - Chimaira {metal}. I agree with the anti-abuse statement in the lyrics. Cause then someone has to go research your song, and rather have a bunch of over pasted lyrics to read through, they can listen to the song, and get a real feel for the music, because music isn't heard, it isn't read, its felt, it gets into your soul, its possessive. If you can't feel it, it isn't meant for you. And if someones gonna base a relationship off of lyrics and they wind up abhorring the song itself, thats a poor foundation. It's too pin-point. where-as a genre is more generalized. |
Whats the deal?
Can someone PLEASE explain to me what all these posts of song lyrics are
about? Im not trying to be rude, and if a song really speaks to you thats awsome! Music has kept me sane (as sane as i can be for years). But seriously, if you want post a song, and the band/artist, and say the lyrics of this song spoke to me, if you're in <insert mood here> kind of a mood, read the lyrics, what is the redundant point of posting threads of lyrics. TL;DR: ytf do ppl post lyrics? |
I am a loser!
dude, i hate to say it best 4 pickuplines to break the ice:
1. How much does a polar bear weigh? - Enough to break the ice, hi im <insert name> 2.Yesterday I wanted to take I shower. I pulled back the curtain and there was a rhinoceros and a giraffe in the tub. They were eating cheese and they said "Hi. 3.Go up to the person and ask for their hand. Draw a line across it and explain that its a really big river, and the bunny on this side (doesn't matter) really needs to get to the other side. Ask how he does it. Give cute little answers as to why the bunny can't cross the river (i.e., ...bunny jump in river, bunny goes *glubglubglub*.) When the person finally asks how the bunny is supposed to get across, give them the cute puppy eyes and say "I don't know, I just wanted to hold your hand." and 4.So, do you like turtles? try one, hell try all four, its good to at least give you a conversation point |
Blonde Joke
How do you kill a Blonde?
Put a scratch & sniff sticker on the bottom of a pool. What do you call 32 blonds with their ears glued together? A wind tunnel |
sounds like a monday
Raspberry tea, with 2 sugar, or a dash of honey.
looking for sex
omg, i fracking lol'd
A. you spelled my name wrong. :P and B. Einstein once said: There are
only 2 infinites in the universe; the universe itself, and human stupidity, although im not sure about the former. IOW humans are dumber than the universe is infinite, and i agree. Especially people who are dumb enough to be racist/sexist. |
im not racist, i believe that stupidy doesnt rely on skin color
"New Internet Acronyms"
SB ****ty Buzz
PML Pardon My Language BBAAB Be Back After A Bit |
Name My Baby ^_^
Boy: Jace
Girl: Tirianna (Tier-e-anna) |