Community > Posts By > Purple_Goddess

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Mon 06/25/07 12:32 PM

Sort of ... how about absent-mindedly staring into space ...deep in
thought... until you realize that you're intently staring at some
strange man's groin area like you're expecting a
horrified and red-faced you quickly turn away... but not before he
notices you.

He seemed somewhat amused...and kept smirking at me...

Horrified - and still trying to look dignifed and professional for the
duration of the meeting...never forget

:tongue: :tongue: laugh blushing :tongue:

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Sun 06/24/07 10:49 AM

Ms Gypsyflowerforyou

Well come on down ( said in my best game show host voice :tongue: )

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Sun 06/24/07 10:47 AM

They're only looking for men.... never thought of that ...?

*shaking head*

If i read that it would me that he doesn't want to discourage any woman
- but I'll wager three dooughnuts he knows exactly what he's looking

Speaking of men's profiles - what creeps me out is men who state they
are seeking 18 y/o ...and they're in their 30's, 40,50's *roling my
eyes* noway grumble noway

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Sun 06/24/07 10:39 AM

Everywhere I am is my home

flowerforyou bigsmile

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Sun 06/24/07 10:37 AM

Hey Beachie:tongue:

I like Arizona too - except I was in Scottsdale in July noway !!!

I live in Vancouver - the most amazing city in the WORLD!! ...:wink:
great weather ( and if you're a duck, you;re really going to love it..)
fantastic scenery, great location Pacific Ocean one way, mountains over
there. So far. not tooooo big - but growing in leaps and

Great people - where else are you going to find "cultually sensitive"
food in the (Vancouver) jail, a nude beach, and a range of multicultural

All that being - would love to travel to all the places mentioned here -
why not...we're all neighbours on this tiny planet


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Sun 06/24/07 10:31 AM

What Lex said....*nodding*


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Sun 06/24/07 10:30 AM

Welcome JudyPatudy


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Sat 06/23/07 07:22 PM

Hello Ace - welcome

Yes, I've heard of aspergers - my friend's daughter was

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Sat 06/23/07 07:20 PM

Hello Celtic
flowerforyou bigsmile

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Sat 06/23/07 07:19 PM

Hello Tennessee

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Sat 06/23/07 07:16 PM
laugh :tongue:

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Sat 06/23/07 07:11 PM

Vancouver, BC here....

What do I win...:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

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Sat 06/23/07 07:06 PM

4 days...noway

Welcome --- stay a while...


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Sat 06/23/07 07:00 PM

I only activate my IM if someone I want to talk to is online...


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Sat 06/23/07 06:59 PM

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Fri 06/22/07 11:06 PM


:heart: love :heart: flowerforyou

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Fri 06/22/07 11:04 PM

Adios amigo

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Fri 06/22/07 11:03 PM


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Fri 06/22/07 11:03 PM
Welcome OhioBaby

:tongue: flowerforyou

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Fri 06/22/07 06:03 PM

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