Community > Posts By > shrxfn68

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Fri 12/09/11 11:26 AM
The Avett Brothers and Mumford & Sons. Greatest three hours of my life since I saw Peter Gabriel.

Adele is next on the list.

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Fri 12/09/11 11:04 AM
To show how wide our mouths can open?

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Fri 12/09/11 10:57 AM

To enlighten you a little on my point of mind here.
Let me tell you just ONE story I lived out on here.
Three years ago, through the month of November and into Dec.I was talking with a woman who had five pics in her profile,and we shared over a hundred emails together in conversations,,NOTHING led me to think she was NOT REALLY who she said she was..
THEN,,on Christmas Eve,,at my son's home and talking with her,,and my son about her a bit,,,she THEN tells me that she was a fake,,and put up to leading me on because her girlfriends saw me in forum one night and then read my profile,,and at THAT TIME,,My profile mentioned I was only attracted to slimmer woman,,
As one of her friends was heavy,,SHE didn't like that and put this girl up to playing me on,,,in her last email where she told me her truth,,she apologized and said all of everything about her profile was faked and she was deactivating from here when she ended that email,,and she did,,so I have no idea who she was,,but she was good at not being honest with me..
That was on Christmas Eve,,and I set-back,,and was angered in many ways,,and I just felt,,so used for what she had for so LONG a time did with me,,ALL FOR A PRANK,,Thats THE NET!
And I never lie..or add more,,,
And THIS,,was,,just ONE story I have mentioned as their are many..I have lived on here,,and I DON'T feel my being is naive or stupid in its understanding or trusting or knowing,,YET,,,lol

Been through that before at a weird time in my life. She was real but loved head games. I firmly beleive in payback being a ***** and karma coming back around ten fold.

Other than that I had to deal with a woman or two getting cold feet.

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Fri 12/09/11 10:51 AM
Single at the present time.

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Fri 12/09/11 10:43 AM

OK. With all that being said I gave my profile a redux. Tell me what you think or does it sound too much of a ''datish'' type profile.

Several convo starters and kinds of telling you where I'm coming from. I have no profile sensitivity so please be harsh:tongue:

That's the kind of stuff I like to see in profiles, as it gives me an idea of what the person is about and whether we have anything in common. And it gives someone enough to find something to start a conversation about.

Not sure what a "datish" type profile is compared to others, though, as this is a dating site :).

''datish'' by meaning I didn't want to sound desperate...haha

Can you give examples of what you think would be in a "datish" or desperate profile?

My last two paragraphs...

I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that describing what you're looking for is desperate?

No. You're correct. Maybe the coffee hasn't kicked in yet. I'm still kind slow:tongue:

Anyway, I don't see anything in your profile that sounds desperate. :smile:

OK. I saw you perved my profile. Thank you:tongue:

no photo
Fri 12/09/11 10:34 AM

I joined this site to meet people, make friends, participate in forums, have some fun....Meeting people includes meeting men...Of course I want to meet a man and fall in love, be loved!.....In spite of this, my profile description "of me" consists of two sentences...One is average in length, one is short, three words....I have lots of pic in my profile, people can look at them if they want to....I am satisfied with the results my profile is producing..... Personally, I see no need to tell my whole life history when describing myself and feel the basics should be enough...

One thing I do not do is place stipulations...If I come across a picture or a profile description that peaks my interest, I will contact that person...I am not concerned with Who contacts Whom first...

What about if the Profile picture is not the person you are communicating with and you continue to communicate.

And if that person reveals himself.

A Do you continue to communicate in the same vane?.

B Do you come clean and be honest?

C Do you use that person to gain information?

I wouldn't know.....Probably best to NEVER use a fake photo and profile information...That should avoid all problems and/or questions that might arise .......Conversation over....



I always agree with beautiful women:tongue:

no photo
Fri 12/09/11 10:30 AM

OK. With all that being said I gave my profile a redux. Tell me what you think or does it sound too much of a ''datish'' type profile.

Several convo starters and kinds of telling you where I'm coming from. I have no profile sensitivity so please be harsh:tongue:

That's the kind of stuff I like to see in profiles, as it gives me an idea of what the person is about and whether we have anything in common. And it gives someone enough to find something to start a conversation about.

Not sure what a "datish" type profile is compared to others, though, as this is a dating site :).

''datish'' by meaning I didn't want to sound desperate...haha

Can you give examples of what you think would be in a "datish" or desperate profile?

My last two paragraphs...

I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that describing what you're looking for is desperate?

No. You're correct. Maybe the coffee hasn't kicked in yet. I'm still kind slow:tongue:

no photo
Fri 12/09/11 10:28 AM
Edited by shrxfn68 on Fri 12/09/11 10:28 AM

I joined this site to meet people, make friends, participate in forums, have some fun....Meeting people includes meeting men...Of course I want to meet a man and fall in love, be loved!.....In spite of this, my profile description "of me" consists of two sentences...One is average in length, one is short, three words....I have lots of pic in my profile, people can look at them if they want to....I am satisfied with the results my profile is producing..... Personally, I see no need to tell my whole life history when describing myself and feel the basics should be enough...

One thing I do not do is place stipulations...If I come across a picture or a profile description that peaks my interest, I will contact that person...I am not concerned with Who contacts Whom first...

What about if the Profile picture is not the person you are communicating with and you continue to communicate.

