Community > Posts By > unicorngal

unicorngal's photo
Wed 05/07/08 03:07 PM
Edited by unicorngal on Wed 05/07/08 03:10 PM

(not a pixe A HIGH ELVEN CLERIC)

(my mistake...first visit to the Inn, bear with me as I get the hang of things...laugh )

unicorngal's photo
Wed 05/07/08 03:01 PM

Boromir blushes again before answering. "I am Boromir fair lady. I do hope you enjoy the meal of the day," he says as he slowly eases away going back to the counter.

*Suddenly, Caratacus realizes that Boromir is serving a Pixie! He tries not to stare rudely but never having beheld sure a rare and almost mythical creature, he is unable to tear his eyes away from the miniature woman-like creature. Her beauty is astonishing, despite her diminutive size. Finally, Caratacus tears his gaze away and refocuses on Barbus and Rathil_Thads.*
(not a pixe A HIGH ELVEN CLERIC)

unicorngal's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:54 PM

The door opens and a figure stands at the entrance for a second, then without hesitation approaches the bar and sits down.

"A meal and a room please."

She reaches into a draw string bag and pulls out three small jewels, which where she came from were worth something.

"What can I get for these? She asks.

They were rubies, shiny and deep red in color. The people here probably had never seen such cuts on a stone. It was all she had to barter with for food and accommodations.

"Morgan Sava is my name." she said.

Then she looked around the room and found all eyes upon her. She was not comfortable with that.

I slowly walk over and ask if she might join me at my table as I point to where I left my food,My name is Kory It is a pleasure to meet you Morgan

unicorngal's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:48 PM
As I look around at all the different races in this fine tavern
This place is just grand and all are having a good time.Hmmmm
Peace at last even if it might be for only a little while.I take my drink and food to a nearby table to enjoy my food.

unicorngal's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:43 PM

As I walk gracefully in to the Green Dragon's Inn,flowing green robes and a hand carved staff.Hello my good man may I trouble thee for some elven wine and perhapes some of your stew? As I put some gold on the bar.

"Good day fair lady," Boromir replies pouring the elvin wine from a elegant carafe. He then goes to the kitchen to fetch a plate of boar's stew with dark bread.

Thank thee kind sir My name is Kory_Chamim,what be thy name good man?

unicorngal's photo
Wed 05/07/08 02:36 PM
As I walk gracefully in to the Green Dragon's Inn,flowing green robes and a hand carved staff.Hello my good man may I trouble thee for some elven wine and perhapes some of your stew? As I put some gold on the bar.

unicorngal's photo
Tue 05/06/08 09:43 AM
His stories will mesmerise you through out the whole game ,leaving you wanting more.

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/05/08 02:28 PM
Edited by unicorngal on Mon 05/05/08 02:32 PM
Re"Anna,Did you not enjoy his song? Now he is gone also.It seams that there are very few who stay here for very long.I think I shall also take leave for awhile.As I really want to find that forest.Good bye for now.

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/05/08 02:27 PM

Brovo that was just grand.

"Thank you, Spirit"

You did a nice job to bad Rathil was not here to hear it.His loss.

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/05/08 02:19 PM

*Icarus clears his throat, and strums a chord upon his lute*

"'Pon my return to the Crimson Vixar,
I saw a sight, 'twas most bizzare,
A "lady" who'd stepped off a boat,
A laceration across her throat,
A friendly pixie came and cured,
This gash; her voice now restored,
Another friend I too did meet,
A silver Wolf stood by her feet,
And through all this, my good friend "Rat",
Ran away, p'raps to fetch his hat,
And that is all occured so far,
My second night in the Crimson Vixar"

Brovo that was just grand.

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/05/08 01:59 PM

Why do thee say ye are "sulking, lilly-livered Elf"..." unless it is because Cos left and you are lusting after herlaugh

"Nay! Not I! You misunderstand. I refer to Rathil. All in good jest, of course"
Ah then please do sing your song for both have left for now

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/05/08 01:54 PM

Would you sing a song for us this night?

"Gladly! Just give me a few moments to arrange my thoughts and find a good rhyme for "sulking, lilly-livered Elf"..."

Why do thee say ye are "sulking, lilly-livered Elf"..." unless it is because Cos left and you are lusting after herlaugh

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/05/08 01:45 PM

Oh that would be nice to have songs on our travels.

"Thank you, Spirit. It's nice to know somebody appreciates music around here"

Would you sing a song for us this night?

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/05/08 01:44 PM
Have you sinced the mystery forest that comes and goes? The strange disappearing ghost forest on Nerifi magical forest, but why it fades in and out of existence.I tried to find it when I felt it but alas I went the wrong way and got lost

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/05/08 01:35 PM

I traveled around for a bit, until I found this forest. Not like anything you have ever seen, well maybe you SPirit. That is where I met Silver here. *he looks up at his mistress with loving eyes* He is Alpha male of his pack and took care of me. They adopted me as one of their own.
I didn't think much of it till things started to change.

Yes I too had too many rules as my queen did not allow any of us to leave the woods or explore beyound our sacared tree.So I ran away and ended up in Sinatorium,and you know the rest.Now we are here in the world.

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/05/08 01:20 PM

*Looks down at the wolf* Mmmm. Dinner. *grins and looks at Anna.* joking. *smirks and looks at rat. her smile fades as she seems worried about him. SHe closes her eyes and looks at Icarus* so darlin, what is your story?

"Me? I have travelled far and wide in search of a muse, inspiration for my songs. A great warrior, mayhap, or a band of adventurors, so that I might compose mighty songs of heroism. Perhaps I have found such a muse in thee?"

Oh that would be nice to have songs on our travels.

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/05/08 01:14 PM
Re'Anna could you tell your story as how you and silver became
as you were going to tell us but then that was before oh you know the demons and the orcs.

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/05/08 01:07 PM
Edited by unicorngal on Mon 05/05/08 01:10 PM

Oh yes, I am doing much better thank you. I may be half elf but I am certainly all woman. Too much so for most men, I have found.
she smiles wickedly at the memories.
She looks over at the group, takes a long drink from her bottle and walks over.
she looks over at Icarus, "thank you for the invitation." and sits down in an empty chair. Silver walks over to sniff everyone.
She looks around,"where is that Kadis? haven't seen him since I drank that grog, did i scard him that bad?" wanting to get the pixie a drink.

Yes Silver, some of us you will remember and now there are some new friends here as well.(as I gently strok silver's back)
The barkeeper has not been around for a while but Rathil has been playing barkeep

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/05/08 01:00 PM

Thank you for your offer of a drink but I will stick to my water
for the crazy stuff that is in these lands are not for a pixie.
I can not heal that one for he is not hurt.laugh He has never been around someone as you cos.

Ah but Spirit, don't you remember this from the Green Dragon?

oh then that is different and I would be honored to have a drink with you.

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/05/08 12:52 PM
Edited by unicorngal on Mon 05/05/08 12:54 PM
Thank you for your offer of a drink but I will stick to my water
for the crazy stuff that is in these lands are not for a pixie.
I can not heal that one for he is not hurt.laugh He has never been around someone as you cos.

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