Community > Posts By > mitchdamuscles

mitchdamuscles's photo
Fri 10/20/06 05:22 PM
lets say that you know some one who is a big time fronting player, who
is a really big peice of shit, but if you tell any one about it it will
cause all kinds of problems. what would you do?


mitchdamuscles's photo
Fri 10/20/06 01:51 PM
vanchau i think your right if the group chat is added we might loose the
thread forum which in my opinion is one of the biggest aspects of this
site, and your right once it scrolls its gone but with the threads we
can continue a convo for days and weeks and no one has to worry about
being online at the same time as everyone else. So basicly i agree we
should have the messenger or one to one chat but we should stick with
the threads.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Thu 10/19/06 05:16 PM
don't sweat it people just a harmless prank by one of his bro's

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 10/16/06 09:43 PM

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/15/06 06:45 PM
sexyladieonwheels- i use this site for my supplements i'm not a sales
men i don't make anything for telling people about it i just like to
help any way is the place you need to go they have
supplements that meet just about any need including weight gain and the
stuff i have seen there is cheap but it's good my brand recommendation
would be muscletech i use their stuff all the time and it works great,
well i hope that helps have a good one

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/15/06 06:40 PM
this guy sounds like he is hiding alot not only that but just the fact
that he has gotten angry about an answer he didn't like i think that the
man you are talking about is a very tempermental and violent man the
reason i say this is i have know people that have done the same thing
the people i know that act like that simply put are
violent,controling,women beating, no good for nothing pieces of shit my
advice stay the hell away form him and be careful

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/15/06 03:26 PM
hey just wanted to let you know even though i didn't use the feature to
invite friends i have told a couple of people that did join but also i
tell everyone i know that this is the best dating site on the web hell i
even told that to a couple of the other sites that want to charge you
$50 a month man was that funny any way thank you for the great site if
it weren't for you guys i don't think i would have ever met the
wounderful woman that i met her about a month ago and i was only here
for 2 weeks and she was here 2 days anyway thanks you guys are great


mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 10/15/06 03:16 PM
csk i can tell you this much your on the right site there are many
people here with disabilities myself included and i found a great woman
in just two weeks when i couldn't find anyone after months on other
sites, but i'm glad you posed this because i may be able to help you
with your condition i'm a body builder and as such muscle fatigue and
soreness are big factors. what i do about it is make sure i get at least
half my body weight in protien example i weigh 257 so i eat at least 175
grams of protien a day as well as making sure i get carbs but not to
many it's a balance thing the carbs deliver the protien to the muscles
which are the building blocks for muscle not only does it help the grow
but it stops or a least slows muscle degression now as for muscle
fatigue and soreness vitamin c and a supplement called creakic what
creakic does is almost completely stops muscle soreness even if i'm busy
all day and then workout for 3hrs because it gives advanced creatine
delivery to the muscles as well has helping block ROS which is a muscle
toxin that makes you sore. But creakic can be expensive depending on
where you buy it but it is well worth the money but i don't buy it from
gnc anymore there it cost $60 a bottle which is a one month supply but i
buy it at i think that is the site not a 100% sure
though cause it's been a while anyway it's about $30 something a bottle
there but i take all kinds of supplements all of them safe and very
effective but you should talk to your doctor before using supplements
but as i said i'm a bodybuilder so i do know alot about muscles if you
would like to talk more e-mail me here and i will be more than happy to
do everything that i can to help but as for the rest of the people that
pain is part of your disability creakic will also help you because with
major back injuries and things of that sort the muscles play big parts
of it and if you look at my profile you'll see that i live a life of
nothing but pain and i use many supplements and they help with pain as
well as my body building if anyone would like to talk more about any of
this send me an email and i will be more than happy to answer any
question and give any help that i can. Thank you all and have a great

