I'm kinda new ^^
Dieses Mädchen sieht vertraut aus.
Ich bin sicher, dass ich sie kennen sollte. Ich sollte nicht alle jene Rauschgifte in den 90er Jahren genommen haben. |
Inner Child
Oh would you just grown down!
Hello every one
heya ghost
I finally grew something and it's cresting inland hehehehehehe |
For about 5 minutes....I swear this never happens to me I must be tired
or they spiked the drinks or it's just stress..yah stress that's it I'm usually good for at least like 7 minutes at least but yah...the stress |
Inner Child
My Inner child is a little uptight money grubbing miser saving all his
newspaper loot for futher Capitalist ventures. I'm livin life forward by living it in reverse. I just want everyone to play and share NOW. and my bleedin heart. Dylan laid the soundtrack down for me.......... I Was So Much Older Then, I'm Younger Than That Now |
To the CSers
you kinda stole the question I always
Do YOU ride? |
To the CSers
Had to step out for a while. Actually, I'm only stepping in occasionally as some employers tend to frown on this kind of thing when not on a break. I wished they were more reasonable about it but they seem to want some production out of me. B^$#^RDS! Sorry it took so long btw. Shaman? Goodness sakes no. I'm just the "wordy" guy and occasional sermonizer without a pulpit. I "aspire" to have a soapbox. Not really. I'm just glad to have a court to Jest in, so thanks again! |
To the CSers
The hospitality and grace that has been shown us as we
have "rambunctiously" filed in just happy to see each other, has been exceptional. The patience shown as we slowly assimilate while throwing your house into disarray is commendable and so appreciated. Thanks for the open door and arm policy! |
i am baaaaccckkkkk
Had ta step
Now I Back Can tell who de man on de island is to get it a rollin Not a ting but de props and respect fo de Rasta Step I back..earn I wings een time |
i am baaaaccckkkkk
I not no raggamuffin here neither buoy
I git me twista wit de best of em nappy dredd but tell you get de style and laugh witcha Rasta RLMAO |
i am baaaaccckkkkk
Anyone who pushes the envelope, gets protested for
and comes back wit de spleef a hangin is alright by me. I'm New Here.....but welcome back just the same. |
i am baaaaccckkkkk
Who are you? Hi. |
OMG Who Remembers Diaperguy?
OMG I couldn't even imagine what you hear.
OKAY you be the frustrated Calvinist housewife, and I'll be an escapee Railroad Indentured Servant. Sorry, still funny to someone who doesn't hear it daily. In full agreement with you (as long as no one is getting hurt). |
OMG Who Remembers Diaperguy?
Awww and me without my emoticons *hugs*
I thought about that as soon as I clicked. I really wasn't trying to "pounce". That's why it was anonymous. Perhaps I'm as sick as the participants. I find fetishes "that don't hurt anyone including the practicer" incredibly hilarious....especially when someone asks in all seriousness....Have you ever thought that you might like to wear a diaper? I'm sorry, that's funny stuff. |
OMG Who Remembers Diaperguy?
I was really trying to let this thread die. @7hrs thought I was good
Hello All
New here too. This site has some great energy and the people are terrific! |
Not sure if I missed it....
actually not sure if I GOT anything reading through this thread. I understand that you want to throw a "dry" biscuit. Is there a problem with buttering the pencil before the llama smokes it? Oh and by the way...not exactly I have to admit. Only checkers on a Sesna with the Klinger Monkey. |
Hey Dave...didn't see you up there at first. This is just like how
Hometown used to be. and BH thanks Sweetie. I'm glad you are here. It seems like a great place. I hope the healin is going well and some "good" guy comes and sweeps you off your feet because you deserve it.....and you are a HOTTIE (and that don't hurt). |
Hey Dave...didn't see you up there at first. This is just like how
Hometown used to be. and BH thanks Sweetie. I'm glad you are here. It seems like a great place. I hope the healin is going well and some "good" guy comes and sweeps you off your feet because you deserve it.....and you are a HOTTIE (and that don't hurt). |
New to the site
Hey Robert Welcome Aboard!
New here myself. Great place, great people so far. I think you'll enjoy! |