If you dont own yourself what do you own? If what is inside your body is not yours then what is? Then there is the argument from consequence. Illegal abortion promotes black-market abortion, which is objectively riskier and more damaging to society. Then there is also the slippery slope of allowing governments to control your body. Once they set that precedent that they control your body for your own well being, or the well being of the potential of a future citizen, then were does that stop, and what logical barriers exist to prevent the slip of personal rights? There is nothing more personal than reproduction, so it is also an issue of privacy. In fact this topic touches on just about every rights issue ever. I used to look at it like that, then I realized that "what is inside [a woman's] body" is a human. Equally endowed with the same God given rights as anyone else. This is a right issue, the right to life for the child. |
I am very pro-life and see abortion as murder. And I do understand the issue very well as I once had an abortion. And, it's not a religious issue for me. I simply believe that an unborn baby is a human being with the right to life. So, naturally I find selective abortions even more horrific. Exactly. I was pro-life before I was a Christian. It took me YEARS to go from "It's a woman's right" to "It's a child's life", but I got here. |
If women aren't allowed selective abortion, how else will the population decrease? More war??? We have more food in the world than we have people to eat it. Resources are not the issue. The problems in this world are all related to lack of wealth and freedom. Free people are able to generate wealth and feed themselves. But Governments tie their hands and prevent the generation of wealth through policies and force. Every summer, we see little girls having their lemonade stands shut down, because they don't have the right permits. There are plenty of countries where you can't start a business of any kind without Government approval. Freedom is the panacea to most of our social ills. I only oppose abortion, because the freedom to get an abortion violates the right to life of the child. |
Abortion is an issue best addressed by the people directly affected, the mother and father of the fetus, not by a bunch oh holier-than-thou right wing fundmentalists or the government. Abortions typically aren't taken lightly by the parents. They're emotionally and financially taxing. No one has abortions for fun; but everyone needs to open their eyes to the very real dangers of overpopulation. The Earth is already near carrying capacity. It's evident to anyone with their eyes open. Increasingly limited, more expensive resources, pollution problems, other species nearing extinction due to human encroachment of their habitats. Wake up, world! The very conservative would have you believe that liberals get abortions all the time, as a simple form of birth control. The problem is the whole murdering an innocent, helpless baby. The frequency is alarming, but it's the murder part that really upsets Conservatives and some Libertarians. I don't care how much salt you eat or if you smoke or if you drink large sodas, but Democrats do legislate those things. What I care about is the fundamental right to life that is the birthright of every human being. You can be against abortion all you want. As the law stands, though, it's legal. It isn't up to you to decide what women should do. It's legal through judicial fiat, not law. If the Supreme Court were always right, then black people would still be slaves. |
All this time I thought the topic was about "selective" abortion. It's about the slippery slope of abortion. If abortion is legal, then it's legal to kill your baby girls. Abortion is a tool for eugenics. Margaret Sanger started Planned Parenthood to eliminate minorities and poor people. To this day, you will primarily find Planned Parenthood clinics in poor, mostly black and Hispanic neighborhoods. 50% of all black children conceived in the USA every year are aborted. Almost all abortions are "selective", because abortion is almost always elective. Abortion is only rarely used as a life saving procedure. |
Abortion is an issue best addressed by the people directly affected, the mother and father of the fetus, not by a bunch oh holier-than-thou right wing fundmentalists or the government. Abortions typically aren't taken lightly by the parents. They're emotionally and financially taxing. No one has abortions for fun; but everyone needs to open their eyes to the very real dangers of overpopulation. The Earth is already near carrying capacity. It's evident to anyone with their eyes open. Increasingly limited, more expensive resources, pollution problems, other species nearing extinction due to human encroachment of their habitats. Wake up, world! The very conservative would have you believe that liberals get abortions all the time, as a simple form of birth control. The problem is the whole murdering an innocent, helpless baby. The frequency is alarming, but it's the murder part that really upsets Conservatives and some Libertarians. I don't care how much salt you eat or if you smoke or if you drink large sodas, but Democrats do legislate those things. What I care about is the fundamental right to life that is the birthright of every human being. |
..Ladies, please explain to me why abortion is a "woman's rights issue".. Good thing we have solved the problem here, with abortion being legal. What you want to do, legislate what is on a woman's mind at the time, obviously is as silly as trying to legislate what a man is allowed to think while having sex. It is their business, not ours, their choice, not ours. Legislate... Okay, let's talk about the law. From the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" Our declaration of Independence states that our rights begin at conception (creation), not birth. The Declaration of Independence is in the US Code as THE ORGANIC LAWS. Organic Law is defined as "law determining the fundamental political principles of a government". So by law, abortion should be illegal, because it violates the right to life of unborn citizens. |
Abortion is an issue best addressed by the people directly affected, the mother and father of the fetus, not by a bunch oh holier-than-thou right wing fundmentalists or the government. Abortions typically aren't taken lightly by the parents. They're emotionally and financially taxing. No one has abortions for fun; but everyone needs to open their eyes to the very real dangers of overpopulation. The Earth is already near carrying capacity. It's evident to anyone with their eyes open. Increasingly limited, more expensive resources, pollution problems, other species nearing extinction due to human encroachment of their habitats. Wake up, world! The earth is nowhere near capacity. Not even close. More Eco-nonsense. |
Control of your own body is not a freedom that can be taken away from the individual, it is a right, which is unalienable under the constitution! So unborn humans have no rights or freedom, correct? |
Gendercide: the systematic killing of members of a specific sex.
