Community > Posts By > AlphaB2Eros88
Honest opinion and advice
way to much on your profile... you wanna know everything about someone else, but you say very little about you... i stopped reading it pretty quickly... remember, profiles are about you, not a demand for others to be what you want... good luck Well seeing as you didn't read it I don't really think I will take your statment. Thank you but I find its good to know what you want and say it. -Tresa |
Honest opinion and advice
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Sat 04/23/16 09:25 PM
Hi Alpha, 1. Your main picture is enigmatic and so are a few others but there's one hot potato -- could attract the very type you want to avoid. May be it could go on your reserve list. 2. I suggest you reserve your questionnaire for later. I mean why should i describe myself in 5 words? right at the handshaking stages unless you are HR and i'm a job applicant what hobbies, why & will you share obviously, i will share my toys if you will play with me; i mean what the heck? when you get angry how do you respond aha; gives it all away. now the target reader is expecting: "you moron, i'm giving you a ticket" come on, you can't expect a person to respond unless 'he wants to impress you'. that's the type you may like to avoid in other words, the questionnaire seems to be for a certain make and model of a car rather than a search for a soul mate; haha. On the other hand.. 3. The positives are your responses in this thread; great read and some nice leads there. In fact why not replace many of your profile lines with those in this thread? For instance.. a) "While attracting a quality male..." yep - frankly i am looking for a guy with the temperament of say Sean Connery or a Daniel Craig and no; i love Fluffy but not as my date b) "..if the target audience actually takes the time to get to know me.." has a nice ring to it - re-saying in your very words like i know how tiresome it is to pan through profiles but you will find me refreshingly honest and if i like you i may have a few questions for you 4. challenging okay but some areas its needless; like loving your good cooking versus his love for his grandma's. i mean why are you highlighting a talent to a point he has to choose between his and you ..aaargh. --xx-- as seems to be the general attitude here; don't look for perfection; just a good match; somebody who can make you laugh; and things get perfected over the years. best wishes. ![]() Well, fun times *Cracks knuckles* well where to start... I guess I will take the head and then work my way down. Alright for Pt. Interesting take however even if you were dressed in a turtleneck covered from head to toe you will find that you can still get the types to want to do odd things. Then again I go to nude spa's so yes while I'm of the viewpoint that nudity does not equal sex. *wink* It's important that the person messaging me also have a healthy S-Drive. Kind of a major factor. So if I get that diamond in the rough that likes my mind and the way I look Bonus round. Besides, who wants to go to a movie when I can go to a nude beach or go to a cage match. Or better yet mudding and do the whole bonfire bit. With skinny dip on a dare. pt2: The questionnaire stays if someone is really interested we can make a game of it. And seeing as they are options to add to a "Hi my name is John Well yeah john... Why are you different than the other 5 johns who just sent me a hi?" How about you answer some questions. *shrugs* I will be honest you are online auditioning or peacocking yourself not only for fellowship but a potential mate. If you want to simplify it yes do you want a new model to drive in or something with some durability. *shrugs* Pt3: One can only be one's self... You say you like how I answer other people's questions and that it shows what a tender side. Well, then congrats you fallowing my post has allowed you to see another side to me. There are many sides of me if you feel I should only show one side then you were not fallowing me for that long, my friend. If You can't grasp that but thank you for the compliment/general observation. Pt4: You know I would have to say maybe it's a cultural thing but where I come from. You always want to marry someone that can cook better than your mom. I always think granma's cook better than anyone. So yes seeing as she may or may in the picture for very long. Actually mastering her dishes and cooking better then her would be a huge step. If you haven't guessed from my interest section I am competitive. And seeing to it that a potential mate gets the very best is a thing. If you are unconformable with anyone calling your granny in the kitchen let me put your mind at ease first its an expression. But then again I didn't challenge the competitive person to see if she could handle it. If you don't want someone who can throw down with grandma. Then don't worry most about my age range are into the microwave sect now but not all. Pt5: Never said I was looking for perfection just what is a right match for me. Laughter means nothing if you know the person has an anger problem but won't tell you what they need to get on through it or over it. When I ask a question its just that. Don't worry what society thinks on if you are dating me. I accept that you are human. But I expect honesty and communication. But hey *wink* I'm not for everyone I will ask you about these things because they are important and it shows my level of commitment and care that I ask these things... It also acts as a lovely deterrent for those that just like a hot patato photo. But lack effort...thanks for your time. Respectfully -Tresa |
Any 1 For Table Top RPG's?
