Community > Posts By > hopefulhoffman
No More Whining or I’m bored
even though is 25 below right now i get the day off and its mt birthday tomorrow.and ill get my kids this weekend for the first time in 3 months woohoo!
I shaved my head
from one shaved head to another it looks good.and trust me it makes shower time go faster.and si so much easier to maintain.good for you welcome to the club of hairless men.not only a client but life long member lol!
men are slaves to what they think other men like.then there are those who have enough sence to realise.a woman is beautiful from the inside out.i was raised to see people for who they are not what they look like.but the average man tends to think bimbos are the best thing god created.all i can say to men that think that way,is it must suck to be you.and even though woman can be just as enslaved by the smae attraction.they are in more control of the out come.where men arent.
Am I being unreasonable?
i am a farther of two beautiful children i love and adore.and would lay my life down for ever in the state i live in i have not been abble to adapt to the way people live or think i must move to a place where i can be means i give up a lot of rights.but in the past my son has shown much anger towards his mom after being with it makes sence that if his niot being around me helps him at home and school.that i should be the bigger parent and stay out of the picture till hes old enough to understand.that i will always be different then his mom.and the love he gets from me will be different.still thinking about his life and education is more important then my want mor need to see him just an example of whatwe as parents should be thinking about.not ourselve
Am I being unreasonable?
i agree on all counts with the other parent paying for the help of raising the child they helped bring into this world.however.i do not believe its right or fair to let an organisation like the goverment to determine what they should pay.or how they should pay many parents are in jail now or cant drive becuase.we the people let the goverment take control.and the child suffers.its not about the is and should always be about a child being abble to understand who they are.and what makes them them.if they dont get exposed to both sides of there heritage.then they grow not understanding why they react to things the way they do.and our saying your just like your(mom or dad)doesnt help.when they dont know there (mo or dad)personally.leaving confussion in there minds and as far as money is concerned we have taught or children to value it over family.and when the chips are down for us,as they get older.we the parents become useless to them and get left has and is continueing to happen every day.just look atthe last ten years of life and youll see.children are growing away from family.think about it.on there level noty just your own is all i sujest.
airbrushed Jessica Alba
well that is very true about the influence others have on our ever we the parents forgot the one thing our parents taught use.stand up for your your self,regaurdless of what others think.but we are so easy to give them what they want.and dont push enough to make them work for it.that the generations to come are gonna be the worst ones yet.the hole cps thing in america has gotten out of control.spare the rod spoil the child.i dont believe in sevier punishment.but ill be the first to addmit i got what i desreved as a kid when i was bad.switch,belt.ect.and if anyone says thats wronge is not listening to your parent when they say keep it up and ill make you get a switch,belt or ect.and pushing the envelope.thats wrongei learned alot of respect from my parents growing up.becuase i was taught not to push my luck
airbrushed Jessica Alba
its not just hollywood,every media in the world alters hopes that that look will incurage others to buy things to look that way.for men and woman a like,its a way to control the process of income.
airbrushed Jessica Alba
just so you know the only way changes will be made is if theres a proffit in it other wise except the fact that nothing is or ever will be what it appears to be in a magazine or on t.v.i agree with all but the fact is nothing is as it appears.
airbrushed Jessica Alba
also i know for a fact that every pic that goes in a magazine,new paper,ect.that gets published is touched up for eye apeal.if things where presented the way they really look.people would have a much different out look on has been this way for many years.even the images you get off your tv are stop acting like your shocked wake up and open your eyes.
airbrushed Jessica Alba
o.k for starters all magazine pics are airbrushed.all of them,no exceptions.and i would like to comment on a topic i missed the other day.why are people so mean!!!!to me the problem isnt that we are mean we forgot that in the end whether you realise it or not.that the person you make friends with the very same person who can save your life tomorrow.literaly!to many people have given up what they learned in the 60s 70s effort to be excepted by the younger generation.trying so hard not be like our parents.and forgeting or failing to addmit.that they got what they deserved as children.or trying to do beter then there parents.and in doing so we loose site of what they where really trying to teach to tell real people from to know when someone is your friend and when they are just looking for someone to use till they get what they children we dont worry about these things so much because.its not the most important thing in our lives.(atleast for me it wasnt)so our friends seemed to last what felt like forever.but then we get older,and are taught respoceability.and the value of possesion,and loose site of whats more important.the fact that we get to live and see another day.for those who take the time to read all this god know what i am saying here.and to those who stop half way or dont get it.ask your mom or dad or grandparents.what it was like when they where younger,and when did they grow out of being a human and became a product of society.cuase as kids we are just small adults we are worse.we are a sex,a consumer,a person who is controled in to living a certain way.think about it.people arent mean they forgot how to be people.they forgot how to be human
by george |
i would just like to add that there are very few ugly people in the world.we are more beautiful the we realise.unfortunatly we have been exposed to those who try to keep us from seeing our beauty.because they want to control how we see ourselves.and how we live our lives.but the people i see on this forum are all dont let the rest of the world who needs to nock others so they can feels beter about them selves bring you down.there just insecure.a friend to all george
Neurotica (rev)
and i spelt the word neurotica wronge because i refuse to let the labbles life offers.control the way i see or feel about my self.
Neurotica (rev)
all i can say to that is wow!you spend to much time podering the negative and not enough time injoy the a world where we can be what ever we choose.why choose to look apon our selves in a negative far as being naurotic.we are in some ways all naurotic.its a human trate.but yet we choose to control the level we have by the method we live by.just an opinion.but reading the peom i just read if i saw my self like that i would be in a constant state of!
ah the meaning of life question?well its pretty simple.the truth is you have to find your own it be to live life to the fullest,and injoy everythingyou do.(my favorite)or to just live day by day trying to dictate the outcome of everything that happens before you.lifes meaning is what you make it.not something you can read about or be told about.just remember this the choices we make determin the out come of all we do.hence a reaction causes a chian this
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really i always thought that meant the man had personality problems.becuase if you treat everyone different.then you must feel you have to be different around different i treat all the same work or home.why be to many people at one time that alone is work
Goin Nowhere
that was a great it alot
ill agree with the one guy dl roth was at his best with van halen sad to say.but sammy will rock on regardless of who his back up group is
both where great for van halen its worked for them.the problem was that people want it the way the like not what works for the band.but when you think about it they kept rocking and making hits regardless who was the front man and they came out with good songs that worked for the era they where conecting to.
a new day
my life is full of dought as i live each moment without pain.
so i say my thanks to all that are are warm caring and sincere. for if it wasnt for people like you,i would feel alone and very blue. as i watch the time go bye,i have to smile and take a moment to say hi!!! hi!!! to all always remember to be yourself.a friend to all george |
i would have to say no.but always willing to make friends