she does because we werent married at the time. so it makes it harder
for the father to get the right, because they favor the mothers more than the fathers..the pretty much put the fathers aside. Ive been dating this person for 5 years i didnt want to get married because i wanted to know that is was her that i wanted to get married. when the problems get heavy she will be there to help. my ex mom hates me to death she is the main cause that this happened. i gave my gf 5 trys to makes things better..somthing that a guy would not normally do. and this time she took off rihgt out of the blue, i called her up and she told the cops that i was herassing her even though i was worried about my daughter. i guess this is how the relationship ends, and where a new one will start. and yes i meet a new girl im moving with her sometime in a month or two she understands me and i do have a lawyer for my daughter and no one will take that away from me. the only thing that keeps me going is her, and god and for the wonderful things that will happen for me in the future. |
wow -_-
i try to call her up asking about my baby but she just call the cops on
me ..... And Yes Wonder i do pray to god to help me out i know one day i will have my baby she's just 2 1/2 just look's like me |
HOw's everone doing "Cry" i'm feeling Blue </3 i dont have my baby girl
it's funny well nto that funny but i'm trying to be with my baby and my ex dont want that at all and there is mom's out there that wan there dad's to be there but the dad's dont care about that baby and HERE i am here tryng to be with my baby "Cry" Woman" -_- god plz help me out or someone !! |
im in the dark
wow 2 yr old guy
im in the dark
Hay KariZman if u dont love God then just Shut up and go it is not nice
of you makeing form's in here talking like that ur not 2 Yr old kid ur old now u know what god is ( what's up with ppl now day's ) |
Eyes, smile or legs? Pick
Eyes, smile or legs? Pick
wow Boredchick07 ur like in JSH like allllll day u need to go out there |
it's that time now
Night everone GO! to bed
i am see ya guy's and girl's |
fear and love
Boredchick07 be nice
One word GAME- Join
wowo what a woman
Mr. Right VS. Mr. Right NOW
u need tips ??????????????????
Hello everone
i so kill the form's >_>
Hello everone
lol bor >_<
Hello everone
It's nice here but noone to talk to here "Cry"
Hello everone
Hello everone how's the night being for ya all
New Couple from Here
GRATS!!!!!!!!!!! and i hope ur happy
Hello Sexies
where are all the good women
............sooooooo what now about "Woman"