Community > Posts By > Ladylid2012
Just because you have interpreted some information somewhere to fit into your thoughts doesn't mean it's FACT spider. Because you believe that one of us MUST be right and one of us MUST be wrong, doesn't mean it is.. Science cannot prove a theory to be absolutely true, but it can prove theories to be false. The evidence shows that children naturally mistrust and are fearful of people (particularly men) of other races. Children don't have to be raised to be xenophobic, they just have to be human. But if you must make me wrong to make yourself right, so be it. It doesn't matter that much to me. ![]() Don't you think it's a bit disingenuous to play the "maturity card" and then offer a flower? If it didn't matter to you and if you did have philia or agape for me, wouldn't you have ended your post without the last three lines? I think so. I'm not saying I'm right (although I am saying you are wrong), just that I'm more correct, because I'm on the side of the research. I was trying to be nice spider... take it for whatever you think it's worth. I won't leave flowers anymore..k..better! ![]() |
Respectfully, you are both wrong. Xenophobia, racism, fear of the unknown are all genetic survival traits. You can believe as you will, you can dismiss xenophobia's past benefits to society if you want. Can we just disagree or do we HAVE to be "wrong?" ![]() Unfortunately, yes. When the facts refute a hypothesis, those who hold to that theory are simply wrong. It's nothing personal about it, everyone is wrong from time to time. The research done in this field clearly refutes the belief that you have to be taught to hate those who aren't like you. Just because you have interpreted some information somewhere to fit into your thoughts doesn't mean it's FACT spider. Because you believe that one of us MUST be right and one of us MUST be wrong, doesn't mean it is.. But if you must make me wrong to make yourself right, so be it. It doesn't matter that much to me. ![]() |
How do tarot cards work?
Yes, things have fallen into line is good. The queen of cups does appear in my readings, always. Thank you Jeannie, i appreciate you putting your time and energy into that. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() She even looks like you. Well you have pulled her here for me before, i remember. ![]() |
How do tarot cards work?
![]() I would love a reading Jeannie, I always enjoy you getting your cards out. Three of pentacles: Business is good and the spirit of cooperation will create a dynamic group mind that solves problems and gets things done. People work well together because of your energy of love. Six of Wands: You succeed and win at what you do. Enjoy the appearance of this card whether or not it was a large or small question in your mind. Remember the feeling you have and the things you did to manifest this result, because you can practice this and repeat it over and over. Queen of Cups: The advice from this queen is about learning to receive the bounty that you have created and accept gifts graciously. This card is your significator card, her energy of love is your energy. You will find that she will show up in your readings often. Since no question was posed, no answer is showing. Life is good. ![]() ![]() ![]() Yes, things have fallen into line is good. The queen of cups does appear in my readings, always. Thank you Jeannie, i appreciate you putting your time and energy into that. |
No sleep tonight
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Respectfully, you are both wrong. Xenophobia, racism, fear of the unknown are all genetic survival traits. You can believe as you will, you can dismiss xenophobia's past benefits to society if you want. Can we just disagree or do we HAVE to be "wrong?" ![]() |
How do tarot cards work?