there's always a possibility of getting into trouble anywhere you are, but you seem to have a level head about you...good luck on your gaming trials lol..not all that true ;) I never start trouble & always fun to be around but I do tend to be very hot-headed with a short fuse when someone nearby is being a loudmouth or threatening people. I have a horrible history of not walking away. It's allowed me to help out people getting hurt & protecting others but it's also gotten me a couple of concussions, double-digit beatings & a knife in my side at a county fair of all places....This is why I now weigh in the potential for trouble when choosing my activities. I've been a nurse since 2012 & could lose my license with certain types of arrests. I tread carefully now & stay aware of my character flaws ![]() Good news most people that you meet at Larps are there to have fun. Sure you will meet people you don't like in any circle. But I don't get why now when the group is for people interested in games. We are talking about things that are not game related. I mean it's a little unsettling. But to each his own. I just ask that people refer to the original topic. |
Any 1 For Table Top RPG's?
Edited by
Sat 04/23/16 05:34 PM
I've never in my life played or even known anyone who has played these D&D type games but after seeing a few documentaries on them, I've become very intrigued & it makes me wish I knew some people out here to get into it with. Seems like a healthy way to kill time with good people without the possibility of getting into any trouble (always a plus for me) I like your interest depending on what you like to do as a person. I find you could love D&D or you could be a Werewolf or vampire or even a Mage in another game. Heck if you like superheroes. There are many systems. I would encourage you to find a basic something that you like. And if you are interested. I may know of a cool chick who will run a few one-shots over skype with a group of friends. *wink* Some shows to watch online would be the following: LARPs: The Series Gentlemen Gamers: Dorkness Rising The Gamers: Natural One (They are not documentaries but people having fun I think however the best way is to gain a book...Some coffee or a beer or Mt. Dew and keep your mind relaxed and just have fun.) V/r Tresa |
Any 1 For Table Top RPG's?
A tabletop role-playing game, pen-and-paper role-playing game, or table-talk role-playing game is a form of role-playing game (RPG) in which the participants describe their characters' actions through speech.
Please see the bellow link for Gamer definitions and explanations: Greetings and now that we have gotten the definition stuff out of the way. Let's get started the purpose of this page is not only for people to share what table top RPG's they enjoy but also maybe a way to try and get something started in your local area or online. So please feel free to leave a brief intro on the games you like and maybe 1-2 sentences on why you like it. Myself personally I love D&D (2.0, 3.5, 5.0) but have never been able to finish a story line because well people movie and PC's Die and well someone married the wrong NPC and well yeah. I have fallen madly and deeply in love with the White wolf games Vampire, Werewolf & Demon. But would love it if someone would teach me mage. And why do I love these games well the world is a bit darker and edgier. And you get mostly adults who like to play these types of games and while I've only done 2 campaigns the GM thought it would be fun to turn it into a bit of a LARP. So that's a brief blurp on my Table top loves. |
Elder Scrolls or WOW
Wait are we listing what games we like to play out of the two... Because sadly it is Skyrim ( TT n TT ) Only because I have yet to complete the dang thing.... SOOO MANY SIDE QUEST!
camouflage kc
Meh if all you want is a friend to do all those things. You are in luck mushroom season should have already started though I think. But you kind of mixed up the BF with the FWB type of thing there. Which is it?