100,000,000 unborn girls have specifically been targeted for abortion, just because of their gender. Ladies, please explain to me why abortion is a "woman's rights issue". Do you support the right of women to murder their unborn daughters, because they (or their husband or the law) prefers to have a boy? Abortion isn't a "woman's rights issue", it's targeted violence against the most helpless members of our society. |
Creation vs. Evolution.
Entropy does not destroy energy, it makes it useless. That is all that needs to be said to refute spider. Entropy is energy, which cannot be used. When have I ever said that "entropy destroys energy"? You can't honestly think I've ever posted that, can you? Is that just a strawman because you are frustrated or what? |
Creation vs. Evolution.
The answer was the second law of thermodynamics, which is a descriptive law (as is ALL of science). What does all of thermodynamics describe? Energy transfer within the universe. THAT is why it is nonsense when discussing the origin of energy, or the universe. Because the context of the law is within the universe, no before, not outside, not dealing in causes of the universe. A simple misunderstanding, perhaps I didn't make myself clear. If energy has always existed, then the amount of entropy would be far higher than it currently is. Yes, I am aware that a team of physicists determined that the universe has 30x more entropy than expected, but that is locked up in super massive black holes and doesn't count as the background entropy that we would expect to find if energy had existed infinitely. Even in a heat death scenario energy still exists, it may not be usable, but it exists. You have made this error before in the exact same conversation, been schooled then and still did not understand. No, I understand that completely. We argued for like 10 pages until you finally admitted that Entropy could not be converted back into matter. Every moment of your life, you are creating entropy. If you want to reject accepted science, that's your business. |
Creation vs. Evolution.
The universe, as a whole, is a giant closed system. Explain why this must be true? If you can you will win a Nobel.
It's's accepted science. Please educate yourself on this. I like you and hate to see you humiliate yourself like this. Spider, You are wrong ... on several levels. At CERN, one of the primary experiments is to create matter from energy and "see what happens". One of the things that happens is that some particles spontaneously appear and disappear from this universe. We don't know where they go or where they come from. (I am NOT trying to inject the Higgs Boson into this thread!) A entire science of "virtual particles" has been created to explain various energy transference in the Standard Model. Whether or not the Standard Model is correct in some aspects doesn't matter. Energy and matter are appearing and dissappearing to and from our existence. Some of the best minds in the business are trying to understand that part of energy transference of our open system universe. You place great reliance in physical laws that act where we can see them. There is every indication that different laws act in areas that are beyond our ability to measure. The expanding universe is an example. Uncertainty and Virtual Particles The conservation of energy seems to be violated by the apparent existence of these very energetic particles for a very short time. However, according to the above principle, if the time of a process is exceedingly short, then the uncertainty in energy can be very large. Thus, due to the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, these high-energy force-carrier particles may exist if they are short lived. In a sense, they escape reality's notice. The bottom line is that energy is conserved. The energy of the initial decaying particle and the final decay products is equal. The virtual particles exist for such a short time that they can never be observed. |
Creation vs. Evolution.
The answer was the second law of thermodynamics, which is a descriptive law (as is ALL of science). What does all of thermodynamics describe? Energy transfer within the universe. THAT is why it is nonsense when discussing the origin of energy, or the universe. Because the context of the law is within the universe, no before, not outside, not dealing in causes of the universe. A simple misunderstanding, perhaps I didn't make myself clear. If energy has always existed, then the amount of entropy would be far higher than it currently is. Yes, I am aware that a team of physicists determined that the universe has 30x more entropy than expected, but that is locked up in super massive black holes and doesn't count as the background entropy that we would expect to find if energy had existed infinitely. Even in a heat death scenario energy still exists, it may not be usable, but it exists. You have made this error before in the exact same conversation, been schooled then and still did not understand. No, I understand that completely. We argued for like 10 pages until you finally admitted that Entropy could not be converted back into matter. |
Creation vs. Evolution.
We are talking about more than our universe when we are talking about what caused our universe. No, here is where you are wrong. I AM talking about one point, to which I replied. Don't play this expanding the scope crap with me. I'm making an isolated point. I'm 100% correct. Your feeble attempts to refute my point or to strawman me show that you really are out of your depth. |
Creation vs. Evolution.
The universe, as a whole, is a giant closed system. Explain why this must be true? If you can you will win a Nobel.
It's's accepted science. Please educate yourself on this. I like you and hate to see you humiliate yourself like this. |
Creation vs. Evolution.
Edited by
Fri 05/25/12 11:15 AM
Sorry I don't get the argument that matter or energy just always existed. There had to be an origin. |
Creation vs. Evolution.
They are misapplying the laws. This entire line of reasoning is a straw man. We've had this discussion before. The problem is that you don't understand the Second Law of Thermodynamics. |
Creation vs. Evolution.
Not even. He is not even wrong. He is taking a descriptive law. (please look up what it means for something to be descriptive vs proscriptive) that applies to closed systems, and applying it without regard to context to the whole of existence. The universe, as a whole, is a giant closed system. The entropy of any isolated system not in thermal equilibrium almost always increases. Why would the law detail what kind of system if it did not matter?
Is our universe in thermal equilibrium? Are all parts of the universe equally hot? No, they are not. Therefore, entropy raises. You are behaving as if this isn't accepted science. So what, I'm the only person who has heard the term "heat death"? It does matter. We have you guys playing at physicist and you have no clue how these laws came into being. What does this mean exactly? All of science is descriptive, we learn based on what we find, we do not find a creator, we find nothing which requires a creator, and thus make no assumptions about creators in creating models of reality. Science is the study of the natural world. God is supernatural, having created nature, and therefore cannot be described by science. |