Community > Posts By > LeighAnna9

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Wed 04/13/11 10:07 AM
I used to have tons of journals that I had kept since I was very young. I lost them all years ago and I cringe to imagine them being read by strangers. I still journal, but hopefully I'll keep up with these this time. I also have an online journal that only strangers are allowed to read.

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Wed 04/13/11 10:03 AM

My Mom got my diary and read it to the I keep my journal that carries all of my writes :)

Oh, that's awful, I'd just die if someone read my private thoughts.

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Wed 04/13/11 09:44 AM

im not have sex with him bc he doesnt believe in it.but if he cant simply hold my hand or kiss me every now and then then it feels like im just his friend even though hes sayin im his girl

So what are you going to do about it, if anything?

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Wed 04/13/11 09:36 AM
I forgot to add what I expect from this site- absolutely nothing.:thumbsup:

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Wed 04/13/11 08:53 AM

No human biological reaction is constant; you blood pressure fluctuates during the day, and so does your body temp.

A man's strength of religious conviction may be fluctuating as well. When he kissed you, he was carefree of God's will and wrath; then his Baptism minister of Family and Sexual affairs talked to him and told him that kissing is fine, but it can lead to dancing, so stop it, boy, before the eternal flames lick your feet and engulf your undying soul.

That's one theory.

Another one is that he has twenty other girlfriends, and he likes your cookies.

A fourth one is that the sex you have is good enough for him, he feels why would or should he put out for more? such as showering you with kisses, or even just with one. (Possible!! An X of mine would give me one kiss every day in the morning when she left for work, and I needed to sit in the dryer for the full cicle to get the slime off me by evaporation.) I don't know how much and what kind of sex you have together, because aside from kissing, you mentioned nothing on the subject of physical intimacy. Everyone assumes there is nothing there, but I, a philosopher, can envision that you story allows very well for the probability of fellatio, anal intercourse, foot fetish, role playing, dressing up like suckling babies, lion taming, cross dressing. There is nothing you said about these, which means nothing - they could be there happening between the two of you or they could be not. There is no way of telling that, except that you did not deny it directly, so the possibilty of their existing is very real.

What you could do is this:

Pray that he change his ways. He is obviously connected to God, and he has most likely a line of communication established with Him already. If you want to get anywhere with this boy, you must petition God to tell the guy to go for it. The best way is to petition God with prayer, but you could also try to bribe God with donaiton to churches, with lighting candles, with selling your soul to God. (There are only two buyers for souls, and apparently God offers a better price, but unfortunately a slower payment schedule. Satan pays immediate cash, but his sales price is a loan, actually, and the interest rates will make you life hell. In fact, no amount of amortization deposits will ever get you out of that debt.)

I'm going to assume you're kidding with all of this, right?spock

I say she kicks him to the curb and let him be with his god if that's what he needs. There are lots of men who don't have issues (I've never met them, but that's what I hear) who would be very glad to be with her.

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Wed 04/13/11 08:09 AM
I have a master's degree and the job I have only requires an associate's degree. In this economy, education seems to be irrelevant.

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Wed 04/13/11 08:07 AM
I got bored so I reactivated my account. When I get unbored, I'll deactivate it again.:smile:

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Wed 04/13/11 08:05 AM

this is what he texted me

Im classy so i will do it when the times right. Plus for a long time ur tooth
hurt and u dont wanna kiss like that do ya i mean

huh? say what
he wouldnt kiss you for your tooth hurt..
well ok but now its a crap of a poor excuse
and so the time was right in the beganing and now its not
i think its time to thrown in the towel
for hes making up nothing but excuses and its wasting your time

I agree.

I wouldnt agree without knowing him, I have some fantastic christian men friends who will not go fast or step anywhere that could get them in trouble.
If he believes in gods word, which is very possible and it is his belief that it is wrong to go to far before marraige then he is going to be very careful.
Especialy if in the beginning you turned him on by him kissingyou, If he is having all the feeling that are normal then he would be very tempted when he kisses you.
If thats the case, then him telling you that he loves you is really serious, its not just a man saying it just to say it. He is looking at you as the person who he will spend his life with.
Now remember I am just putting it from a Mans view who has a strong conviction about God, I could be really wrong and it might be something completely different.
But a man who has commited himself to following Jesus and does not want that sort of intimacy beofre marraige will do exactly what your man is doing, He will see it as respecting you and protecting you both.
So I guess you need to talk to him and find out exactly what his beliefs are, and if he does have very strong beliefs, work out if you can live with them.
The Bible also tells you not to be unequally yoked, so if he follwed that he would be hoping that you are going to go to have the same beliefs as him..
Anyway, I realy have no idea this was just another line of thought, rather than the one that he is not interested.
And really if you marry a man who truly does follow Jesus and is not a hypocrit, you will have a husband that will treat you like a Queen, he will be faithful you wouldnt be sorry, If you loved him.

I don't have a problem with people who believe in god's word. The problem I have is he started out giving her what she wanted and then he stopped with the excuse that he "wanted to be friends." I don't date my friends, so I don't kiss them, but if I'm dating a guy, I consider kissing a normal part of dating. In my opinion, when the affection stops, it means the guy/girl is over the relationship and it's time to leave.