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sat 10/14/06 06:19 PM
the people here that know me know my story for those who don't i have
been disabled since i was 18 then back in nov. of last year i was in a
car accident that took my disabilities from just my back to my back and
neck for six months after i thought i was doomed to live my life in such
a shit state but after that six months i got sick and tired of sitting
on my ass and did what i could to ignore the pain and started body
building it made me happy again, but recently i got news that made me
extatic, my first mri was done in jan, it showed 4 buldged discs in my
neck last month i had another mri, this time it showed 2, i was told
this by my doctor my getting into body building is actually healing some
of my back and neck problems. Personally i think thats some pretty
amazing shit how about you

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 10/09/06 07:54 PM
i agree with kingbreeze that the difference is a physcial one but also i
think that it is some what mental because men hardly ever share their
feelings about anything we also think that we have to be strong in every
way shape and form women on the other hand want to share their feelings
and let their tears flow i dont think they feel the need to be stronger
and badder then other women like most men do, now i'm not saying that
these apply to every man or woman every one is different but for the
most part most men and women are this way. Thanks for the topic
peachiepoohie i think it's about time everyone puts their two cents in
on the subject because it will help men and women better understand each
other, any way thanks have a good one

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 10/09/06 07:43 PM
Just wandering how many of you are still wanting to do the brain teasers
since i have gotten no emails about it and no requests Please let me

mitchdamuscles's photo
Fri 10/06/06 04:24 PM
sirkingarthur- give it some time you just need to find the right person
and be yourself the people here are decent openminded people but the
quickest way to piss them off is to put up a front, any way keep looking
and good luck

mikey try the sex forum you might find some one there but you probably
won't find some one like that in the general discussion but then again
this might be the wrong site for you any way

mitchdamuscles's photo
Thu 10/05/06 02:40 PM
just keep with what you guys are doing vanchau i think what is helping
the most is word of mouth everyone has nothing but good to say about
this site i know personally after having spent over a year on other
sites it only took about 2 weeks to meet some one really great here and
she was only here for 2 days any way thanks again for the great site

mitchdamuscles's photo
Tue 10/03/06 09:53 PM
i just wanted to make sure you all knew i had posted a new clue that
will probably make the teaser solvable for you guys it's in the new
braing teaser post

mitchdamuscles's photo
Tue 10/03/06 09:50 PM
who all agrees that assumptions are the mother of all fuckups?

mitchdamuscles's photo
Tue 10/03/06 09:46 PM
it's just something outside the usually coversations here besides they
are fun try to figure it out, and yes people do respond to this to try
to figure out the puzzle

mitchdamuscles's photo
Tue 10/03/06 09:44 PM
personally looks are only skin deep i'll take the beauty that last
forever, besides the first time she replied to one of my posts, she went
as far as calling me a kid, that showed me that she is a person that
makes assumptions, it is an insult to call anyone who is older than you
a kid, personaly i don't think she is like the majority of people on
this site which is open minded and that is one of the keys to y so many
of us get along so well

mitchdamuscles's photo
Tue 10/03/06 09:34 PM
i haven't gotten any e-mails about the teaser so i'm guessing that my
clues aren't enough so here is another

the first step in solving the teaser is there is a pattern of 3 fake
numbers and then one true so as the other clues say -1,-2,-3, here is an
example the first four numbers are 9,25,38,35 but the numbers 9,25,38
are false numbers they mean nothing 35 on the other hand does mean
something but you must figure out what

i think you guys should be able to solve it now have fun but if you
can't let me know and i will give you another clue

mitchdamuscles's photo
Tue 10/03/06 02:48 PM
i did to other clue post they are both tied in but here is what they

the one with three hidden the straight clue is to subtract 3 inside that
is the word math spelled backwards this is the key to solving the teaser
the other hidden clue is -1,-2,-three.

those three tie into the clue about finding the numbers that have no
meaning but if i explain this straight forward it will give it all away
so here is a riddle well kinda

FIRST you have to find the true numbers this is step one but THREE of
four are false but which three are false and which one be true

these clues should help you slove the teaser then again they may not but
we are almost there if you want more help then ask but here is another
clue i always check my posts to make sure things aren't out of place so
if something is different use it as a key

good luck guys

mitchdamuscles's photo
Tue 10/03/06 02:35 PM
inside the brain teaser post is a clue that is mangled it says one of
the stages is to sutract three