Community > Posts By > nettyblue2016
![]() Lets say you are dating someone you really like and having a great time, but for some reason know it will likely not last. Do you hang in there for the knowing you will have some great memories when it is over.....or do you walk away and say "I am not going to open myself up to being hurt"? Would You? ![]() If you know for some reason it won't last, why would you hang in there? Life is short, it's a gift. I would move on to find the connection and chemistry that is needed in a loving relationship. Like Mom always says "for every pot there's a lid", That person is out there looking for you! Also Daylight is burning at our age...IMHO |
I cheated 3X now he just don't trust me anymore. what should I do, I still care about him. Once the trust is broken, it's over. Move on and learn from your mistakes. |
Edited by
Thu 03/31/16 03:43 AM
^^^^^that's so on point! I could not have said it any better!
"Or are you really really asking: "I've been here 5 days. I'm not getting enough emails. I'm going to start a forum and see if any hot chicks, or friendly chicks (therefore potentially gullible to my online marketing schemes), will respond in a helpful manner, my ingenious plan is to pretend like I'm asking a question, but really I'm just trying to generate traffic and will respond to those I want that look at my profile or respond to my forum thread, so where da womenz at?" ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It's you ![]() |
First Date tips?
Just be yourself. If they don't like who you really are,
you don't want to date them. Good Luck! |
Hanky Spanky
I would have to say after I know this person for a while.
If the chemistry is there, all the stars are in alignment, and you know there is a possiblility they might enjoy it as well. Only then, do I whisper my fetish in their ear.. ![]() |
Cell phone etiquette
Great topic! I have experienced a few men who are within eyeball shot of their cells at all times while on a date. I've heard the excuses too... on call for work, is forgiven to a point, but to check scores on a game or watch a race going on? Really? What are you 12? Needless to say, they are no longer in my life.
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All of the above ^^^. haha
Here's my list: the gym rat selfies...ugh!!, dogs, dead animals they have killed, sunglasses or hats that cover their eyes/faces,the ones that have Mingle on the bottom of pic- tells me they've been on here a long long time, pix of many people and you can't distinguish who is actually the member on this site. |