I agreed about Queene's thought about him playing games and making up excuses because that is how I see his behavior. I don't have time for games and ********, if a guy is over me, it's done, no excuses; there are plenty of others out there who will do what I want in a relationship.

And I don't date religious men, so it's irrelevant how they would treat me because they will never get that opportunity.

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Wed 04/13/11 08:00 AM

If anyone is looking for some good horror reads, I recommend Richard Laymon- warning though, his books are very graphic. He's a great fast read, very entertaining:

The Traveling Vampire Show
The Stake
Blood Games
In The Dark
Night In The Lonesome October

are some of my favorites of his.

Jack Ketchum, he's also graphic.

The Girl Next Door
The Lost

His Dead River series-

Off Season, Hide And Seek, Offspring, and The Woman(co-written by director Lucky McKee)

I agree about Laymon, he's a good writer. I finished one of the Beast House books a couple weeks ago, I enjoyed it.

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Wed 04/13/11 06:28 AM
Thinking I wish I could have called in to work today.grumble

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Wed 04/13/11 06:26 AM

Well okay...but if you think about someone else tonight, I'm going to go out and find a hot chick to show off.....:angry:

rofl rofl rofl rofl

Good night hun!!flowers

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

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Wed 04/13/11 06:24 AM

Stephen King, Bentley Little, Mary Higgins Clark, and whoever wrote the Alex Cross books, his name escapes me....

James Patterson wrote the Alex Cross books.

I used to read a lot of the Mary Higgins Clark books. After a while, I could figure them out quickly, though, so I stopped. Maybe I'll start again, since it's been a long time.

I also like a lot of the fun chick lit books. Sophie Kinsella and Meg Cabot, just to name a couple of the authors.

Yes, thank you! I hate it when names slip my mind. I became that way over Danielle Steel's books, I took a creative writing class and ever since then I can't stand her writing. Which is too bad, because her stories were pretty good, just badly told. I discovered a really amazing author the other day, Meg Gardner. Reading her novel was like watching an action movie, she's just that good.

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Wed 04/13/11 06:21 AM

this is what he texted me

Im classy so i will do it when the times right. Plus for a long time ur tooth
hurt and u dont wanna kiss like that do ya i mean

huh? say what
he wouldnt kiss you for your tooth hurt..
well ok but now its a crap of a poor excuse
and so the time was right in the beganing and now its not
i think its time to thrown in the towel
for hes making up nothing but excuses and its wasting your time

I agree.

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Tue 04/12/11 09:12 PM

well i wonder bc hes on permanent disability and hes usually in constant pain and hes only 26

Do his lips hurt? I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm serious. He should be able to kiss. And it should make him feel better.

lol that was actually funny!i know im trying not to jump to conclusions but its weird

Have you asked him why he can't kiss anymore? Because to me, once you cross the friendship barrier, it's rather hard to go back. And I wouldn't want to. And even if he does, it sounds like you don't, so you're going to be unhappy.

well when he talks to other ppl he always tells them im his girl and he said we are boyfriend g/f but geez its not like im trying to get him naked and **** him im trying to kiss him lol

Well, to me talk is cheap. I'd tell him one day to shut up and kiss me, and if he wouldn't, I'd go find someone who would. And you're a strong-willed woman, it's hard for me not to get a guy naked and **** him if I'm into him.laugh

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Tue 04/12/11 09:08 PM

I really need to go to bed.

TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!frustrated frustrated

laugh laugh laugh

Yeah, I think it's time for me to go, too much excitement for one evening. And I do have extra pillows!laugh

WAIT!!!! Would that be considered cheating????? Or would that only be for the opposite sex?????what what what

Hmmm, well, neither of us is a man so we can control our urges. So I think it might be okay. rofl rofl

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Tue 04/12/11 09:06 PM

well i wonder bc hes on permanent disability and hes usually in constant pain and hes only 26

Do his lips hurt? I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm serious. He should be able to kiss. And it should make him feel better.

lol that was actually funny!i know im trying not to jump to conclusions but its weird

Have you asked him why he can't kiss anymore? Because to me, once you cross the friendship barrier, it's rather hard to go back. And I wouldn't want to. And even if he does, it sounds like you don't, so you're going to be unhappy.

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Tue 04/12/11 09:02 PM

well i wonder bc hes on permanent disability and hes usually in constant pain and hes only 26

Do his lips hurt? I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm serious. He should be able to kiss. And it should make him feel better.

no photo
Tue 04/12/11 09:01 PM

I really need to go to bed.

TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!frustrated frustrated

laugh laugh laugh

Yeah, I think it's time for me to go, too much excitement for one evening. And I do have extra pillows!laugh

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Tue 04/12/11 08:59 PM
It always amuses me that people only see this as a dating site.....

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Tue 04/12/11 08:58 PM
Ugh, I don't know what to tell you. If I were me, I'd just tell him upfront that I'm not getting what I want from the relationship and if he's not willing to change, I'd end it. But that's just me. Life is too short to be unhappy.

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