Community > Posts By > Supreme_Pizza

Supreme_Pizza's photo
Wed 06/04/08 01:43 AM
Free stuff.glasses


OOPS... Thought you said piracy not privacy. Anyway what you're asking has to do with copyright law, which is more along the lines of piracy. As a programmer I'm in favor of piracy. It's corporate deadlines and irresponsible programming that makes it possible. Most stuff can be hacked by a bored 15yr old. If they want security they need to pay top dollar for it and wait for it to be done. When it comes to movies and music I'm for that too. The musicians and actors don't make much on CD/DVD's. The distributor makes all the money. Some ass sitting a leather swivel chair, with no creative talent, making money off people with talent. I know of a better distribution system. It's called torrent.

In both these cases the true creators are not being infringed on. It's just another excuse used by the federal government to spy on my personal information. I paid for transfer of my bits and bytes AND paid taxes on it. Unless someone invades the country and/or interrupts my bit transfer, the government needs to stay out of internet regulation. Isn't anyone else concerned that we have a president in office that commits privacy felonys on a daily basis? Worse is the fact that corporate America is scared and going along for the ride. Now congress is hemhawing and playing the delay game, hoping people will forget. The oppression needs to stop. This is probably the first time in US history that most of us "in the know" are ashamed to be citizens. When the govt. turns in towards us, who protects us from them?

Supreme_Pizza's photo
Wed 06/04/08 01:15 AM

Caps lock is between the tab and shift buttons on the left side of the keyboard.glasses Caps == YELLING

You'll never learn everything. I don't think anyone at M$ knows everything. By the time you think you've figured out how things work someone writes a new code cave.

Supreme_Pizza's photo
Wed 06/04/08 01:01 AM

but i have wanted to go pick up prostitues like you can in GTA smokin
That has nothing to do with games. That's just a 20's phase. laugh

I'm really not seeing how games or anything makes anyone violent. If a kid's not taught (aka PARENTED) like they should be, well it should be obvious they're going to do something stupid they saw on TV or in a game.
Well when I was about 6 I hit my sister on the head with a hammer. **BONK** Like they do on the 3 Stooges. So I can't say kids aren't effected. Around age 10 or so I learned the difference and the consequences of my actions. The maturity level of the kid/individual may vary but from personal experience I'd have to say there is no long term damage done. In fact I haven't felt the urge to bonk anyone for a while. bigsmile

Supreme_Pizza's photo
Wed 06/04/08 12:21 AM
"I heard Alienware is the best for pc gamers. Is this true?"

NO! The BEST system is one you build yourself. I run a watercooled Q6660 quad @ 3.6GHz on an EVGA 790i motherboard with dual 8800GTX's in SLI. I run 2 raid 0 raptors for the OS and games. My other storage array is 3 500Gb Seagates in Raid 5 for storage. The whole setup ran me about $3200 including a 21" TrueColor flat screen CRT monitor. Don't buy into the LCD monitor trend if you want the best. There is no sense running maximum graphics on the latest games @ 80+ frames per second if it's going to blur on you.

You could buy one from a value added reseller that builds custom rigs. But expect to pay the same price and not get the monitor. The best place I know of is Don't be afraid of water cooling if you're not building it. Just have a funnel and don't fill the resevior when you're buzzed. laugh

Supreme_Pizza's photo
Wed 06/04/08 12:02 AM
NTFS is more secure by supporting ACL permissions, and it supports a larger file size.


Supreme_Pizza's photo
Tue 07/31/07 06:08 PM

Supreme_Pizza's photo
Tue 07/31/07 06:06 PM

That train left the station years ago. Hope the guy has his eyes wide open when he walks into this.
Seriously though that guy was me but got burnt way too many times and is now looking for his better half. I'm not in the business of being anyone's everything anymore. It's too time consuming, to expensive and just a general pain.

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