In my experience -- and this is a statistically limited sampling -- "I'm looking for a smart man" means "I'm not looking for a smart man, I'm looking for a guy with a large hole in his back where I can insert a steering wheel." nooooooooooooo .. let I tell you the latest translation of it : "I'm looking for a smart guy ... who's going to listen to me when I talk or knows how to pretend that he is care what I'm talking about ... oh and never to ask me questions like "How much spent after the shopping ritual.. |
I have a problem with someone who claims to be unique and then goes on to write exactly the same thing everyone else writes. That does not conform to my understand of "unique." hahaha .. I feel that you are not so patient person but will come day when you going to understand that ppl are unique in their stupidity also ... and sometime smart ppl are more funny in their claims and pretensions than "smurt" ppl You'd be surprised how many people have written to me and said "After reading your post about profiles, I decided to go back and look at my own and make some changes." hmmmm .. this is bad ... now these profiles are not their true reflection of what they are but "make up" profiles .. lol Now, if you want to say, "Well, this person has unique DNA nucleotide encoding patterns!" then, sure, you've got a point. They usually don't say that in the profile though. hahaha about DNA - god knows ,maybe one day they'll find the chromosome or its inhibitor of our human's stupidity |
I'm just trying to have some fun and make a point (OK, maybe a couple of points) at the same time. Obviously some get it and some don't. Hey LexFonteyne, I'm agree with the points in you post , its so true but let me ask you something: 1. To whom you address your post - to the ppl with native English language or to all , including foreigners? 2. If I'm a foreigner or someone who grew up and was living long time abroad and my grammar is not good but by my post I can prove that I'm not only highly educated but I have also equal deep and serious knowledge are you going to count me .. ermm not intelligent and disable for an intellectual discussion ? And I'm apologize but the claim:"I'm the most unique person you'll ever meet!" is absolutely true ! Each one is absolutely unique person and if you try to understand the ppl you talk and meet , you'll be really surprised to find out this. And that most of the ppl don't meet your expectations is other point here. I don't think that the thread you created about profiles will help someone to improve their profile or their style of writing or the way of thinking but only to feel insult . |
jeeeeez .. this is so funny... you won my admiration
/ still laughing here ../ |
So, I have an odd question. Lets say you know, understand, and accept that you are a complete idiot (and probably enjoy the fact) but you would rather just leave a few mispelled words as a fair warning to people? I can't stop laughing here ... |
How do you face your fears?
I am interested to see how others face their fears. I create new one, bigger than previous |
"Little" Things...
What "little" things have YOU noticed lately? my salary |
But not only also win a crown that says "I had a date with Patsfan". They'll mail it to you. sorry this a penalty |
I have extra tickets
I have 4 extra tickets for the Robbie Knievel (son of Evil Knievel) event at the Alliant Center this weekend in Madison, WI , if anybody wants them. He's going to try to jump 1,000 Obama supporters with a bulldozer. Should be a good time. surpriseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ..... I sent him my pic and now he'll jump 2,000 /once without a bulldozer/ |
<<------- was looking at the pics and profiles here and found out something amazing - so so so much beautiful women , so much nice looking men , so friendly and good posts I was thinking only one :
It's time for true love and happiness in your life and I wish you to all of you from all my heart ... |
Hello and welcome hope you make many friends here Thank you so much and I hope you'll be one of my friends ! |
hello and welcome Thank you ! for you awww you're so sweet. we need more people like you around here. aaaaaah thank you .. you make my day ! we'll talk soon Thank you to all of you ! |
hi to all!! Thank you ! |
hello and welcome Thank you ! for you |
Welcome thank you |
Enjoy your stay thank you !!!!! |
from me : |
Hi newbie have fun!! thank youuuuuuu I hope because I see so so nice ppl here ! Its amazing ! |
You look really swell to be almost 90... hahaha I'm an updated granny ... |
im normally the first warning to new people to RUUUUN if they value their sanity........ but, seeing as your nuts im sure youve found your home welcome to the nut train hahaha thank you ! and I have nothing to lose - I'm insane .: |