I would love a reading Jeannie,
I always enjoy you getting your cards out. |
I respectfully disagree... children are not born with hate in their hearts...NO! We, the all knowing adults in their lives TEACH hate. This kid is what 3 or 4? He is only love and his innocence has been taken away. This little boy probably has NO idea what a 'homo' is. He has just been taught it is a fellow human that is evil. That IS teaching hate. Hate, closed mindedness and xenophobia are major contributing factors to the survival of our species. Our societies may have outgrow their usefulness, but our genetics still make many of us naturally hate the unknown. Not so long ago, strangers brought only new diseases or war. Most of our ancestors developed a natural closed mindedness and an aversion to strangers in order to protect our tribes. Additionally, our brains are only wired to manage close relationships with around 100 people. Another factor that limited primitive tribes in size and ensured that outsiders rarely found a warm welcome. People who are open to strangers lack the necessary genes to protect the tribe from outsiders. Maybe you would have jeopardized the tribes survival, because you are so open to new things. Thankfully, the closed minded tribe members kept civilization alive, so that today, the norm is to be more accepting of different people and cultures. Do you hate black people for being black? Tall people for being tall? If not, then why reject as simply wrong the naturally xenophobic people, without whom, we may not even exist today. I'm not saying that we, as a society, need to hold onto xenophobia. I'm just saying that we need to see it for what it is, a survival trait that helped us get to this point, but is no longer as useful, rather than thinking of the xenophobic as purely wrong headed. I hear ya. I don't believe hate is natural, it is easier though, for some. |
Say Something Vague
ladyliz birthday! June 1
happy Birthday
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...sings a little boy at church and gets a standing ovation. Awwww, ain't it cute to teach hate!!! Hate comes natural, it doesn't have to be taught. I abhor the message and behavior of the people, but I fall on the side of freedom. The way I see it is this: It's always better to know how people really feel, so that you can be more selective about who you associate with. I respectfully disagree... children are not born with hate in their hearts...NO! We, the all knowing adults in their lives TEACH hate. This kid is what 3 or 4? He is only love and his innocence has been taken away. This little boy probably has NO idea what a 'homo' is. He has just been taught it is a fellow human that is evil. That IS teaching hate. |
That's just terrible. ![]() Seriously, what is wrong with these people? Finally...the voice of reason!!! ![]() ![]() Let's just say for a minute that it's true....that homosexuals are going to hell. Is this something to be happy about? These people are laughing at the thought that someone would burn in hell for their sexual orientation. It makes me sick. (No, I do not believe homosexuals are going to hell. I was just pointing out how truly sick this is.) they believe something different from you, and who is to say that they are right or wrong? they do not deserve respect for their beliefs, like you deserve for what you believe? however sick you think it is, thats how sick they think being gay is. I think you missed Ruth's point... |
How do tarot cards work?
Science can't explain everything Moe,
just try a reading, ya might like it. |
That's just terrible. ![]() Seriously, what is wrong with these people? Finally...the voice of reason!!! ![]() ![]() |
Those teaching the child his little tune is acceptable and encouraging it are motivated by hate. No assumptions..we obviously have a different perceptions of hate. The fact that you claim they are motivated by hate is not proof that they are motivated by hate. As I see it, you are assuming that they are guilty of hate until proven innocent. Was the child's song tacky? Yes. However, we are unable to read the mind and heart of whoever taught the song. So, it is speculation to say that the song is motivated by hate. You can speculate all day long...i have no interest in proving anything. Telling other people they are going to HELL IS ME. |
...sings a little boy at church and gets a standing ovation. Awwww, ain't it cute to teach hate!!! What we have here is a straw-man argument. No teaching of hate has been proven, just assumed. I might disagree with what the little boy sang, but I would not claim that what he sang was motivated by hate. When people wish to live according to the desires of their flesh, they reject anything that denies them what their flesh wants, including the teaching of a religious text. Should anyone dare accept the teaching of that religious text, then that person will be accused of hatred even if the person has no hatred. I don't believe the little boy's motivation is hate. A child that age is only love, he's is doing what he's taught..he wants to please. Those teaching the child his little tune is acceptable and encouraging it are motivated by hate. No assumptions..we obviously have a different perceptions of hate. |
Lord Jacob Rothschild Confronted: This is one of the 12 videos you will see released on May 31st during our 12 hour Donation Drive broadcast at Bilderberg. Help WeAreChange reach our goal @ watch live here "For decades, a shadowy and secret elite organization called the Bilderberg Group has plotted policy together that subjugates humanity under the cover of darkness. On the first day of the Bilderberg Group meeting in Chantilly, VA on May 31st, from 10am to 10pm, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange will shine a much needed light on the group's members and media pundits that have kept details about the group hidden from the American public." |
Edited by
Thu 05/31/12 06:19 PM
obviously nature intends reproduction obviously two individuals of the same sex cannot physically reproduce together obviously homosexuality is against nature obviously for homosexuality to occur nature must wish to eliminate a species obviously nature tried to eliminate homosapiens several times obviously homosapiens defeated the plague, hiv/aids, syphilis, and many other diseases polio etc. obviously nature approaches the elimination of humanity by reproducing homosexuals reducing the amount of homosapiens through this process obviously god would be for natural intention of reproduction methods rather than against them as well as mother nature Your points are not really that obvious... are you saying that if our species is eliminated it is because of homosexuality? The only thing that would obviously disturb god and mother nature would be hating another for loving...THAT'S not natural. |