Rate my profile Hi, and Welcome to Mingle! I hope you will have fun here and find what you are looking for. I would have to say SitkaRains is right. You need more oompf for me personally maybe list Three more interest. Have 3 or more sentences on you being well you and there you go. Maybe two or more pictures of you doing your interest. |
Honest opinion and advice
If you would have told me what, so far, has been the love of my life would have been the one when I saw him across the room I would have probably told you no way. Several ways he did not make what I thought was my list. But deep down he was a "giant slayer' with the greatest courage yet tenderness that I thought was pretty much mythical. It is fine to thy own self be true and tell people in the dating process the things you think will give them a better chance. Leave a few tidbits to make the process of discover fun. But I really think there is little or no way for you to sort all the chaff from the wheat and some people just have to be ignored since there are guys who will shoot at any deer in the field just to see if they get lucky. I know military life, especially today, tends to use testing to select but I am sure you have seen some guys who maxed fit to fight and were the weakest link in the unit. You would not want a man just because he survived standing on the auction block. That sure is not what you describe in your response to me. Which by the way a great way to describe what you want and even find it. Maybe that feels more vulnerable than comfortable but it is what works. Finding real love takes risk. Good Luck. Keep me posted. You know I have to say it does get tire some having to pan through all the cheap Hi's and Cybersex bunnies. God lord you have no idea how much that mess was cut in half after there were 10 questions thrown up. It was very refreshing honestly figuring out how to play coy and hint at my things. I feel leaving enough about my interest. Flaws and or desires. Was a nice thing but if the target audience actually takes the time to get to know me. They will find I'm much more just like you found out about the hidden depth of my prospective lover. While I look into this fencing motions. You mention eairlyer I may have to spend time. I mean will I only be attractive to people who like MMA and a certain lifestyle. Because so far the people with the same interest tell me the profile is great. So I will take peoples advice under consideration. But my goal is not to get someone who is my polar opposite. Thank you all for your help it's outstanding really some of it now as helpful as I would have liked. But I take into the factors: Age,Intrest,Faith & General overall goals. V/r Tresa |
Honest opinion and advice
Edited by
Sat 04/23/16 11:20 AM
Ooops, it looks like "user manual", or a "package leaflet". The list of do's and the don'ts is too long, I think. I got tired to read all. If I am a man I wouldn't like to fit in that program. It is boring to know everything before even talking. And when relationship grows and problems "challenges" come? Will you then remember him about his agreement to the "user manuel"? Honestly speaking, it is more interesting to talking to a person who just says "Hi". When I was praying with an Archbishop from London, she said to me, God says, I should forget about all I have in mind. God did a miracle and two years ago I went to Pakistan, got married to best husband. God really knows what I needed and whom I needed. There was no need for a long list of questions. The only questions were if he loves God and if he really loves me. I thank God for giving me much more than I was asking for. Be blessed dear! Rev. Vera Dear lord... I would hope you could give a more detailed list. Instead of commenting on something you couldn't finish. I would maybe ask that you help me by pointing out Where you got tired? Or what was a pro and what was a con. Maybe you all are not getting what I'm asking... Because what I feel I'm getting is hey God will send you the one you need... Do not play that age old game of 20 questions. Cut in half... And by the way, if you have never played 20 questions then you probably haven't stayed up all hours of the night in love just asking questions. Until the other couldn't breathe. *shrugs* I digress What I'm looking for is one a way to remove the unwanted scammer or cybersex bunnies. Find a companion who possess the ability to articulate. Now asking will I ask a mate during a hard time to remember his promises. Is a bit of a cheap shot. I won't lie I've been taught relationships won't be 50/50 all the time... And sometimes the enemy will attack your partner and you have to be strong enough to help carry them whether it's now 70/30 or even 90/10. Doesn't matter help your partner. Now what an archbishop tells you. Is not Gods message for everyone. But I appreciate and respect your faith viewpoint. Thank you for your I would ask that you maybe look into the fact that I'm not catholic to better relate. But again thank you for your effort. V/r Tresa |
Honest opinion and advice
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Sat 04/23/16 11:18 AM
With respect, I think your profile is way OTT. I'm only talking about me personally but I would click 'next' and skip your profile after a line or two. Well, thanks for you opinion but seeing as you offer no critique on how to soften it then *shrugs* Why are you here? As a male, you had a prime opportunity to follow that if something's broke... And I've been asked to fix it. But seeing as what I asked was how to fix it...Just State how it s broken and what you would do to fix it. But *shrugs* That's fine. I've got the data I needed. |
Just curious about what people see. Hello, and welcome to Mingle2. Well, mzrosie is right your profile is very easy to digest. You have your interest listed. I have to agree more face shots. Your pictures clearly show you know how to dress. And that you workout lets try and see about getting a few smile shots in. Good luck hope you find what you are looking for. V/r Tresa |
Ok rate my profile please
Thanks Well looks like she did go back to FB. |
Would like honest opinions
Edited by
Thu 04/21/16 06:59 AM
