Community > Posts By > Wildflower2286

Wildflower2286's photo
Mon 05/21/07 11:28 AM
Yup ... huge difference between love and lust

Wildflower2286's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:40 AM
More than nice ... people like you that give of thier time keeps hope

Wildflower2286's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:36 AM
There is no such thing as too nice and too generous. People just tend to
take advantage of it. Good for you for being a wonderful person.

Wildflower2286's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:29 AM
Absoulutely ... A smile is the world's best medicine

Wildflower2286's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:22 AM
Have you done a good deed lately for someone?

Wildflower2286's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:08 AM
Thanks seahawks !! If I could do smileys there would be flowers for

Wildflower2286's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:02 AM
Is there a way when someone you love is cheating on you? Do you stay
just because you love them and you think, well...they will change. I
don't think so ... but different strokes for different folks I guess.
In my opinion love does not conquer all, rather it (love) is like a
flower ... if you don't water it , it will wither and die.

Wildflower2286's photo
Mon 05/21/07 09:58 AM
I drive a jetta 5 speed... I have a love hate relationship with my car
and if you drive a vw you will know what I mean.

Wildflower2286's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:48 AM
I just recently joined this site and it seems to be a great place so
far. One thing I have noticed is that everyone is so friendly in the
forums .At least compared to another site I was on. I never got to know
the ones that left or are leaving but I wish them well.

Wildflower2286's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:45 AM
I was about to reply as well and then I read greeneyedhippiechicks's
post and I couldn't agree more! Well said!! Everyone has thier own
journey in this life and everyone has thier own lessons to learn. Sad
but true

Wildflower2286's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:37 AM
I decline as well... I am not looking to have tons of people that i
don't even ever talk to on my friends list. I think it's only polite to
at least say hi first or something ... grrrr

Wildflower2286's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:30 AM
As the old song says..."what's love got to do with it?"
I for one think that love is an awesome thing , But it won't pay the
bills.... Can one live on love alone? I doubt it. True love comes by way
of respect and trust. Some people love stronger than others . Some use
the word love loosely to get what they want. Anyway... just my

Wildflower2286's photo
Sun 05/20/07 03:44 PM
Time to clean my house ...I've been slacking!!!

Wildflower2286's photo
Sun 05/20/07 07:15 AM
I have a persian who is 12 years old and still acts like a kitten .... I
luvs her!!!!

Wildflower2286's photo
Sun 05/20/07 07:14 AM
I myself am a spiritual person but I do not believe in organized
religion. That is not to say I do not believe in God. I believe in
treating people, animals and all of the things here on earth with
respect and the same as you would want to be treated. I believe in Karma
and I try to be a kind and caring person.

Wildflower2286's photo
Fri 05/18/07 05:36 AM
Eyes..they are the window to ones soul

Wildflower2286's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:51 PM
I would love to have the power to heal diseases of all types to all

Wildflower2286's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:50 PM
LOL nusalor ... you made me laugh so I guess I am alive ...toooo

Wildflower2286's photo
Wed 05/16/07 07:26 PM
Newbie here LOL looks like I have a loooong way to go to catch up to

Wildflower2286's photo
Wed 05/16/07 06:30 PM
I would have loved to meet John Lennon.