And if that person reveals himself.

A Do you continue to communicate in the same vane?.

B Do you come clean and be honest?

C Do you use that person to gain information?

I wouldn't know.....Probably best to NEVER use a fake photo and profile information...That should avoid all problems and/or questions that might arise .......Conversation over....


no photo
Fri 12/09/11 10:24 AM

OK. With all that being said I gave my profile a redux. Tell me what you think or does it sound too much of a ''datish'' type profile.

Several convo starters and kinds of telling you where I'm coming from. I have no profile sensitivity so please be harsh:tongue:

That's the kind of stuff I like to see in profiles, as it gives me an idea of what the person is about and whether we have anything in common. And it gives someone enough to find something to start a conversation about.

Not sure what a "datish" type profile is compared to others, though, as this is a dating site :).

''datish'' by meaning I didn't want to sound desperate...haha

Can you give examples of what you think would be in a "datish" or desperate profile?

My last two paragraphs...

no photo
Fri 12/09/11 10:11 AM

OK. With all that being said I gave my profile a redux. Tell me what you think or does it sound too much of a ''datish'' type profile.

Several convo starters and kinds of telling you where I'm coming from. I have no profile sensitivity so please be harsh:tongue:

That's the kind of stuff I like to see in profiles, as it gives me an idea of what the person is about and whether we have anything in common. And it gives someone enough to find something to start a conversation about.

Not sure what a "datish" type profile is compared to others, though, as this is a dating site :).

''datish'' by meaning I didn't want to sound desperate...haha

no photo
Fri 12/09/11 10:09 AM

Play Skyrim. Hang out on here. Do some mileage on the treadmill. Eat.
sounds too much like work surprised

Its my day off:smile:

no photo
Fri 12/09/11 10:02 AM
Play Skyrim. Hang out on here. Do some mileage on the treadmill. Eat.

no photo
Fri 12/09/11 09:55 AM
OK. With all that being said I gave my profile a redux. Tell me what you think or does it sound too much of a ''datish'' type profile.

Several convo starters and kinds of telling you where I'm coming from. I have no profile sensitivity so please be harsh:tongue:

no photo
Fri 12/09/11 09:28 AM

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Fri 12/09/11 09:18 AM
Out of the way. Hockey's on:tongue:

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Fri 12/09/11 09:13 AM

I just prefe to hear people speak about themself once we are engaged in a conversation. IF they have already written it, its a stronger chance that its true and not just some whim they thought of when trying to be creative and original for a profile.

Ty MS. That was pretty much me. But, then I was called b.s. on it by

no photo
Thu 12/08/11 08:28 PM

Well, I'm sure this has been discussed but is there really a game men and women play with each other in order to prolong a relationship?

Specifically I want to know why men have to CHASE a woman in order for him be at all interested? Why does it have to be so one-sided? Its very confusing to me because I am a woman who shows it when I like someone or tell them in any way I can. But I guess that can scare most men away purely because A: they're not mature enough and B: they don't believe in love until someone naturally amazing comes along and LEAVES their a$$ one day.

Well, I'm a guy who basically needs to see some indicators if/when someone is interested, because I have absolutely NO clue if/when someone is interested unless they make it really really obvious. People used to ask me "Didn't you see that girl flirting with you?" and I never had any idea what they were talking about. I still don't, to be honest.

I don't chase people. I don't know how, and I wouldn't be any good at it.

I agree with Lex. I need a poke here and there. A message. Some type of indication.

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Thu 12/08/11 08:27 PM

Good to know some people don't. Can't stand it. It really gets irritating when you're trying to get to know someone and even if you show a little bit of interest they get scared and run

I mean, I don't bother a man. But I'm starting to think that you gotta think like them in order to get their attention. Eff that!

Ugh!! Don't think like them. If they get scared and run, then it isn't worth your time.

Bother as in...??

no photo
Thu 12/08/11 08:16 PM
I dont CHASE.

Although it nice to know that there are women like you out there that will show interest. It makes it so much easier when its played that way. I cant stand damn cat and mouse games.

no photo
Thu 12/08/11 08:12 PM

:cry: Let me give YOU a thought here,,lol
IF you knew you were losing your home,,done lost your job along with your spouse's job also left,,YOU have NOMONEY LEFT,,and BANKRUPTCY is NEXT to do,,,NOW-------------knowing the times ahead are unknown,,
WOULD YOU NOT GIVE THE CRIDIT CARDS ALL YOUR THOUGHTS TO buy a CHRISTMAS for your family,,that their never forget?
Because your already sure,,your beyond broke,,BUT the credits STILL there to be used.....noway

Because I THINK MANY are doing THIS NOW! And THATS WHY THE SPENDING IS SHOWING VERY HIGH,,,not because people HAVE IT TO BLOW,,but know,,its just a GREAT TIME NOW,,for all the bad times,,ahead to go through?
At least I THINK many are doing this,,,,who knows?

Ch.7 is already been filed for me. After trying to struggle with my losses after Katrina. Still. It's way too much to bear.

Bad times I'm going through, but not a loser by any means. I consider it a challenge that I will win in the end. I still have a smile when I get my Starbucks every morning. I look forward to going to work and put my problems on the back burner until I need to worry about them.

Although, With no family and few friends IRL, I phone call is suffice enough for the people I know. They know me personally way too well to know that when I have the means, I treat them like kings and queens .

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