Hey everyone Please let me know how my profile comes across, id appreciate and remarks and constructive criticism Welcome to Mingle2, Now that that's done let's get cracking. Hum, it looks like you have some pretty cool interest. I would maybe put in some of your nerdy sides. Unless that superhero stuff is just a line if it is well... You should drop it. If its not maybe put in your superhero interest. So someone with the same interests can find you. Now maybe a better way of expressing your protective nature and kind hearted ways. I mean no one wants an over emotional hot head. Who will wind up in jail *wink* Just saying that's another way to read it. Maybe say how you are protective of your lady friend. And know how to take care of them. And that you love animals. And are in touch with your emotions or something to that extent. You can keep it as short and sweet as you like. But show how you will value your partner. Now for another complement you sir rock at the picture game. I mean you rarely see males come on here starting off with enough pictures posted. If you have problems describing yourself take the time to write down what you want. From a partner and then ask yourself how can I apply this to myself. Or how can I express myself to get that mate? Well hope this helps. V/r Tresa |
Hey guys could you please rate my profile honestly Alright as JaiGi said welcome to Mingle. Quick update... You need at least 3 or more pictures to be taken seriously. You may want to look into putting in about 5 interest. And of course 3-4 sentences about yourself. And then lets see 3-4 sentences about what you are looking for. Good luck to you though. V/r Tresa |
Rate My Profile Please
I Honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. Please be totally honest - I'm a Big Girl I can take it. LOL. Thanks Hey, Its short sweet and simple and for every person that says height could be and Issue is not meeting the 6'0"-7'o" Guys that are tired of bending down. And hey I know plenty of shorter guys that love tall girls. *sighs* But your pictures are awesome it shows you can do the dress up thing as well as like to be casual and have fun. I think this helps increase your range. Just ignore the dolts that are not from your area trying to start mess. I don't think any kind of disclaimer will decrease them. Just try and take it as a compliment. Take my evaluation for what it's worth. As just an opinion. V/r Tresa |
Honest opinion and advice
As another from the Sunflower state and other things you might be surprised we have in common; just seriously different decades I noticed you come in and find you very interesting in the best connotation. I get all "you go girl" and don't want to try to tone down your thundering personality. I think there is a lot behind all that sass and vinegar. Probably the most loyal friend a person could ever want and the gal you would want besides you if you were going to take on a serious challenge like a real life relationship. And my guess is a truly rocking woman for the right guy. I do think you are just a wee bit more, sorry baby girl, about a C-1-30, more than most civilians are going to be able to take. But that is not a bad thing if you learn a little ballet and how to finesse it. Give yourself some time back in the world. And you know you can't give people orders no matter how good your reasons. What worries me is sadly there will be too many who will just see you as a challenge to break down. Probably not what you want to here but if you put it out there that is what you are going to attract. I think there is a lot about your profile you can keep but you can ask many of the questions much more subtly with out strangling the feathers off the eagle. Do you really want to throw lighting bolts back and forth between the person who matters to you or make the world your beach ball to enjoy together? Men can like a powerful woman but they will not tolerate being conquered by one. I guarantee you if they do you really don't want them. Oh, I like you Pacific Star48 I hope you don't mind but I would love to put someone like you as a friend and add to my corner. I will try and figure out how to soften the questions only. *shrugs* I was always taught to simply state what you want upfront. Because if I spend time beating around the bush well you get brambles. Honestly, How do you drive off the dirtbags? While attracting a quality male... Who would love a loyal friend that has their back and loyal friend I think I will think of it while I hit the weights. I mean I want my player one for laser tag... Have a movie night... heck pick out a puppy. Go hunting or camping or try this thing called larp :) Heck not every man likes to jump out of a plain but I like that you seem to get me. I would like to send you a friend request for later. Thank you again for your input. V/r Tresa |
Honest opinion and advice
You know I'm trying to get the hang of online dating. And so far I've had to trim a lot of fat. But I still would like to keep the questions at the end. Does anyone see a problem with them? Or maybe have a way to ask any of the questions better? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
V/r Tresa |
I mean... shouldn't it be more who wouldn't you kiss... I mean everyone here could as Gray said gets a kiss on the cheek... But that kiss on the earlobe or the neck... hum..
Korean Drama/Movie Fans
I love Korean Drama's and honestly, I want to thank you all for the list. The only ones I have are kind of a mix of action movies. I love the fallowing films: Marrying the Mafia (all of them) MY Wife Is A Gangster A Company Man I saw the Devil The Man From NoWhere New World Thirst A Bittersweet Life Friend Always Once in a Summer 200 Pounds Beauty A Moment to Remember Be ready to laugh cry... Hide your eyes and cheer at the screen! I Cant believe I forgot Werewolf Boy... Or the drama's that make you want to put a lock on your fridge and hand over your credit card so you. Don't blow it all trying to recreate what's on the screen. Here are my favorite cooking ones. The Naked Kitchen Doenjang Sayangkoldong Yangkwajajeom Aentikeu Paineol Resipi Bukkyeong Banjeom Sikgaek 1 Sikgaek 2: Gimchi Jeonjaeng |