Community > Posts By > trubeliever

trubeliever's photo
Wed 07/01/09 07:42 PM
Boaz here, good luck!!!waving

trubeliever's photo
Wed 07/01/09 07:40 PM
I dont think so sister. Good luck with that.

trubeliever's photo
Wed 07/01/09 07:37 PM
I am actually meeting some very nice people here. But I'm not in any rush. But when I do find him I will ask about the brother
Have a great day.

trubeliever's photo
Wed 07/01/09 07:28 PM
Yes i do and i thank Him for it.

trubeliever's photo
Wed 07/01/09 07:23 PM
AMEN to that!!!!

trubeliever's photo
Wed 07/01/09 07:12 PM
The Holy Spirit live in u when you are a believer and have asked him in your heart. Jesus does love you but He wont live in you until you accept Him. Ok now yes i did say Jesus wont live in you. so someone is saying thought u said the Holy Spirit. That is the Trinity God the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. To someone who does not believe it will not make any sence. I probably did not explain it right but thats the best i can do. Hope it helped anyway.

trubeliever's photo
Wed 07/01/09 06:39 PM
hi stephen for me the big bang theory just dont make sense that one day BANG!!! and this beautiful earth with trees, flowers, people, water just was. but i guess most of ya'll think it dont make sense to believe in a God who created all of this so i guess we will have to just disagree and that is ok nothing wrong with disagreeing with people that is what makes us, us. And I for one am very glad to be me. Ok, sorry babblinglaugh
Anyway have a great week

trubeliever's photo
Wed 07/01/09 06:28 PM
rant No argument here, thought it made perfect sence to me. But I have been told I am very
But thats ok I like being diluted its worked for me for 19yrs.
God Bless:angel: Ya'll be good.waving

trubeliever's photo
Tue 06/30/09 05:04 PM
I read this whole thread and some of it was very interesting. I do believe in marriage as man and woman. I do believe the Bible and no i dont understand it all. Jesus was not married to anyone but if He was married that would of been ok. I dont think we (Christians) are into excuse making,It's just the reasons are not what you want. Things in this world cant always be explained. I respect all of your views even though I trully dont understand them.
I would like to know something do ya'll believe in the big bang theory?
Just woundering.

trubeliever's photo
Tue 06/30/09 03:50 PM
Nicely put Eljay.bigsmile

trubeliever's photo
Tue 06/30/09 03:39 PM
God wont stop you doing whatever u want to do that is free will. You can call me diluted if you want but I do believe in Him and I dont like it one bit being told what to do, thats the thing now I want to do the things of God.
I'm sorry you have had a bad experience with church and people in the churches. And there are some out there who are in it for all the wrong reasons and shame on them. But the thing is one day they will have to answer for what they have done and so will we. I do hope you change your mind and dont give up on Him, He wont give up on You.

trubeliever's photo
Sun 06/28/09 08:32 PM
I think it can because the Lord knows where our hearts are. We dont have to be on our knees with hands folded, He will hear, that is the wounderful thing about Him. God bless.

trubeliever's photo
Fri 06/26/09 07:48 PM
You dont have a good healthy debate about anything I have been reading lots of posts in the general and its all the same. If someone wanted to discuss a different belief that would be great I find in very interesting to learn about someone else beliefs. But you are right anyone can post in here. I dont want to argue about what i believe that is unproductive, and what you say wouldnt change my mind anyway. In saying that if you feel strongly about your beliefs I have just as much respect for you, that you will stick to what you believe. If anyone would like to tell me about what they believe i would love to hear it. Thanks and may God bless.

trubeliever's photo
Thu 06/25/09 09:54 PM
laugh LOL...LOL..I am going to have to remember that to tell a man at church he is in his 80's and loves good jokes cant wait to tell him. Love it!!!!!rofl

trubeliever's photo
Thu 06/25/09 09:46 PM
In Lev.11 it says we are not to eat hare(rabbit). But in Acts 10:10-15,11:5-9, it says that God cleansed all the animals (that my wording). You can read it and come to your own conclusion but mine is you can eat whatever you want (even if it is a rodent..LOL). Now I'm not that Bible smart, but since i read the question I have been searching using my SwordSearch, and my Pastor on speed dial..haha. Hope this helps.

trubeliever's photo
Thu 06/25/09 08:34 PM
I have to say that is a good question and i have no answer and for me not to have an opinion is something in its self. I have always been taught that sex was for marriage and i guess we would have to follow what the law says marriage is. Thats why i came in here to see what others had to say.

trubeliever's photo
Thu 06/25/09 08:10 PM
scared No I'm not scared off just dont get on here as much as everyone else. Blood bought is Jesus paied the price for my sins when He died on the cross. And I know ya'll wont understand, you dont want to. You have to much fun belittling Christians. You are right everyone can come in here but what i dont understand is why. The great thing is you dont have to agree with me that is your right but there is also nothing any of u can say to change my mind either. I know what I have experienced in my life. Ya'll have fun I know u will.surprised

trubeliever's photo
Wed 06/24/09 08:14 PM
This has been a very good discussion. I just resently broke up with this guy for this very reason. He wanted to have sex i said no that I wanted to wait till i was married needless to say it did not go over very well I know the Bible says we are to wait, but i will say if he had been more patient i probably would of eventually. I really did love him (no thats no excuse but there it is). And It is very hard to not have sex when u are with someone u love. I dont know what I will do when i Find someone, guess we'll see.

trubeliever's photo
Wed 06/24/09 07:46 PM
In every forum I have been that is suposed to be church based there have been non-churched people or people who dont want to go anymore. I really dont understand why u are here in these. I would love to talk to some Christians and if u are woundering that is a blood bought born again person, that is a Christian. I am not religious you can be religious about anything. Maybe ya'll are like me and kind of sick of hearing all the yammeringgrumble that has been going on here.frustrated Maybe I can find some (christians).:angel:

trubeliever's photo
Tue 06/23/09 10:27 PM
I'm looking for a good man to spend time with and do things with. I'm not looking for a whrilwind romance, nore am i looking for a hookup. I do want a serious relationship eventually, but for now I just want to have fun. I love to laugh and joke around. Would love to talk.:wink: